Ch. 16 - Bored in the House

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Alexandra POV

"Alright little miss, let's head down to my first meeting. I only have two so they should go rather quick since they are back to back." I told Savannah while carrying her downstairs. She looked so cute in her overalls on and coloring book tucked under her arm.

I had grabbed her a blanket and her elephant as well which i'm carrying both in my free arm. I'm the first one in the conference room so I set Savannah on the floor before opening up the blanket to lay next to my chair.

I then help her get all of her coloring books and crayons out along with setting her elephant down next to her. Deciding I have some time before my meeting, I sit down next to her and she brightens up.

"Momma cower wit me?" Savannah asked cutely while handing me a picture. Looking down it's a picture of a mom and her baby. I didn't even realize coloring books had pictures like this. I assumed they were all puppies, kittens, and unicorns.

I smile though and nod my head, "Of course I'll color with you baby. Can you pick out a color for momma to use first?" I ask and she hands me a blue crayon. We do this for a little while longer before people started filing in for our meeting.

"Alright babes, I have to pay attention to this meeting. Do you think you can color quietly?" I ask her and she nods her head.

I get up into my seat to pay attention to the meeting. This was my short meeting for the day, so it ends rather quickly. My next meeting is right after it, but in the same room so I don't have to move Savannah at all.

The second meeting had just started when I noticed out of the corner of my eye Savannah picking up all of her crayons and putting them back in their box. She pushed the crayon box and coloring book out of the way before standing up with the blanket and her elephant.

I noticed a couple of the people in the meeting eyed her, but looked away when they saw me glaring at them. Savannah quietly wrapped the blanket around herself before walking over to me. Knowing what she wanted, I lifted her into my lap and she immediately rested her head on my chest.

I rubbed her back through her blanket while she hummed contently. I noticed her starting to drift asleep for a nap, so I took a paci out of my pocket and popped it into her mouth. She's still getting use to using one so it took her a moment before she found her rhythm. By the end of the meeting she was sleeping peacefully.

She was still asleep once everyone left so I hoisted her up onto my hip before walking out and heading over to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I wake her up gently. "Hey Sav, can you open your pretty eyes for momma?"

Her eyes fluttered open and I smiled seeing them. "That's my good girl. I need to set you down because I need to be able to carry stuff outside for us." She just nodded her head. I have noticed seeing her in headspace more often that she truly is a quiet baby. She's nothing like Peyton, god love her. Peyton is very active and hyper, where as Savannah is quiet and calm. Not saying that Savannah doesn't have her days, but she is more similar to Jason in her calmness.

I carry the picnic basket in one hand along with the blanket and hold Savannah's hand with my free hand. We make our way out to the gardens and I set everything up.

"What's fo lunch momma?" Savannah asked curiously sitting on her knees.

"We have chicken salad wraps, carrots, and apple slices for lunch today. How does that sound?" I ask her while pulling all the food out.

"Mm sounds good momma." I start prepping Savannah's plate when we both hear a familiar voice.

"Do you have room for one more?" My wife asked from behind us. I saw Savannah whip her head around and a big smile break out on her face.

"MOMMY!" Savannah yelled while running over to jump into Addie's open arms.

"Hi sweet baby. Have you had a good day today?" Addie asked as she brought the baby back over to the blanket and set her down.

"Vewry good day mommy. We miss you doe." Savannah said right before I started feeding her.

"That's good sweetheart. I missed you two so much. I'm almost done with meetings so I'll be back out to play with you in a little while." Addie told Savannah while running her fingers through her hair.

Savannah was distracted so I leaned over to my wife, "I thought your meetings were back to back. How did you manage to break away?" I asked her curiously.

She sort of shrugged, "I told them I needed a lunch break when I really just wanted to see our baby. They didn't argue."

We ate and chatted about little stuff and before we knew it, Addie was having to leave which led for a not happy Savannah. I managed to calm her down and was patting her butt when I noticed her pull up seemed full.

"Baby? Did you use your pull up?" I asked pulling away from Savannah so I could see her face.

She look flustered, "I sorry momma. No notice."

"It's okay baby. I just need you to tell me if you can when you use it. It's not good for you to sit in a soiled pull up. I have another one in my bag." I said while unbuttoning her overalls. I slid the old pull up off and doctored her privates. She was already getting a tiny rash so I wanted to prevent it from getting worse. After doctoring it, I slid on her new pull up. She whined continuously until she was covered again.

"I know you didn't like being uncovered like that sweetie, but I really needed to get you situated before your rash got any worse. Can you forgive me?" I asked Savannah sporting the same pout she typically gives me causing her to giggle.

"I fo'give you momma!" She said jumping into my lap. I laugh and rub her belly. I had to tell her to let her food settle before finally letting her go play. Jason and Peyton came outside and they took off screeching towards the playground.

Axel, Lily, and I spent the rest of the afternoon listening to our littles play their hearts out. 

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