Ch. 41 - New Names

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A/N: I'm thinking of ending this book at chapter 50, maybe? I'm going to keep writing and see how things are playing out before I decide. 

Savannah POV

I woke up the next morning feeling completely crushed by something and when I opened my eyes I realize it's not a something rather two someones. Mom is closer to the wall, I'm in the middle, and Ma is trying to keep herself on the bed.

We're in my bed and it's a little bit smaller than mom's bed. I don't know why we slept here when they could have just carried me to my bed, but I'm starting to get a little claustrophobic.

"Mommmm, Maaaa, y'all are squishing me." I whined out to them.

I must've startled Ma because she ended up rolling off the bed and groaned which caused me to giggle. Ma looked up at me and glared and I immediately threw my hands up in surrender.

I started to get out of bed which woke mom up, "Why are you up baby?" Mom mumbled out tiredly.

I looked back at her confused, "Uhh because it's morning? And I was also being squished to death."

Her eyes shot open when I said the word morning. "Our appointment!" She yelled as she jumped out of bed and ran to her room.

Ma quickly followed after her, but not before telling me to go ahead and get ready. I didn't feel like wearing pants today so I just put on a yellow dress and some black booties before heading into their room.

Mom was in full blown panic mode standing in her bra and undies causing me to chuckle. She was trying to decide what to wear whereas Ma was already dressed and ready. I decided to help her out some so I grabbed her black pencil skirt, her flowy yellow blouse so she could match me and some black heels.

"Here, mom, wear this." I said while handing her the outfit and she kissed the top of my head thanking me before getting dressed.

Ma came over to me, "You did good kid. Even I couldn't get her to calm down, but now I want to match." Ma said as she took off her heels and replaced them with yellow ones. She was wearing black dress pants and a white blouse so the yellow heels gave her a pop of color.

Mom finally was ready so we headed out into the hallway just to find Hope standing outside their door. She smiled when she saw us, "Thought you guys were going to be late there for a minute." She said chuckling a bit, but mom just gave her a glare that caused her to stop.

"Hi Hopey." I said reaching my arms up to her and she got the message to carry me. Hope was dressed in a black dress with black heels, but had on yellow jewelry.

"Hi sweetie," she said while kissing my cheek.

Moms looked at me with confusion in their face. I looked right back at them, "What?"

Ma started, "We're all wearing black and yellow..." I smiled a little at that.

I shrugged, "I wanted us to match so I told Hope to wear a black dress and something yellow."

Mom tilted her head, "But how did you know you were going to help me with my outfit?"

Ma continued, "And how did you know I would change my shoes to match?"

I smiled brightly at them, "A magician never reveals her secret." I said before starting to play with Hope's hair. I feel like I want to slip, but I want to at least make it through the adoption.

We made our way out to the car and before I knew it we were at the court house. We had a meeting with Judge Swan today and she wanted to meet with me first since she already talked to mom's on the phone. Which may seem like a big deal, but mom's are the queen's so it's really not.

I walked into Judge Swan's chambers and she quickly greeted me before we sat down and she stared at me. "So," she started, "Why do you want to be adopted by Queen's Alexandra and Adelaide?"

I shrunk in my chair a little because of how intimidating she is, "Well, to you they are the Queens, but to me? I mean, I've seen them as my mom's for the past several months. When my uncle kidnapped me they were the ones I thought about. They were the ones that made me keep fighting and not give up. They love big me and little me without faltering. I don't know if you know this, but I'm a little. They love and take care of me in ways I never received as a child. They never push me to do things I'm not comfortable with and they are giving me back my childhood. I would love for them to be officially my parents because in my eyes, they already are." I told her truthfully which finally got a smile out of her.

"Will you be keeping your last name or taking theirs?" She asked causing me to pause.

"Wait, so you're approving it?" I asked her hopeful and she nodded with a big smile.

"You just told me in under five minutes everything I would hope to hear from someone doing an adult adoption. I don't see any reason not to." She told me which made me smile and nod.

"Yes, I'll be taking their last name. Also, is there any way for me to have two middle names?" I asked curiously.

She tilted her head, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I never got to have my mother's maiden name since I never got to meet her and it's the same last name as my aunt Hope, so I wanted to surprise her." I told Judge Swan hopeful.

She nodded, "Yes, I think we can arrange that."

Shortly after I was excused to go back to moms and Hopey. I walked out the door and could see they all looked nervous.

"God, it's like someone ran over your cat. Why are you all so depressed looking?" I asked causing them to all look up at me.

Mom was the first to come hug me, "We are all nervous about what the Judge decided."

Ma and Hopey stood up next to give me a hug as well. I looked up at all them and decided to mess with them a little bit. "Well, my name is getting changed, but not what you guys were expecting it to be." I said with a little smirk.

I saw mom and ma's face fall and I immediately felt bad. "No no no, oh my god I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you guys upset, I was just joking! It's official, you two are my moms!" I told them as I pulled them into a hug.

They hugged me back tightly before letting go. "I wasn't lying though, it's not something you guys would expect."

Moms stared down at me while Hopey gave me a 'What did you do?' look causing me to chuckle. "My new name is Savannah Amelia Montgomery Brixton. I asked if I could have two middle names since I was changing my last name too."

Mom's finally smiled and we all looked at Hope who had tears in her eyes. "You included my last name in your name for me?" I nodded my head yes with a smile.

"It was mostly for you, but I also did it for my mother since that was her last name at one point too." Hope pulled me into a tight hug and I felt her tears hit my shoulder.

"Hopey. Can't. Breathe." I choked out and she instantly let go.

She looked embarrassed, "Sorry," Hopey mumbled out causing me to laugh.

"It's fine. Can we go explore in town now?" I asked moms who smiled at me.

"Of course pumpkin," Mommy said while I lifted my arms up to Momma finally feeling myself slip.

"I love you mommy. I love you momma. And I love you aunt Hopey." I told them all as I laid my head on Momma's chest.

"We love you too sweet girl." Momma said while mommy and Hopey kissed my forehead and we made our way back out to the car to go explore. 

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