Ch. 43 - Twins

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Hope POV

We are heading back to the castle and both Savannah and Paisley are fast asleep. Savannah is cuddled up with Addie and Paisley's head fell onto my shoulder. She seems so scared, but Savannah seems to really like her.

As we drive away from town it makes me question if Paisley could be Dani and I's little. Are we even ready to have a little yet? We haven't even slept in the same bed. I'm also assuming that Paisley would even want to be our little. She may want to be Axel and Lily's little so she can be with her sister.

I'm lost in my thoughts as we pull up to the castle. Alex gets out of the car first and pulls Savannah into her arms as her and Addie walk into the castle. I decide not to wake Paisley and carry her into my room.

I gently set her on the bed as I get myself dressed into comfier clothes. I hear shuffling once I'm dressed and see Paisley is tossing and turning in bed. I sit down next to her and gently try to wake her up. Finally after gently shaking her, she wakes up with a gasp.

She seems me and instantly holds on tight. "Hey, shh, it's okay. You're safe here with me honey." I whispered into her ear and she eventually calmed down.

She shyly looked up at me, "Sorry about that." She whispered.

I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and gave her a comforting smile, "It's okay sweetie, nightmares happen. Just know you are safe with us here. Do you want to take a shower before we go down to the kitchen?" I asked her and she nodded.

I led her out of bed and to the bathroom where I showed her where everything was and told her I would grab some clothes from Savannah's room since they were so close in size. Savannah was still on the smaller side even though she has been getting the proper nutrition. All of those years alone she didn't have the easiest choices for food. I shudder at the thought before making my way back into the bathroom.

"I put the clothes on the counter for you Paisley." I called out and instantly regretted it when I heard a scream and a loud thud.

I instantly pushed the curtains back to see Paisley fallen in the bathtub with tears streaming down her face. There wasn't any soap on her body or hair so I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel.

Wrapping her in the towel and picking her up out of the shower, I was continuously apologizing. "I'm so so sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you." I tell her as I rock her back and forth in my arms.

She laid her damp head on my chest and nodded her head. "It otay Hope. I jus' s'ared." Paisley said quietly.

"I know, I'm sorry. Why don't you dry off and then you can put on the clothes? Then whenever you're ready we'll go downstairs." I told her and she nodded her head. I helped her out of my lap and handed her the clothes.

As she walked out of the bathroom I sat on the edge of the tub giving myself a minute. I'm not even her caregiver and I'm already messing this up. Maybe Savannah is the only little I should have closely in my life. Paisley is going to see clear as day that I'm not ready for this and run for the hills from me.

"I ready Hope!" I heard Paisley yell from the other room as I wallowed in my self-pity. I got myself together before walking into the bedroom.

Walking in I see her rocking back and forth from her heels to her toes clearly trying to wait patiently. I couldn't help but smile, so when I walked up next to her I scooped her into my arms and started tickling her sides.

She started giggling nonstop, "Hopeee, p'ease no more!" She said through her laughs so finally I let up but just moved her over to my hip and continued to carry her downstairs.

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