[PART 27]

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Taehyung's point of view

That name sounded familiar, at first I didn't recognize it.
But it didn't take me long to realize whose name is it.

My heart stopped working.
Y/n's dad? It was a lot to process at that moment,
I never saw that coming.

I immediately ran to class so mr. Davis won't catch me listening to the conversation.
I didn't know what to think.

I got into class slowly, everyone turned their heads to stare at me.
"You're late" The teacher said, but I didn't listen to him.
I searched for y/n in the class, and once I found her, I looked into her eyes.
"Taehyung?" The teacher said but I kept looking at
y/n, and she looked back at me.
I almost had tears in my eyes.
Y/n... who the fuck are you.

"Taehyung!" I flinched to the sound of the teacher yelling, I was distracted.
"Y-yes sir..." I said back.
"Sit down please. I want to start the lesson" The teacher said and I nodded.

I sat down in class, but I couldn't focus on anything.
The only thing I kept thinking of is how y/n and her dad are related to Olivia's death.

The lesson reached its end, and I immediately walked out of class.
I skipped the other classes and went straight to my room, I couldn't handle it anymore.
I came to only one conclusion-
Y/n's father got her into this school this year after Olivia's death.
All of the evidence were pointing at mr. Davis, which was not really surprising since mr. Davis is a really bad person with a corrupted mind, but the conversation he had on the phone with y/n's dad changed everything.
He has a partner, who is y/n's dad.
Y/f/n brought y/n into the school so she can spy on me.
That's the reason she got closer to me in the first place.
That explains why she never wants to talk about her dad.
Every time we step closer to find Olivia's murderer, she must be passing the information to her father.

I don't even know why, but I was sure this was completely true.

I felt betrayed.
Especially because y/n is the one I love the most right now, and I couldn't stop the tears from coming out.

I really thought y/n betrayed me.
I really thought she got closer to me and made me fall in love with her, just so she can cooperate with her father.
I knew I was taking a risk opening up to her and letting her into my heart after what happened with Olivia. But I had no idea this is how it's going to end.

Your point of view

Taehyung was late to class today, and I'll never forget the way he looked at me when he got in.
It's like he had pain in his eyes, but I couldn't tell why he was like that.
I don't even know why i still care about him so much after what he did to me... I just can't forget him.
I really let him into my heart so deeply.

I know I said he is nothing to me, but deep down I knew I wanted him to apologize and make everything alright.
I miss him a lot.

When class was over, I walked in the hall when I suddenly felt a hand touching my shoulder.
I turned around to see Yoongi.
"Hey..." He said and smiled a little. I knew he must've wanted to talk to me about Taehyung.
"Hi" I answered back.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked politely and I nodded.
"Okay then, let's go somewhere more quiet" he answered and we both walked outside and sat on the bench.
"I guess you already know what I want to talk to you about" He said and I sighed.
"Yea...." I said quietly and he started speaking.
"Well... what you saw in the video was real" He said and I got angry.
"Well thank you for making me feel better" I answered back before he could finish speaking.
"I'm not done yet." He kept saying.
"What you saw in the video was real, but it wasn't the whole conversation.
Where do I start...
There's a game going on between the boys in our class.
It's a competition which I completely oppose, and it goes like this:
Every boy who makes out with a girl or hooks up with a girl in this school, gets ten points.
The boy with the highest score at the end of the year is the winner.
And, well... since you had a boyfriend, the competition on you was he biggest, because you were worth hundred points.
You probably noticed that a lot of guys were trying to flirt with you- that was because of the game.
I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or stupid, but I really feel like it's time to say something about it before another girl gets hurt.
I want you to spread this so this game will stop y/n."
He said and before I could even say anything he kept speaking.

