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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥:

Taehyung's point of view

"I'll help you find your parents in return if you tell everyone nothing happened." Thats what she told me after I got mad at her.
I looked around slowly and stared at her strangely.
"You're pathetic" I sighed and kept on walking.
Even though that's what I said to her, I couldn't stop thinking about what she said.
I really wanted to find my parents. If I'm not going to
solve Olivia's case, I want at least to find them.
Except for Yoongi, y/n was the only one who knew about my parents, and at that moment, Yoongi wasn't really capable of helping me find them- also because he was literally laying in the hospital, and also because of his test.
I kept thinking about what she said all day.

Eventually, I decided to tell my friends nothing happened in the photo. In a couple of hours the whole school already knew about the real news of the photo, and all of the boys were happier because that means the competition on y/n was restarted.
I'm not even sure why I did it, but I felt like this is the right thing to do.
That was weird for me, because that behavior was unlike me. Most times I just really didn't give a single fuck about other's feelings if it makes me feel good about myself. But this time, I felt disgusted with myself.

I went to visit Yoongi once again after the lessons were over.
I brought him the books that he needed and helped him to study.
I never saw him that stressed before. That test must be really important to him.

The thing with my parents began to flood my head and distracted my mind from Olivia's case.
I haven't told Yoongi yet I want to find them, but I already knew he would support me no matter what.

At night, I immediately called my uncle in my room. Jimin and Namjoon were in the room too, so I had to make the call in the bathroom.
There's no reason for Cha-woon not to help me find my parents, and he could help me a lot with it.

"Hey Cha-woon... I'm sorry to bother you again, but I need your help now too" I said on the phone. Cha-woon was abroad again and he was really busy with his work, so I felt bad every time I called him because  I was interrupting him.
"What do you need help with now?" He asked me back.
"It's about my parents this time... I want to find them" I told him and I could hear him sighing from the other side of the phone.
"You're really looking for adventures don't you?" He said and giggled. But I do all of these things because I feel like people owe me that information.
"Listen boy... I didn't know Jang-mi, your mother, but I did know your father, and I can tell you that this man is mysterious as hell. He managed to disappear and get out of my life so easily, I'm not even sure what he's capable of doing. He can surprise you every time with his behaving and he's super introverted.
I really haven't heard from him in years but... the only thing I know is that last time I ever saw him, he lived in a town named Greenstine." Cha-woon said and I was ten times more curious than I was before.
"Greenstine..." I thought to myself. I've never heard of that town before.
"That's it? You don't know anything else? Maybe where he might be now or where he's working-" I said but Cha-woon cut my sentence.
"I already told you, I really don't know Taehyung. Your father can be anywhere at the moment. But I believe in you, and I'm sure you can find him somehow. You're a smart kid at the end of the day.
I would totally help but... my job is literally the death of me and I can barely breathe because of it." Cha-woon said as I wrote the name of the town on a paper.
"Yea Yea... thank you Cha-woon, you've helped me a lot" I said and hung up the phone.

I immediately searched for the name of the town on google, but I couldn't find anything about this town.
It said the town doesn't exist.
I frowned but knew it was probably just me misspelling the name of the town, so I tried to respell it again in so many ways, but still, couldn't find anything.
"I'll check this town on the maps in the geography room" I thought to myself as i came out of the bathroom and meant to leave the room.
"Where are you going? We can't leave the dorm now... it's already 11:00 PM" Namjoon said as he saw I was about to walk out of the room.
"I'm just going to take care of a few things... it'll be quick. No one will notice I'm out" I said and left the room.
I was walking to the geography room, hoping not to get caught by some of the workers of the boarding school.
I passed by the student's garden.
That garden wasn't always called "the student's garden", it was just a neglected place in the boarding school which no one ever got near to, but one day a lot of students just came there, brought their own stuff and things to make it look like home, and since then it's kind of the student's place. The workers don't even go near there since they don't really know what's going on. But that place is amazing and relaxing. Whenever I feel down, I just go there and lay on one of the couches, thinking about life.
I was walking by it as I suddenly saw a familiar face in there.
It was y/n, sitting on the couch.

Your point of view

"This boy never changes after all" I thought to myself after Taehyung told me I'm pathetic.

Throughout the whole day I just got angry at him for being the jerk he is.
Hoseok called me multiple times during that day, and I didn't answer any of his messages or calls, I was too nervous.
As the day kept on passing, I've heard Taehyung spread the real news about the photo.
That was the most relieving thing that ever happened to me. Now I could finally explain everything to Hoseok.

The night arrived and it was bedtime. Anna, Sadie and Carol were already in bed and I just couldn't sleep. I don't know why.
I guess I had to process everything that happened so far in this boarding school.

I suddenly remembered one of the places Jungkook showed me when he was giving me a tour. I think that placed was called something like "student's garden".
Jungkook told me to go there whenever I need time to myself and that workers don't go in there, so I decided to go there.
I remembered the way, and found the place.
It was a really beautiful place. It had couches and a table in it, it really brought a feeling of home.

I sat on one of the couches. I lifted my head up and looked at the bright stars, when I suddenly felt the seat beside me going down because of a weight of a person.
I looked to see who it was instantly, and it was Taheyung.
"Hey..." he said and I looked at him weirdly.
"Hey...?" I said and frowned.
"Is he following me?" I thought to myself and quickly returned looking at the sky.
"I wanted to say sorry for what I said to you earlier... I have these days" Taehyung said as he was slowly joining me, starting looking at the stars as well.
"It's okay... I've heard you told everyone the truth. Thank you" I said back, both of us looking at the beautiful, shining stars.
"And now... you promised you'll help me find my parents" He said and I looked at him sharply.
"Taehyung I... I wasn't even thinking twice of what I was saying I just said it-" I said but he cut my sentence.
"I told everyone the truth, y/n. You're the only one who knows about my parents and I have no choice but to trust you... I need your help." He said while looking back at me, it seemed like he really needed me for it.
I gulped and looked away.
"I... okay. I'll help you" I said and looked at him again.
"Thank you" he thanked me and there was a complete silence now. We both stared at each other as he got closer, slowly trying to connect our lips.
"Woah... what the hell are you doing?" I said as his face was super close to mine, and I moved backwards.
"I-I'm Sorry i-" he stuttered, and I was so shocked.
"Did he just try to KISS me?!" I thought to myself.

Taheyung's point of view

Don't know what I was thinking.
I tried to kiss her, forgetting she has a boyfriend.
I guess I'm just used to it.
Used to the fact that most times the conversations I have with girls always turn quickly into a passionate make out session. It doesn't take me longer than five minutes to make them all fall for my charms.
I thought this could be one of these times because it felt like the moment.
But it was clearly with the wrong person.

"I'm really sorry" I kept apologizing, she was super shocked and I could see it in her face.
"Taehyung... I have a boyfriend..." she said back and I got stressed.
"Im so sorry... I just

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥Where stories live. Discover now