Ch. 22 - Questions

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Savannah POV

I let out a yawn as I woke up from my nap. I was happy to see Hope still laying next to me and her eyes were open. "Hi aunt Hope." I whispered and she looked down at me with a smile.

"Hi sweetie. Are you feeling bigger?" She asked me while a crease between my eyebrows formed.

"Yeah... How did you know?" I questioned back and she let out a little chuckle.

"Well I have yet to see big you and little you only calls me Hopey." She said while rubbing my back and I cuddled more into her.

"Aunt Hope?" I asked after a moment of silence. "What was my mom like?"

She let out a sigh and continued to rub my back. "You're mom was the best person I have ever known. She would walk into a room and light it up with just her smile. She cared about everyone and everything. She would give the shirt off her back to a person that needed it. She was so excited when she found out she was pregnant with you. She had a name picked out for you the second she knew she was having a girl."

I pulled back slightly from Hope to be able to see her face, "What did she want to name me?" I asked her curiously.

She let out a little chuckle, "She did name you baby. Savannah was the name she had picked out. Your dad was nice enough to keep it." Hope whispered the last sentence.

"Do you think my dad did what Harry claims?" I ask and feel her stiffen.

"I don't know." Hope sighs before continuing, "All I know was that your mom passed away and your dad went on the run for five years. But don't remember him how Harry wants you to remember him. Remember him how you did for those first five years."

I nodded before smiling at the memories, "He was a really good dad. He taught me how to hunt and fish along with picking which wild fruits and vegetables were safe for me to eat. He played with a doll he made with sticks and would always tell me about my mom whenever I asked. He told me that she died around the time I was born, but that she would have loved me so much."

"He's right. She would have loved you a lot. I'm glad you have good memories of him sweetie." Hope told me with a smile on her face.

"He went out to catch food for dinner one night. He didn't want me to come with him because he said there was a levy that was kind of dangerous that he was going to. I had just turned five the day before, but I never saw him after that. Is he in prison?" I ask the last part hopeful that I could still visit him.

Hope was quiet for a minute before she asked me if I wanted Alex or Addie. "Hope, I'm big right now. Is he in prison?" I asked her again and she shook her head no.

"No sweetheart, he isn't. He was for awhile, but there was a virus that swept through the prisons quickly and unfortunately he was one of the many that didn't make it. I'm so sorry." Hope said while giving me a tight hug.

"It's okay. I've always assumed he was dead so I was already prepared for it. Do you know where my mom is buried?" I asked Hope and she nodded her head yes.

"I do. Maybe you, me and the queens can take a trip out to her gravesite?" Hope asked and I nodded my head quickly.

"I'd like that a lot. Thank you." I laid in Hope's arms a little while longer before I asked her a question I had been contemplating for a long while.

"Hope? Do you think Addie and Alex would be okay if I called them Mom and Ma when I'm big? It's just that they take care of me just as much when I'm big as they do when I'm little." I rambled out anxiously and Hope kissed my forehead to try and calm me down.

"Sweetie, I can clearly tell that they love you. I think they'd be ecstatic if you called them that, but if you want, you could always ask them yourself just to make sure." Hope told me calmly and I nodded my head.

"Are you and will the rest of your family be okay with it if I did?" I didn't want to upset my surprise family either.

Hope smiled at me, "I have no problems with it baby. They're your moms, and no one can take that away from you. If the rest of the family sees an issue with it then they'll have to deal with me. You can call us whatever you want, as long as I'm still Aunt Hopey when you're little."

I nodded and hugged her again. "Thank you aunt Hope. I love you."

She hugged me back, "I love you too sweet girl."

Alexandra POV

Addie and I had worked on a few documents that needed to be filled out while
Savannah was taking a nap with her aunt. After we finished that up we just laid in bed together waiting for Savannah to wake up.

After awhile we heard Savannah start talking and just as I was about to get up, Addie stopped me. "What?" I questioned.

"Listen!" She whispered out trying to tell me to listen to what Hope and Savannah were talking about.

They were talking about her mom so I told Addie to stop eavesdropping which she grunted at me for. We both tried to ignore their conversation but as soon as Savannah asked Hope if she thought we would be okay with her calling us Mom and Ma out of headspace, both of us were paying close attention.

I was happy to know that Hope wasn't trying to tell her no or anything, but rather encouraged her to talk to us about it.

"She wants to call us mom and ma Al," Addie whispered with some stray tears escaping her eyes.

I gave my wife a gentle kiss and wiped her tears away. "Yes she does, but we let her say it on her own and don't pressure her."

Addie chuckled with a smile and nodded her head 'ok'.

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