Ch. 37 - Separation Anxiety

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Savannah POV

Admittedly, it's a little strange not being with my mommies, but Hopey and Dani have been keeping me super distracted. We had just finished dinner and decided to head up to Hopey's room for the night.

I was sitting on Hopey's bed in between her and Dani, as they were reading me Goodnight Moon. We had only had one mishap before bed and that was because we forgot to get one of mommy's nightgowns. I haven't slept in anything but hers since I've been here and I'm not stopping now.

Dani got one of the maids to get one from the clean laundry so they wouldn't disrupt mommies. She slipped it over my head along with slipping on a pull-up a maid was nice enough to grab as well. The tears finally stopped coming and I settled down to where we are now.

Hopey was holding the book and I was practically glued to her side. When it finished, I could tell I was ready to fall asleep. Dani took the book from Hopey and I shifted so I could lay more on Hopey's chest who chuckled at my actions.

Dani kissed my forehead and Hopey's lips before excusing herself. I still don't understand why they haven't slept in bed together, but that's none of my business I guess.

"I love you Aunt Hopey. T'ank you fo letting me 'pend da night." I mumbled out to her.

She kissed my forehead, "I love you too sweet girl. You are welcome to have a sleep over with me any time you want." I nodded before falling asleep completely.

Alexandra POV

Addie and I shared a nice dinner together on the balcony, but we couldn't help but talk about how much we missed our little one. We decided that we should definitely introduce her to the balcony. She has yet to see it and there's a spectacular view.

We then went inside to enjoy some special adult time, which went for hours making us exhausted. I don't think either one of us had realized how long it had been. Once we finally finished, we laid in each other's arms for another hour or so just feeling the closeness between the two of us.

After awhile we got up and showered together and got dressed in pajamas. We didn't know what time Savannah would be coming in, but we didn't want her to see us looking like sex. We laid back down in the bed seeing as it was almost 3am.

However, we laid there and couldn't sleep. "I can't sleep without my little one." Addie said quietly. I shifted to look at her.

I sighed feeling the same way, "I know, I can't either."

Addie cuddled up more to me and I held her closely. "How did we do it before?" Addie questioned and I internally sighed knowing exactly why we were feeling like this.

"That was before everything with Harry happened. We didn't have our little one with us for all of those days, so when we finally got her back, we didn't let her out of our sight." I explained to Addie and she nodded now realizing that's exactly why we felt like this.

"Do you think Hope would mind if we go steal our baby back?" Addie asked and I simply shrugged as we both got out of bed.

Savannah POV

I was back in that god awful basement. I was chained up against the wall this time and I had like a shirt or something stuffed into my mouth so I couldn't scream. Scary Harry came down the stairs with an awful look in his eyes. He walked over to me like I was some prey and he was the predator. He whipped out a knife before releasing a sinister laugh, "We are going to have some fun."

I woke up with sweat pouring off of me and I was sobbing. Hopey was already awake and looking at me with deep worry. I saw her and immediately koala hugged her. "Hopey!" I sobbed out.

"Shh sweetie, it's okay. You are safe okay?" She gently rocked me and continued to whisper soothing words into my ear as she held me.

My sobs turned to sniffles, but I didn't dare escape Hopey's embrace. She tried to pull back to see my face, but I just whined and held her tighter. She sighed a little, "Sweetheart, can you tell me what happened?" She asked sweetly, but I just shook my head.

"Do you want me to get your mommies?" She asked sounding almost defeated.

I shook my head again, "No, it dere special night. No interrupt." I told her not wanting to ruin mommies date night.

"Sweetie, I'm sure they would be alright if we interrupted them. They love you and want to take care of you." Hopey tried to convince me.

"I be ok. You hold me?" I asked and I could feel her nod and say yes softly.

We stayed that way for a few minutes before I heard the door open. "What's wrong?" I heard a voice that I recognized as mommy.

I turned to look at her, "Mommy, why you here? It your date night." I reminded her and she just let out an awkward chuckle. Soon enough momma was right behind her.

"Momma?" I questioned now even more confused on why they were both here.

"Hi little one. Why are you awake?" Momma asked and I just whined from remembering the dream.

Hopey answered for me, "She had a nightmare that woke her up. I asked if she wanted me to get you two, but she insisted that she didn't want to mess up your date. Also, it's 3am, why are you in here?"

"Wow, our daughter has more willpower than us babe," Momma said to mommy chuckling.

"We realized we couldn't sleep without our baby." Mommy admitted. "Would you care if we took her back?" Mommy asked Hopey.

"Mommy no," I whined surprising everyone. "You date night. I no mess it up."

"Baby girl, you aren't messing it up. We love you so much and are thankful you thought about us. But when we said we couldn't sleep without you, we meant it. We couldn't physically fall asleep knowing you weren't in our arms." Momma explained.

Hopey spoke up, "Savannah, it's completely fine for you to go back with your mommies. It's clear that two certain people have separation anxiety and it's not the baby for once," Hopey said with a chuckle causing me to giggle and mommies to pout.

"You no be lonely aunt Hopey?" I asked wanting to make sure I wasn't abandoning her.

She shot me a bright smile, "I promise baby I won't be lonely okay? Your mommies on the other hand will be extremely lonely if you don't go back with them."

I nodded and hugged Aunt Hopey one more time, "I love you Hopey," I told her to which she reciprocated and kissed the top of my head before mommy lifted me into her arms.

We told Hopey goodnight before going back to mommies room. We got settled into bed, me in between both women who were cuddling closely. "Where did you get one of my nightgowns baby?" Mommy asked causing me to blush.

"No s'eep without one. Maid brought it." I told her tiredly. She smiled at that before both women kissed my head and told me they loved me before I fell asleep again hoping for no more nightmares. 

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