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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

"Hello? Guys? It's Yoongi..." Yoongi said quietly as he knocked on the door. You and Taehyung immediately got off each other and walked towards the door.
"Yoongi, did you get the keys?"
Taehyung asked, you were waiting there a lot of time.
"Listen... it's much more complicated than you think. The spare key isn't anywhere around. I think it's with one of the cleaners..." Yoongi said, you and Taehyung looked at each other strangely.
"W-What does that...?" You asked Yoongi but couldn't finish your sentence because you were still drunk and forgot the words.
"What?" Yoongi asked.
"What does that mean?" Taehyung completed your sentence.
"The cleaner that has the keys will be coming only in the morning..." Yoongi answered and you wanted to die.
"In the morning?!" Both of you were surprised. You were about to spend the night with each other.
"Yes... I'm so sorry. I've tried my best finding the key" Yoongi apologized.
"it's not your fault, now go to sleep, it's late..." Taehyung told Yoongi and he left you all alone.

"Hoseok... he must be looking for me..." you mumbled as you laid on the floor, only wanting to sleep.
"Don't worry about it now. Just go to sleep" Taehyung said as he turned off the lights of the room, slowly laying next to you.
The cold, hard floor wasn't comfortable at all, but you had to deal with it.
"It's cold..." you whispered.
Without thinking twice, Taehyung took off his Jacket and covered you with it.
You fell asleep within five minutes, you were super tired and the alcohol made you even more tired.
Taehyung just laid on his back, unlike you, he could not fall asleep, not after reading Olivia's personal file.
His head was filled with thoughts, everything was shocking.
After a few minutes he stood up, he just couldn't sleep.
He walked in the room, going through some stuff.
He sat on the comfortable chair, thinking of you and how he wanted you so badly.

After a few minutes, he got bored, so he kept walking in the room, until he noticed one open drawer.
He opened it slowly, and there was only one file in it.
Taehyung grabbed the file, and when he opened it, he thought he was about to collapse.

There were graphic photos of Olivia's body after she was murdered.
Taehyung swallowed his saliva, started sweating and felt pain in his stomach.
There were blue, red, purple bruises on her naked body everywhere.
Apparently, her murderer stepped on her multiple times and abused her.
According to the footprint, the murderer was wearing special gardening boots, size 42.
Taehyung went through the horrible photos, wondering what they were doing in mr. Davis's office and not in the police station.
Taehyung could no longer hold it inside, he fell on the ground and started throwing up.
The photos made his body react this way, it was terrible.
He threw up silently, because he didn't want to wake you up.
"Shit..." He mumbled after throwing up at least four times, realizing the whole floor was a mess.
He put the file away, he could no longer look at the photos, and started searching for a paper roll to clean all of the mess he had caused.

After he cleaned the mess, he sat down next to you, but now he couldn't sleep even more.
He stayed up all night until the morning arrived, he didn't close his eyes for more than five seconds.

"Wake up...." Taehyung whispered to you with his tired tone as the morning arrived.
You slowly opened your eyes, your head was aching.
"What time is it? Gosh my stomach and head hurts..." You said as you slowly woke up.
"And what is this smell??" You said while turning your face to look at Taehyung.
"Please don't tell me you didn't sleep..." you said as you saw the big black eye bags under Taehyung's eyes.
"I'm sorry for the smell. I threw up when you were asleep" Taehyung told you and you gave him a worried expression.
"What? Why didn't you wake me up? I would've helped you..." you said and got closer to him.
"I know but I didn't want to wake you up" He answered back and that really warmed your heart because he was so considerate.
"I barely got sleep anyway" You said back and he smirked.
"Barely got sleep? I've never heard someone snoring as loud as you have" he said and the two of you giggled.
"Shut up!" you said and laughed a little more, but suddenly you heard the door of the office opening.

"I stole the key from the cleaner. But now run out of here because the cleaner is about to come in any second and I need to put the key back where it was before she notices" Yoongi opened the door and you and Taehyung immediately ran out of there with him.

All you wanted to do was to sleep and rest.
After you and Taehyung got locked, you spent the rest of the day at your rooms.

The next day came, and it was Monday.
Olivia's first Memorial Day.
Was Taehyung ready for this? He didn't know himself.
After all of the students came back from their homes, they couldn't stop talking about the Memorial Day.
Taehyung didn't know what he was feeling about all of this.

Hoseok came on Monday morning as well to visit you.
He was a little angry because you didn't answer any of his calls in most of the weekend, but you told him you've lost your phone and couldn't find it for hours.

"Hey love... I heard today is going to be a tough day" Hoseok said as he got into your room. He knew about the Memorial Day and the gathering that was about to come later.
"Yes..." you said back as he walked towards you and kissed your forehead.

"I also know there's a gathering for Olivia's Memorial Day at the auditorium, and a lot of people are going to be there. Even people that aren't from the school are coming to support Olivia's family... so I wanted come too and be with you. I know you didn't know Olivia, but still, everything is super overwhelming and I want to be there for you." Hoseok said to you with a soft tone as he hugged you from behind.
"Thank you..." You said and he kissed your lips delicately.
Hoseok was with you, but you couldn't stop thinking of Taehyung.
You knew how hard this day must be for him, you wondered what he's going through, and you were sad that you couldn't be there for him because Hoseok is here.

All of the students got ready for the gathering.
Everyone wore the clean, ironed school uniform and looked representative.
You walked with Sadie, Anna, Carol and Hoseok to the auditorium along with the rest of the school's students.
You sat down next to Hoseok and Anna at the seats, the whole place was super crowded since a lot of people that weren't even from the school came to respect the whole point of the day.
You searched for Taehyung in the crowded place, hoping to spot him.
You suddenly saw Taehyung from above, sitting at the seats that were closer to the stage.
He looked around as well and saw you from below, the two of you made eye contact but nothing more happened.

"Is everything okay?" Hoseok asked as he noticed that you and Taehyung are staring at each other.
"Y-Yea everything is f-fine" you said and immediately looked away from Taehyung.
"Sit down please, we're about to start" Mr. Davis said on the microphone as he got on the stage.
The audience started being quiet so the principal can start talking. Now there was a complete silence, and Mr. Davis started speaking into the microphone again.
"It's the first Memorial Day of our beloved, dear Olivia Wilson..." Mr. Davis kept talking on the microphone, but you couldn't even listen to him.
"He's such a hypocrite" you thought to yourself as mr. Davis started speaking, he hides so many secrets.
After a few minutes, Mr. Davis's speech was about to end.
"Our students made a video of Olivia that includes photos of her in the school. In the video, they'll speak about how she was with her friends- such a loving and caring person. Let's take a moment to watch the video and respect Olivia." The principal finished speaking and got off the stage. The lights were turned off so the people can see the video better in the huge screen on the stage.
The whole school and people eagerly waited to see the video.
It started playing, but it wasn't exactly the video the principal and the whole crowd expected.
It was a video James recorded. A video of Taehyung and Yoongi in the bathroom- we all already know what video.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now