Ch. 44 - Reunited

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Peyton POV

I woke up in mommy's arms and she was already awake. She was humming slightly while rubbing my back. I smiled up to her before breaking her out of her trance, "Hi mommy," I whispered.

She looked down at me and smiled back before kissing my forehead. "Hi baby girl. We need to get you dressed so we can get some breakfast in that tummy of yours." Mommy said while tickling my tummy causing me to giggle.

She helped me out of the bed before carrying me to my room. More often than not, I end up sleeping in bed with mommy and daddy, of course though, only near mommy. She dressed me in a long sleeve white shirt, some athletic shorts and then a red overall dress. She let me pick my shoes so I just grabbed a pair of white converse.

"Okay baby, let me do your hair. Do you want it down, ponytail, or french braid?" Mommy asked me as she sat me down in front of her.

I looked up at her while she was running her fingers through my hair and smiled, "French braid please mommy." I told her as she leaned down and kissed my forehead again.

"You got it baby girl." She slowly brushed all of the tangles away before setting down the brush and braiding my hair. She tied a red bow at the end to complete the look.

"Alright sweetie, you ready to go get some breakfast now?" Mommy asked and I nodded while making grabby hands at her. She laughed a little before picking me up and setting me on her hip. I laid my head on her chest and played with the ends of her hair as she carried me down the stairs towards the kitchen.

I realized we were up earlier than everyone else for once so we weren't eating in the dining room. Mommy set me on one of the stools before going to get some food. "What do you want to eat this morning baby?"

I smiled knowing she wouldn't give me what I wanted, "Mmm, ice cream!" She kind of looked at me before nodding.

"Okay baby, but only two scoops." Mommy said before dishing out some ice cream. I furrowed my brows at her, mommy only lets me have ice cream for dessert. Never for breakfast.

"Mommy, what wrong?" I asked concerned.

She looked back at me and gave me her fake smile, "Nothing's wrong baby girl. You've been good lately, that's why you're getting ice cream."

I just shook my head and was pulled out of headspace. "Something's obviously wrong mom. I never get ice cream for breakfast, it doesn't matter how good I am." Mom set the bowl in front of me and I just raised a brow at her.

Mom sighed before sitting down next to me, "I got a text this morning from Dani that they found your twin sister. I wanted to talk to you first and give you a heads up. That's why I'm acting so funny because I didn't know how you would take it." Mom told me and I could tell she was being honest.

"She doesn't want to meet me does she?" I asked feeling myself get emotional. Obviously if she wanted to meet me then she would be here.

Moms eyes widened at that and she pulled me in a hug, "What? No baby, she does want to meet you. She's with Hope and Dani. We just didn't want you to be upset or anything. Would you like to meet her?" Mom asked as she was still squeezing me tightly. I nodded my head as a few of my tears that threatened to fall did.

Mom pulled back from the hug, "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to make you cry." She said as she brushed my tears away.

"It's okay mom. I just got a little upset. I'd like to meet her if she wants." I told mom and she nodded her head.

"Dani said they'd be coming down to the kitchen soon, so they should be here any minute." Mom told me and I nodded my head in return.

We moved to a regular chair instead of the stools. Chair singular because mom pulled me into her lap even though I'm not little right now.

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