"And about Taehyung... well, you already know him. once he heard you're worth hundred points, he immediately went for it.
And I kept telling him not to, but he he was stubborn.
When he told me back in the bathroom that the two of you kissed, I was pissed off.
My reaction was what you heard in the video.
I was angry at him.
But the video reached its end exactly at the moment where Taehyung exposed his true feelings.
And I want you to look into my eyes when I tell you this" Yoongi said as I lifted my head up to look into his eyes.
"For the first time after a long time, Taehyung finally fell in love again. And he fell in love with you.
He told me that he didn't kiss you because of the game.
He told me the game doesn't matter to him when he's with you, because he LOVES you.
He said he can't stop thinking about you, and that he never used you.
You have to believe me y/n." Yoongi finished speaking, and I didn't know what to say.
Was he lying or not?
"Yoongi I... how do I know you're not lying to me just so Taehyung can get back to me" I answered.
"Y/n you know me. There's no way I'd lie to you about it" He said back, and to be honest, Yoongi wasn't one of those people who lie and keep secrets.
Yoongi is a decent boy, and even more than that- he's an amazing friend.

"You're probably right... I'll go and talk to Taehyung later on. Thank you for telling me this" I said back and both of us hugged at the end.
"Please be there for him. He needs you" Yoongi said and I felt bad with myself.
I accused Taehyung for using me without even bothering to listen to him.

I walked back inside of the school's building straight into the men's dorm.
I really wanted to talk to Taehyung about everything.
My heart was beating so fast, I just wanted everything to be normal again.
I needed Taehyung more than ever.
I was about to knock on the door of his room when I saw that it was already open.
I opened the door slowly and heard the sound of sniffing.
I frowned.
"Taehyung?" I asked as I got in, but no one was in the room.
I kept walking inside and followed the sounds which led to the bathroom.
Taehyung suddenly opened the door of the bathroom to see me. He didn't expect it.
"Taehyung..." I said worriedly as I saw his red face and eyes, the tears that slid down his cheek and the trembling lips.
I was about to hug him tightly, I couldn't see him like that. But when I got closer, he became aggressive and pushed me away.
"DONT YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" He yelled at me and I flinched. I wasn't prepared for such a response.
"Woah what happened?!" I said back confused, why was he treating me this way?

"Taehyung Yoongi told me everything... I wanted to talk to you about the misunderstanding of the video-" I said but he cut my sentence.
"How could you?" His voice shivered and broke several times. His tears filled his eyes all over again.
"What do you mean?" I frowned, I had no idea what he was talking about.
"COME ON STOP PRETENDING!" He screamed and punched the wall so hard that his fist started bleeding.
"Taehyung what is wrong with you?!" I yelled back this time, I don't know what got into him.
"What?!" I answered. How the hell is my dad related to all of this?
"You are SICK y/n. You're completely insane.
I didn't know people can be so cruel..."
he said and my eyes started filling with tears too now.
"What did I do to deserve this..." I mumbled as the tears threatened to leave me eyes.
"Are you really going to cry now? ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO FUCKING CRY NOW?!" He yelled once again and threw the chair that was next to him on the wall.
"Bravo y/n. You really need to get an Oscar for your acting" he said as he clapped his hands sarcastically.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I came here to make things right but instead I get yelled at for literally NOTHING." I shouted back, I couldn't stand the fact that he was yelling at me.
"Oh I know what you are y/n..." He tried so hard not to break down in front of me, but I wish I knew what he meant.
"Oh yea? And what am I exactly Kim Taehyung?" I said and crossed my hands angrily.
"You are a CHEATER.
I should've known you'll betray me as well after what you did to Hoseok. Or maybe your relationship with Hoseok was a lie too? I really don't know anymore!
You're a fucking cheater y/n, and will always be" His words hurt me in a way that I couldn't describe.
The last thing I wanted was hearing all of these awful things from the guy that I love.
"A c-cheater?" I couldn't speak properly. I was completely out of words.
"I know what you and your father are up to." He said and I didn't understand anything.
"What does this have to do with my father?" I kept repeating that question in me head.
I just wanted to run away and cry. Taehyung wasn't himself.
"You're making me realize you're just like every other boy in this shitty school." I started crying in front of him.
"And you're making me wish you never existed."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now