Chapter Forty Five

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→ To be honest, I want to make a special on Christmas but I have no idea what to put... Anyways, this is written in Ellie's point of view and a little story about her! ←

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「Ellie's POV」

“I've told you already, I am taking care of everything.” He said as he tasted on the warm tea.

He glances at me and added a few words, “Don't worry, Ellie.”

“Then what can I do? Just stay here forever until I become the next leader and die?” I pleaded and raised my voice.

“My my, it's family dinner right now. Don't be rude.” He smiled mechanically at me.

“We are cousin, Peter. I am asking you here and I need answers.” I sighed before continuing; “Just what can I do? I have nothing to do here.”

Peter looks at me as he chuckled, “You're the youngest heir in our clan, it's a family tradition. Once I retired, you're the next leader. You should follow what I say, as the leader of the clan.”

“Isn't it fascinating? To see your plan got backfired because of me?” He laughed and clapped his hands.

“I noticed what you were doing ever since you were young. You kept on visiting Grace Field House and I wonder what's the reason to that?” He stopped and eyed on me. Staring right at my eyes.

“What exactly did you do there? Did you tell the children?”


I wandered around this strange place. It's full of trees so I thought it's a huge forest. I was bored staying at that place playing puzzles they left for me, so I decided to go out and go for an adventure.

I looked around me, all I see is the green trees. Then, I hear voices way ahead of me. It sounds like children, hopefully, I'm not hearing things.

I slowly walked over to the voices full of happiness, then I stop. I saw so many children playing tag around. They were smiling and laughing happily.

I noticed that they all wear snow-white clothes, like a uniform. There's a huge house right there, it could be an orphan.

I recalled what he told me when I first came here, he told me: “These are the orphans that we are taking care of. We must keep an eye on them well.”

This is my first time here. I've never seen many children before, usually, I was told to stay home and do some work.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming in my way, I turned back and saw a girl younger than me. She looked uninterested in life and is quiet.

“Who are you?” She asked me.

“I'm Ellie,” I answered her, just by looking at her, it seems like she doesn't even care who I am.

“My name's (First Name),” The girl said as she continues. “What brings you here? You're not one of us, so you must be the lost children from the other houses. Or maybe an apparition?”

I'm not an apparition or lost children from other houses. This is my first time here. Would you like to tell me everything about this?” I smiled kindly as her as she nodded and she closed the book she's holding.

An Outcast | TPNOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora