Ch. 20 - Family Bonds

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Alexandra POV

I'm carrying Savannah into the dining room for breakfast right now. I'm fully expecting the entire family to be there. She still hasn't said anything yet which has me a little worried, but she is still laughing and smiling which makes me a little less worried.

Walking in to the dining room I only see Lily, Axel, their littles, and Hope. "Where is everyone?" Addie asks.

Axel looked around to see if anyone else would explain before he went ahead and did it. "Well Addie and I's parents along with Alex's decided to return to their actual homes. They said something along the lines of it being crowded right now and they'll come back to visit often."

I then turned to Hope, "Well where's the rest of your family?"

Hope sighed before she explained her situation. "I think Dani and Harry are fighting still. Their kids had to go back to university so they left early this morning. Henry has never been very emotional so he decided to leave as well to get back to work. As for my parents, they went back home to pack a couple of bags, I think they may stay for a little bit. I hope you don't mind me staying?" Hope asked the last part with concern.

I smiled a bit and nodded, "Of course. That's completely fine. It's actually better for Sav if it's just you for a bit. Yesterday was extremely stressful for her." I said the last part sadly and Hope frowned.

"I want to apologize as well. I was unaware that no one was supposed to know about her otherwise I wouldn't have told Henry or my parents. I never meant for any harm to come out of this." Hope quickly apologized.

"No need to apologize, it is completely Harry's fault. We asked him just to wait and let Savannah have a choice on when and if we were to tell anyone but he jumped the gun. I know my sister is not happy with him." I said coldly but Hope agreed.

"I don't know if you know this, but Harry and Helena were extremely close. And by that I mean they were literally about 9 or 10 months apart, they used to be mistaken for twins constantly. They were never separated and when they started dating, they would pick who each one would date. Helena had found Mathias on her own and Harry hated him with everything he was. He was constantly trying to separate the two and finally Helena cut off her ties with Harry. She wanted to be happy but Harry was ruining it for her. She only really talked to me and mom after that." Hope told us.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in. You don't worry about Harry trying to take Savannah away do you?" I whispered to her so Savannah wouldn't hear.

She looked uncertain, "I really want to say no that you shouldn't worry, but honestly, I don't know where his mind is anymore. Helena was always the one to calm him down and after she was gone whenever she was brought up he would go into a frenzy. Just keep a close eye on Harry." Hope told us both and we nodded in understanding.

Just as I was about to say something else the chef came out with breakfast so Addie and I sat down with Savannah in my lap. She was curled up so I had to flip her slightly so she'd be facing the table.

Peyton saw her at the table and waved like crazy, "HII SAVVYYY!" She shouted from across the table.

Savannah just smiled back at her causing Pey to frown. Her frown deepened when Lily scolded her and told her to use her inside voice. "Mommy, why Savvy no talking?" Peyton asked Lily. Lily shot me an apologetic smile.

I decided to relieve Lily some since she probably didn't know either. "Well Pey, we think Savannah's headspace might be a lot younger than yours. We think hers might be in the ages of 0-2. Yesterday was a really hard day for her so we think she might have regressed back as extremely young." I announced to the table and everyone was giving me a sad look.

We all ate breakfast and tried to keep those conversations lighthearted. Once we all finished Addie dipped out of the dining room saying that she had to take care of some things and to not let Savannah in her room. I was a bit confused but I shrugged it off and invited Hope out into the garden with us.

We sat down on the swing and Savannah cuddled into me before tugging at my shirt. "She just started nursing with both of us yesterday and if you can't tell, she likes it. Do you mind if I let her nurse?" I asked Hope not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"Of course not. Go right ahead. Now are you producing milk?" Hope asked me and I shook my head.

"No, we decided Addie would be the one with milk and that I would only be for comfort." I told her as I felt Savannah gently suck on my breasts. I looked down at her with a smile and combed my fingers through her hair.

"If you don't mind me staying here for a little while, I would really like to. I want to spend more time with all of the littles and get familiar with how each one acts and behaves hopefully to prepare me for when and if I finally get my own." Hope said the last part sadly and I gave her a reassuring smile.

"You'll find your perfect little one day I promise. It took Addie and I years before we found Savannah. Now we couldn't imagine our lives without her." I said as I sat Savannah up a little. She looked over at Hope before making grabby hands. I laughed a little at her antics before looking to Hope who appeared unsure. "It's okay. You won't hurt her. She likes to be cradled though." I said while handing her to Hope.

Hope nodded and took Savannah from me before laying her on her back and cradling and rocking. Savannah giggled at her while playing with the ends of Hope's hair. "She likes you." I whispered and Hope looked at me with a surprised look.

"Really?" Hope asked with a glint of excitement in her eyes and I nodded smiling. She continued rocking her and humming softly and I couldn't help but smile at them bonding. We stayed outside for a little while before Addie came outside saying she had a surprise.

Hope handed Savannah back over to me and I handed her to Addie since she has been gone. "Hi baby," I heard Addie whisper as she bounced Savannah on her hip. She didn't say anything but just giggled at her mommy's playfulness. We all followed in behind them to see the surprise. 

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