Ch. 26 - Hurt

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*Upsetting Material Again*

Alexandra POV

It has been three days since I last saw my baby and I'm breaking inside. Addie has been the one who has held it together better than me, but I know she's heartbroken. Our guards completely turned the castle upside down and no sign of her, so they started searching the town and the surrounding woods yesterday. Nothing came up on the phone trace either unfortunately.

Addie and I's parents came back to the castle for support along with Savannah's grandparents. They haven't heard from Harry at all and haven't seen him either. We have been having daily briefings to discuss what our next plan would be.

We are currently in one of the meetings when Henry comes into the room. "Henry, why are you here? I thought you had to work." Hope spoke up.

He ignored the question, "You still haven't found Savannah?" He questioned me.

I shook my head no, "No. We've checked the castle and now the guards are looking in town and the surrounding woods."

He let out a breath, "I think I know where Harry may be hiding her."

"Where?!" Almost everyone in the room yelled out loud.

"I completely forgot about it seeing as I haven't been there in the past decade. Harry and I used to have a hunting cabin maybe a half hour away." Henry told us and by the looks of it, everyone was shocked.

I called the guards back in and we made a plan to get my baby back.

Savannah POV

I don't know how long I have been here for now, but it feels like forever. Harry hasn't fed me since I've been here, but he has given me water. I came out of headspace a little after Harry left me which I was glad for, because I can't defend myself while in it. I hear Harry coming down the stairs so I look up and he is sporting a smirk across his face.

"We're going to play a little game today. If you get the answer right I just might give you some food." Harry said and I could tell I already don't like the idea of this.

"What's your name?" Harry asked standing over me.

I looked him dead in the eye, "Savannah Morton."

"NO!" He screamed before punching me in the face again. That's been his target the past couple of days, other than when I fall over. Then he typically will kick me in my ribs.

"WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING NAME?!" He screeched out again.

"Savannah Morton," I mumbled out while choking on the blood pooling in my mouth.

He started punching me in the face over and over. "Your name is Helena! Fucking say it! You're Helena!"

I shook my head, "I'm Savannah, Helena is my dead mother."

"She's not dead! I didn't kill her! Helena isn't dead." He yelled at me and I became confused.

"What do you mean you didn't kill her?" I asked carefully.

He was starting to calm down some, "I came to visit you. You had your baby already and Mathias was out with the baby." I realize he still thinks he's talking to Helena.

"I was trying to convince you to leave Mathias and to come back home with the baby, but you wouldn't listen. You are so fucking stubborn Helena. I'm sorry I hit you, but I needed you to listen to me. I hit you so much and you fell asleep. I got scared and left, but I knew you weren't dead. When I finally found you, I was so relieved to see you still alive." Harry told me.

I had tears streaming down my face, "You killed my mom?" I asked him.

"NO! You are Helena and you are alive! I didn't kill you!" He yelled back at me.

I was sobbing and screaming, "Why did you kill her?!" He didn't respond but started punching me. I just laid there and took it tears flowing consistently.

I heard footsteps upstairs, but couldn't see who it was when they came down to the basement because I blacked out.

Adelaide POV

We made a plan to go to the cabin, but our guards along with the police said we couldn't go in. They would go in to get Savannah and arrest Harry, but we needed to stay outside which of course we weren't happy about.

We made it to the cabin and could hear screaming coming from inside so the guards didn't waste any time and stormed inside. We heard yelling and eventually a gunshot which caused me to flinch and fall into Alex's arms. We were both crying thinking the worst had happened to Savannah.

However we stayed still until some of the guards came out. I got a glimpse of vibrant red hair in the arms of one of our guards as she carried her over to the ambulance. Alex and I didn't waste any time before rushing over and sure enough it was a bruised and bloodied Savannah.

"My baby!" I shouted as I got closer to the ambulance. She looked up and saw Alex and I and she smiled.

"Moms!" She tried standing up to see us but the paramedic pushed her back down so Alex and I climbed in.

Alex hugged her first, "Baby girl we were so worried. We missed you so much."

I could tell Savannah was getting teary eyed, "I missed you too Ma."

Savannah broke from the hug and reached over to me, "I missed you too Mom." I hugged her tightly afraid to let go.

"We love you so much baby. Are you little right now?" I asked the last part as we broke from the hug.

"I love you guys too and no I'm not little." She said causing both of us to be confused.

"But you're calling us Mom and Ma?" Alex asked her and Savannah blushed with a head nod.

"I hope it's okay, but I wanted to call you Mom and Ma when i'm big and mommy and momma when I'm little." Savannah said quietly and Alex and I brought her into a group hug.

"Of course it's okay baby! We are so happy that you want to call us that." I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

"Now let's get you to the hospital and then you can finally come home." Alex said as she also placed a kiss on her head.

We found out later on from our guards that the gunshot we heard was a shot made by a guard that killed Harry for making a threatening move against them. 

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