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I slowly walked out of the bathroom, trying to pretend I haven't seen anything.
I was hoping not to get lost as I searched for my room, feeling stressed moment by moment.
I sighed when I finally found my room, and I opened it slowly.
There were three girls sitting on their beds and they were staring at me.
"Hi..." one of them said and gave me a little smile.
"Hey" I said and smiled back as I put my things on the empty bed.
"What's your name?" Another girl asked.
"Y/n" I answered shyly.
"I'm Caroline, but you can call me Carol. These are Anna and Sadie." Carol said, being super nice.
"Also you should change your clothes into the school's uniform... There is a gathering of the whole school in the hall in a couple of minutes." Carol kept saying and smiled.

"That's what I was going to do" I said as I picked the uniform that was laying on the bed and went into the bathroom.
"Do you want us to wait for you?" Sadie asked.
"No, thanks. I guess I can get there on my own" I answered and kept walking into the bathroom. I was taking my time, not only changing my clothes, but also still trying to process everything, taking deep breaths.

When I walked out of the bathroom after I changed, the girls weren't there. I assumed they all left to the gathering.
I didn't really know where to go.
I noticed that the halls were empty, probably because everyone already was in the gathering, and I realized I was late.
Being late to something on the first day of school... that is a thing I wouldn't wish for anyone.
I tried to find the auditorium, but I had no idea where it was.
I kept searching, I didn't even know where I was.

Suddenly, I felt a hand touching my shoulder, I almost jumped.
"You're in the men's dorm area. You can't be here" I heard the same deep voice that I heard back in the bathroom.
I turned around quickly, seeing Taehyung in front of my eyes.
"I-I'm I-I don't even k-know where I-" I began stuttering, I was stressed out. I didn't want to get into trouble.
Taehyung rolled his eyes slowly and sighed.
"Come with me" He said and I walked after him.
I had no choice.
I stared at him with a cold face as he turned his face around to look at me.
Taehyung seemed so mysterious. I've never seen anyone like him before.
"You need to stop staring at people" He said when he noticed I was staring at him again, and smirked as I looked away quickly and blushed.

Taehyung showed me the way to the auditorium, and we opened the door slowly. We got in super quietly, so anyone wouldn't notice that we're late.
We found two empty seats, and we sat next to each other slowly.
The principal was speaking into the microphone, and everyone were listening.

"This is the first day of school after the tragedy that had happened last year. It's the first day without our beloved, caring student, Olivia Wilson. May she rest in piece." The principal said with a sorrowful face, and a depressing tone.
"What tragedy happened last year...?" I whispered to Taehyung curiously.
"Olivia..." He said and gulped.
"she was a student in this school.
Last year... she committed suicide in the bathroom of her room. She hanged herself." Taehyung said with an apathetic face.
"What..." I whispered with a shocked tone, not knowing how to respond.
"I'm... I'm speechless" I said as I felt the goosebumps passing through my body.
"Do you know why she did what she did...?" I asked curiously.

"No, and I guess I don't want to know either." Taehyung said and looked at me sharply, causing me to flinch a little.
I don't know why, but I had that little feeling that Taehyung was lying. Deeply down I had a feeling that he knew something. But again, it was only a feeling.

"Poor girl... I feel sorry for her and her family" I kept saying nervously.
"Don't be." Taehyung said, and without any warning, he slowly got up and walked out of the auditorium rapidly. I gave him a weird, suspicious look.

I kept sitting in the auditorium, feeling super disturbed as suddenly, the doors of the auditorium opened up dramatically, and I could see a bunch of cops getting in.
All of the students that were sitting in the auditorium, began turning their heads to face the cops, and started whispering things to each other.

The whole auditorium was filled with whispers and conversations between everyone, as the cops interrupted the principal in the middle of his speech.
One of the cops got on stage and whispered something into the principal's ear.
The principal seemed shocked and worried as he got off stage with the cop, and all of them went out of the auditorium quickly.
Everyone began to panic now.
"What the fuck is going on?!" One of the girls yelled, and I didn't know what to think anymore.
"Calm down everyone and sit down please. Nothing had happened, so don't make any unnecessary drama."
One of the teachers said into the microphone, making everyone be a little quiet.
"We will explain everything later. Now I demand you to sit down. The student who don't listen to my words, will end up sitting in the detention room on the first day of school." The teacher kept saying, basically "threatening" us.
Even though she tried to calm us down, everyone new that something was wrong.

After about twenty minutes, the teachers instructed us to walk outside of the auditorium and go to our rooms.
All of the students walked in the crowded hall, and everyone seemed concerned and worried.
As I finally got into my room, the rest of my roommates were there, and I saw their disturbed faces.
"This is so fucked up." I could hear Carol saying to both Sadie and Anna.
"I knew Olivia wasn't capable of doing that to herself..." Sadie said back.
"Gosh girls... I can't believe it..." Anna said and I looked at them confused.
"What's wrong? Why is everybody freaking out?" I asked Carol, Anna and Sadie curiously and nervously. They all exchanged glances and looked more serious by every second.
"You've probably already heard of Olivia... and the police just found out that apparently... Olivia's suicide case was actually a homicide..." Sadie said and looked at the ground.
I froze. A murder?! In this boarding school?! I didn't know how to respond to what I just heard.
I gulped as I sat on my bed, they told us not to get out of our rooms until further notice.
The girls kept talking, but I was just laying on my bed, thinking about Taehyung and the whole incident with Olivia.
Where was he? I guess nobody knew.

"Taehyung must be devastated" Carol said and sighed.
I frowned.
"Why would he feel devastated...?" I asked.
The girls exchanged glances with each other and I felt more and more curious.
"So I guess you don't know about Olivia's and Taehyung's heartbreaking love story..." Sadie said and my mouth opened up a little.
"Taehyung and Olivia were... were together?!" I asked dramatically, I was shocked.
"So you're telling me that Olivia got killed while she was still Taehyung's girlfriend?" I kept asking.
"I don't know if it's true, but I've heard they broke up before it happened. There was a big fight between them..
Rumors say he was still in love with her when she died." Carol replied, I didn't know what to think.
"Hey, can we please change the subject. I really don't want to talk about it." Anna suddenly said, the whole thing made her freak out, so we talked about other things.

After about an hour, the manager announced on the speaker that we can get out of our rooms and continue the day as usual.
But how can you continue a day as usual after hearing this?
That was too harsh for me to take on the first day.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now