Ch. 9 - Regress

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Savannah POV

After we finished discussing rules and punishments, we had dinner before Alex and Addie took me up to their bedroom. Addie was the one carrying me up the stairs. She was bouncing and tickling me as we made our way to their room. I was still giggling by the time she set me down on their bed.

"Alright little one, now we have a serious question. Do you want to wear the pullup to bed or do you want to try without it?" Alex asked while crouching in front of me.

"Mm pullup p'ease. No wan 'notha acc-iden." I said quietly ashamed of the earlier incident.

Addie gave me a soft smile, "Okay baby. Let's get you dressed then." Addie pulled me out of my clothes before slipping a nightgown over me and allowing me to step inside the pullup.

"C-can I s'eep wit 'ou bot?" I asked scared they might not be okay with sharing a bed with me at bed time.

Alex kissed my head, "Of course you can sweetie. Go ahead and crawl on up there. Addie and I'll be there soon."

I crawled up into the middle of the bed and shortly after both Alex and Addie had crawled up into bed with me. They were pretty close, but I still turned and snuggled into Alex's chest since I had cuddled with Addie earlier.

I didn't feel Addie put her arm around me, so I whined a little pulling her arm around me. She chuckled a little, "I'm sorry baby. You wanted to be closer to me huh?" I just nodded and I felt her pull me closer.

The next morning after breakfast I was feeling big and wanted to explore the castle. Alex and Addie were fine with me going by myself since I was big and promised to stay inside. They both had work to do today as well.


I was wondering around a part of the castle that seemed more quiet when a man pushed me up against the wall. "Well what's a sweet little thing like you doing wandering around by yourself?"

"I'm just exploring, can you please let me go?" I whined trying to escape his grasp and not to regress.

"Well sugar you can come explore my room with me if you'd like?" The man asked in a suggestive tone.

I started crying at the thought, "P'ease no. P'ease no hurt." I cried to him and he just pushed himself against my body.

"Savannah?" I heard a woman voice call out and I managed to turn my head and saw it was Alex.

The tears were still coming down my face, "Momma! He'p!" Alex's eyes widened in shock as well as the man pushing his body against mine.

She then turned to look at the man. "Get away from her Jefferson. Now!" Alex shouted causing me to flinch.

This man Jefferson released me and I ran over to Alex's open arms. "Why did she just call you momma?" Jefferson asked.

Alex picked me up to rest me on her hip as I hid my face in the crook of her neck. "She is Adelaide and I's new little. Guards will be escorting you out and you will never be welcomed back onto the grounds."

Jefferson looked shocked at the Queens demands, "I would have never touched her had I known!" Jefferson tried to defend himself causing Alex to scoff.

"That's not the right answer. I don't want you touching anyone like this, no matter who they are or why they are here." Alex replied calling the guards as well who quickly came to remove him from the grounds.

"Are you okay baby?" Alex asked and I shook my head no.

"I s'ared momma." I told her trying to hold in my sniffles. She let out a quiet gasp when I used that name again, but pulled me tighter.

"It's okay baby girl. You don't have to be scared anymore. He's been removed from the property. He can never hurt you again. I am so sorry this happened to you baby." Alex said as we walked down the hallway.

"I no wan' 'eave momma an mommy side no more. P'ease no make me." I whined to her.

She looked at me surprised, but smiled sadly. "Okay baby. You don't have to leave me or mommy's side if you don't want to." I clung to her as she took us into a conference room. She had rubbed my back the entire walk back and I had finally started to calm down.

I saw Addie sitting around the table with others, but when she saw me she immediately opened her arms up to me and Alex sat me in her lap. "Hi baby," Addie said smiling.

I cuddled into her, "Hi mommy," I whispered back to her and she audibly gasped. I saw her look up to momma who just shook her head. Mommy nodded back before pulling me closer into her and kissing my head.

Alex sat down since Addie had to finish her meeting, but mommy rocked me back and forth until I fell asleep.

Adelaide POV

My meeting had just ended and Savannah was asleep in my arms. I looked over to Alex who had her head in her hands. "What the hell happened? I love that she is calling me mommy, but she just became our little and we literally just finished the rules this morning. There's no way she became completely fine with the idea within hours." I whisper shouted at Alex.

She rose her head up and I saw she had tear stains on her cheeks and I immediately softened my tone. "There was an incident. Jefferson, the man in charge of the mounted military. He cornered Savannah and was pushing himself up against her along with making crude comments. I fired him and had him escorted off of the property."

Alex continued, "When he had her against the wall, I called out for her and when she looked at me..." Alex paused as she choked back a sob. I had a hand free so I rested it on her arm. "She looked terrified Ad. She literally cried out "Momma help." She's supposed to be safe in this place that's supposed to be her home and she isn't." Alex finally let it out.

I took a deep breath, I couldn't imagine someone hurting my baby girl. "Al, you did the right thing. You helped Savannah when she needed it and you got rid of that man. Maybe we should have a meeting with all of our staff to introduce them to her formally and warn them all that if they harm any part of her they will suffer the consequences."

Alex nodded and leaned forward to kiss my lips. "Thank you babe, I needed that. I can take Savannah back and lay her down for her nap for you." She said as she started reaching for her causing me to pull her closer to me.

"My baby," I said not quite ready to give up my snuggles with her yet.

Alex just chuckled, "She's our baby."

"I know, I'm just not ready to stop cuddling with her yet. So leave us be please?" I said with a hopeful smile.

Alex smiled back and shook her head, "Yeah yeah, okay. I have meetings to attend to as well. But I'll get her back soon and then I get the cuddles."

I stuck my tongue out at her as she walked out the door. I then looked back to my baby and sighed. "I'm so sorry Savannah. I never wanted you to deal with that. I love you baby." I said quietly and kissed her forehead as she continued to snooze in my arms. 

A/N: Do y'all want to see what the characters kind of look like?

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