Chapter Seventeen

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→ Two chapters in a day? Yes! Also, should I publish the next chapter? Since I finished writing and editing it🤔🤔🤔 ←

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「Your POV」

I opened my eyes, feeling heavy and very exhausted. I got off from the mattress I was resting on. I looked around me, it's noisy, the sound of laughter and amusement. I also heard a piano playing through my ears.

I questioned myself, ‘what happened yesterday?’

I exited the room and went to where the sound was. I saw Yuugo exiting a room, he saw me and told me that the intruders are messing around.

I nodded and followed him, we went to the dining room and saw them discussing things.

“Yo.” Yuugo greeted as he opens the door. I noticed that there was a knife behind him as I was behind him. I used Yuugo as a shield to not let them see me.

‘Everything is going to be alright, they will not remember you. They will not.’ I calmed myself down as I heard Emma said;

“Good morning, mister! Let's make a deal!”

We went inside as I stood beside Yuugo. I looked around, it looks clean. Then Emma smiled, “Let's start over! I'm Emma!”

I looked at her, bewildered. ‘She doesn't remember me, that's good.’ I thought as I kept quiet.

“What's your name?” Emma asked us as she looks as Yuugo and I.

“Get the hell out. I don't have to tell ya my name, and I don't want to.” Yuugo says as he answered to Emma's question.

“What about you there?” Emma smiles at me. I kept quiet as I looked away.

“Don't talk to her, she's no one to you all.” Yuugo defend me.

“Okay then, please take a seat. I'm sitting down right now.” Emma says as she sat on the chair behind her.

“How are you feeling right now?” Emma questioned.

“In a bad mood,” Yuugo answered.

“Sorry that we have to tie you down like that and also for the cookies.” Emma apologize. “You must be hungry, to make it up, we made soup.” Gilda brought two bowls of warm soup and put them on the dining table.

“It's not poisoned or bad either. But we got the right temperature for you.” Emma added.

I looked at the soup they made for us. It looks appetizing and warm.

Emma began to say, “This soup is from the ingredients we brought ourselves! We're not a drain on your food supply. From now own we make our food by our own food resources! For water, electric and space, we'll keep that to a minimum.”

“And you figure that I share this shelter with you chums? No, I'm not.” Yuugo said.

“No, that's not it. This is all courtesy so that we could start on the right foot. After all, I think you're not really worried about the limited resources.” Emma concluded.

I listened to their conversation. I don't feel like talking, I want to run away and hide from them. I really don't like this, a reunion with the people who forgets me.

I looked at everyone, I realized that Norman is not here. Where is he? Ray and Emma look alright with that, is Norman dead?

“You kept on saying about "dead weight", but there's a girl beside you. You're lying to us, mister.” Emma said as she points at me.

“Let me get right to the point,” Emma said.

‘She wants us to guide them to William Minerva.’ I mentally sighed.

“We're going to meet William Minerva, and we'd like you to be our guide and bodyguard,” Emma said.

“Guide and bodyguard!?” Yuugo raised a brow.

“You're strong, you survived here for 13 years by your own. I also guessed that you have experienced going outside too, along with the girl beside you.” Emma said.

“Your shoes were quite worn down, you don't have the belly of sedentary life on the contrary, which means you're fit,” Ray said.

“Also, we saw that there are fresh fruits hanging in the pantry.” He added. “You can't make them indoors either, you must be getting them from the forest or the waterside.”

“See this letter, we know you have experience in search of William Minerva. Ray and I want to try.” Emma said.

“Huh, no thank you. Get out now.” Yuugo said.

I started at the soup, it's getting cold. Then I looked at the tension between Yuugo and Emma.

“Yes, we will. If we managed to find William Minerva and return safely. Then we're leaving this shelter at once.” Emma said.

“It is troublesome. Risking my life just to protect just ridiculous children like you? What about her? Do you think she wants that? Have you ask about her opinions?” Yuugo sighed.

“I'm not asking her, I'm asking you. Since you have long experience.” Emma looks at me as she answers.

“Well, you want us to leave right?” Emma asked.

“Yeah,”  Yuugo answered and he brought the knife to Emma's face. “But it's a lot easier to kill you all here.”

Suddenly, Ray pointed a gun to Yuugo. I held my fist, ‘why is this happening? I want to avoid this.’ I slowly back away.

“I am not killing you, I'm returning without any bullets in,” Ray said as he slides the gun on the table to Yuugo. He took something out and it looks like a controller.

“Plus, the self emergency destruction is online,” Ray adds.

“Well then, mister, take the deal or we'll blow this shelter up.” Smiled Emma.

‘She's threatening us,’  I thought.

“Very well then, I accept. If y'all are eager to throw away your lives, I hope you all die.” Yuugo said.

“Okay, I understand!” Emma exclaimed. “What's your name, mister?” She asked.

“Not telling you my name, Antenna.” Yuugo sighed as he turns around.

“Come on girly, let's go.” Yuugo held my shoulder as we exited the room.

“Yuugo, what are we going to do?” I asked him.

“To the part where we're going out then, let's kill those two, Antenna and Sleepy Cyclops, they're annoying me.” Yuugo said as I nodded.

“Also, don't say our names to them, let's keep anonymous,” Yuugo added.

“Okay, mister. Want some cookies?” I offered him a cookie as he happily grabbed one.

“Thanks, girly.” He smiled at me.

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