Ch. 23 - Slip

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Savannah POV

"Alright. I guess it's time for me to get up." I grunted as I rolled out of bed, Hope was following right behind me. I turned around as soon as I knew Hope was out of bed and gave her an actual hug instead of those half hugs I was giving her earlier.

"Even though Harry's a butthole for telling everyone before I was ready, I'm really glad you're here." I mumbled against her chest truthfully.

She squeezed me a little, "I'm glad I'm here too sweetie. Now lets go see what Alex and Addie are doing." Hope said as we broke from our hug.

I ran into their room and saw them both laying in bed. I took this as my opportunity to run and jump on them. I successfully managed to land on both of them causing them to both let out loud grunts.

"Ow baby girl. A little warning next time please." Addie said while laughing before pulling me up to sit in her lap.

"Did you have a good nap with Aunt Hope?" Alex asked as Hope was sitting at the end of the bed.

"I did!" I said excitedly, I could feel myself slipping. However, this was a good slip, not because I needed it. I decided to have Addie help me slip again.

I leaned up to whisper in her ear, "Can you help me slip? Nothing bad happened, just want to be little again." I told her truthfully.

Adelaide POV

Savannah asked if I would help her slip and it concerned me slightly because I couldn't help but listen to the conversation between her and Hope. My concerns were eased slightly when she said nothing happened she just wanted to be little. It made me happy because that means she likes when she's little and she knows we coddle her even more when she is.

"Of course baby girl. Do you want to take a bath with me and nurse, or do you just want to nurse out here?" I asked her in my tone of voice that I knew would make her feel small.

"Baff p'ease." She whispered and I knew my plan was working.

I got out of bed and picked her up, "I'm going to go bath Savannah." I told Alex and Hope who looked confused.

"I thought she was big right now?" Hope asked.

I nodded, "I'll explain that when we get back."

I turned and headed into the bathroom, but not without grabbing us some clothes. I know she's close with Hope, but I don't know if she's comfortable getting dressed in front of her. I started getting the water ready before stripping out of my clothes. I wanted to get Savannah undressed last because I didn't want her to get cold.

I undressed her and threw away her unused pull-up before setting her into the warm water. I climbed in behind her and she leaned back into me, but I pushed her back up. "Let's wash your hair and body then we have cuddles." She pouted slightly, but allowed me to bathe her.

Once we were done I pulled her back into me and she shifted so she could lay her head on my chest. I cupped water in my hand to run it down her back while she stayed cuddled into me. "Mommy? Milky?" Savannah asked and I smiled knowing she slipped.

"Of course baby, go ahead." I told her while guiding her mouth to my nipple. She gently took it in her mouth and began drinking. She suckled for awhile until I guess that one went dry before asking to switch.

I helped her turn around she latched onto the other nipple. Once she was done with that one, she smushed her face in between both boobs and stayed there until I said it was time to get out causing her to groan.

"I know baby, but we can have more cuddles once your out. I don't want you to get sick since the water is getting cold." She seemed to understand and let me dry and dress her once we were out.

Alexandra POV

Addie just took Savannah for a bath, but I could tell Hope was still confused. "I have a feeling Savannah was struggling to slip and that's why she whispered to Addie. She was probably asking for her help."

Hope nodded, "I didn't realize littles needed help to slip."

I shrugged a little, "She doesn't typically need help to. Typically she'll slip whenever, but she's had so many emotions running through her head the past couple of days so it could be harder. Unfortunately, she slips the easiest when she's stressed or scared, but she didn't seem to be either of those so I think she just wanted to be little. She knows we will care for her when she's big or little, but she knows we coddle her more when she's little."

Hope smiled at that, "I can't wait to have a little or two. Do you think you and Addie will want another one?"

I shook my head at that, "No. Before we met Savannah we knew we only wanted one little that way we can give her our undivided attention. We are already busy being queens, so having to split our attention on two littles who want all of it was not a good idea to us. If Savannah breaches that topic we may reconsider, but I don't think she will. She likes being spoiled by both of us, especially at the same time. I mean she had 14 years without anyone knowing about her or caring for her, so she's making up for all of that."

"That actually makes a lot of sense. I guess I won't really know until it happens. I'd like to have a partner before I got a little, but that's not looking too good for me." Hope told me with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I know Dani knows how you feel. She wants a little, but Harry put his foot down. It's a shame she's still married to him. I know you have had a crush on her since you two first met." I told her carefully.

She furrowed her brows at me, "Excuse me?" Hope questioned causing me to laugh.

"Oh come on, don't even act like you don't. You can't hide those puppy dog eyes that you make at her from a distance. If it makes you feel better, she had or maybe still has a crush on you." I told Hope knowing my sister would smack me if she were here.

Hope just laughs, "You're right. I do have a crush on your sister, but I can guarantee she doesn't have one on me."

"Nope, she definitely does. She wanted to be with you, but was scared our parents would act poorly finding out both daughters like girls. Dani is bisexual, so that's why she ended up with Harry, but she really just wanted to be closer to you. If I'm being honest, I would have preferred you much more than Harry." I told Hope truthfully.

"Wow. You must really hate my brother if you're telling me all of this." Hope said while almost cackling.

"I don't hate him! I just know how hard it was for Dani to pick him over you." I told her and she just nodded.

Soon enough my little munchkin was running out of the bathroom and towards me, "Momma!"

I scooped her into my arms and kissed all over her face causing her to giggle, "Hi baby."

"Hi aunt Hopey!" Hope smiled and leaned over to kiss her forehead too.

"Hi baby." I looked over to Hope and she caught my stare and nodded my way before excusing herself from my room.

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