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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Your point of view

Words left me. I stared into those bright eyes, I was burning with anger, and my heart fell silent.
I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't will my lips to move.
We just stared at each other. Speechless.
"Were you here this whole time...?" He suddenly asked quietly.
But still, I couldn't utter a sound out of my mouth, and my eyes filled with tears.
I looked away and started heading to the exit, I didn't answer him.
"Y/n..." his voice softened as he grabbed my hand, but I pulled my hand away rapidly and walked away before he could even say anything.

I don't even know what to expect anymore.
I've been hurt so much recently.
Finding Taehyung with another girl after he yelled at me for no reason makes me want to scream.

I walked in the party and tried to hold my tears inside.

Taehyung's point of view

I didn't want to hurt y/n like that.
I always care for her deep inside my heart, but my acts show otherwise.

But I don't know anymore.
Maybe we're just not meant to be with each other.
Maybe we were just fooling ourselves.

I feel like I've hurt her too much.
At this point I'm starting to think I'm not right for her.
The moment she walked out of the bathroom I bursted out crying.
I wasn't crying because I was hurt, I was crying because I've hurt the person I love.
Maybe I should... let her go?

I walked out of the bathroom after wiping my tears.
I put my mask on and walked among the people in the crowded party.

I wanted to get out of there, so I walked outside to get some fresh air.
I sat on a bench in the garden and took a deep breath as I saw someone from afar.
It was the gardener, he watered the plants.
We both exchanged glances, he suddenly stared at me.

I was about to walk away, when suddenly I remembered what was written in Olivia's personal file.
"Gardening boots... size 42..." I thought to myself as I turned my head to face the gardener again.
I approached him slowly as he looked away.
"Hey!" I shouted and he stared at me slowly once again.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked as he frowned.
"What" He answered back with his deep, raspy voice.
I looked down at his gardening boots.
"Where did you get these boots?" I asked him and he looked at me strangely. I don't know if he looked at me that way because it's weird that I'm randomly asking him where he got his dirty shoes from, or because he's hiding something.
"And a young man like you wants gardening boots... for what?" He started asking as if he was investigating me.
"I just need to know, if you don't mind" I answered back and gulped, the gardener looked creepy.
"I got those from the school's basement.
They keep there the boots for the gardeners." He replied and I nodded.
"Okay... thanks" I answered and walked away rapidly.

I wasted no time.
I immediately walked to the school's basement, trying to find these boots.
The basement was dark and was filled with dust.

I began coughing as I searched for the boots.
I opened one of the cupboards, and luckily, it was filled with tons of these boots.
The I grabbed one boot and checked the sole, but I couldn't remember how the footprint looked at the photo in Olivia's personal file.
I pulled my phone out and took a photo of the sole, after that I immediately went back up to the building of the school.
Everyone were at the party, including me. Davis.
I saw that as an opportunity to get into his office and take a look at the photo again.

I walked into the office and opened the drawer I opened the last time, but the file with the pictures weren't there.
I kept searching everywhere, but the file was nowhere to be found.
"Fuck..." I mumbled.

I walked out of the office, hoping no one saw me.
I went straight back to my room, everyone were still in the party.
I took a long shower, and thought about everything.
Y/n didn't leave my mind.
How am I supposed to explain everything to her?

I stepped a foot out of the shower and grabbed my phone.
I texted her.

Your point of view

After seeing Taehyung, I didn't want to stay at the party anymore.
I told my roommates I'm going back to my room, and left the place.
I was walking through the hall and I was feeling so weak.
I haven't eaten almost all day long and the dizziness struck me again.
I kept walking but had to take a few stops so I can take a deep breath and stabilize myself.
I took another step and felt my legs weakening underneath, making me collapse.
But before hitting the floor, someone caught me in his arms.
I was so confused as I looked to see who it was.
It was a boy, he looked really familiar but I couldn't remember from where.
"Are you okay? I saw that you weren't feeling okay so I followed you here to see if you're doing fine" He said worriedly as he helped me stand up.
"Yea yea..." I answered, I didn't want to freak him out.
"You're...?" I said, waiting for him to complete my sentence.
"I'm Matt" he said back and smiled a little.
"And you're y/n, I'm going to biology class with you" He kept saying, I guess that's why he looked familiar.
"Really? Sorry I didn't recognize you" I replied and he smirked.

"That's okay. I always wanted to get to know you because you seemed like a nice person unlike many people in this school, but you didn't notice me. Not that I'm blaming you for it, nobody really notices me anyway" He said and his words touched my heart a little.
I felt a little bad with myself for not paying attention to him before, he was so sweet and good looking.
"I'm so sorry... But we can always get to know each other if you want, Matt" I said back, maybe it was a good idea making new friends after all of drama that I've been through.
Matt smile at me and nodded.
"I'll be more than happy to.
But I really need to get back to the party, my friends are waiting for me" He said.

We both continued on our ways, and I was about to enter the main bathroom of the school to wash my face.
The bathroom was empty- again, because everyone were in the party.
I washed my face a little and was about to walk away from there when I suddenly heard sounds coming from the men's bathroom.
It was the sound of kissing.
I approached the door of the men's bathroom curiously, and opened it a little.
I saw two boys making out.
And one of them was... Yoongi?!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now