Ch. 19 - Unwilling

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Savannah POV

I woke up the next morning with my body on top of mommy. I saw momma was laying next to us and had her arm protectively around both of us. Mommy and I both didn't have a shirt on, but were covered by the blanket.

Yesterday was too much for me. I thought I could handle it, but I honestly don't want to see any of my biological family right now or in the days to come. Well except Aunt Hopey, she's the only one who actually gets me out of that whole bunch.

I don't know if my cousins are still here, I thought I overheard someone say they had to go back to school. They seemed alright, but Jay and Pey are definitely my favorite cousins. I stay laying in bed thinking about all of this, when I really want to be comforted by my mommies. I can't get the words out.

Right now all I can focus on is how much yesterday upset me and how wet I realize my pull-up is. I didn't even notice it get put on last night, but that's been happening a lot lately. I rolled off of mommy and since momma was on the other side, I didn't have a barrier between me and the floor.

I started to crawl towards the edge but stopped when I saw the drop and let out a quiet whine. Needing to figure out how to get off of the bed, I sneakily pulled a pillow over and threw it onto the ground, that would be my target.

Deciding that landing on my side to roll over onto my back was the best idea I went for it. I let out a loud grunt upon impact of landing on the ground. I should have used more pillows.

"Baby?" I heard mommy's voice so I started to roll over and crawl to the bathroom not wanting them to see me in this state.

"Baby girl, why are you on the floor?" Now it was momma asking questions and when I looked up I saw she had already gotten out of bed and was standing in front of me. I couldn't formulate any of my thoughts to come out so I just pointed to my soiled pull-up.

Her eyes widened like she knew exactly what happened. Momma lifted me onto her hip before carrying me into the bathroom. She quickly undressed me and discarded my soiled undergarments before placing me in the warm tub that she had filled up.

As soon as I realized she wasn't getting into the bathtub with me I started crying. All I wanted was her comfort and I didn't understand why she wouldn't give it to me.

She looked at me with worry as she brushed my wet locks out of my face, "Sweetie, can you tell momma why you're crying?" She asked with gentleness clear in her voice.

I just shook my head before pointing to her and then the tub. She quirked an eyebrow. "You want momma to bathe with you?" She asked another question again causing me to cry, but ultimately nod my head. I wanted her to stop asking questions and just comfort me.

She quickly undressed herself before climbing into the tub behind me. I immediately turned around and attached myself to the front of her body. I could already feel myself relaxing against her. Not realizing what I was doing, I started to suck on the skin right above her nipple causing her to quietly gasp.

"Baby would you like to nurse with me? I don't have milk like mommy, but it may provide you with more comfort?" Momma asked unsure of how I would react. I nodded my head quickly before instantly latching on. I was sold as soon as she said it would provide more comfort.

I laid there nursing awhile when I heard the bathroom door open.

Alexandra POV

Savannah laid in my arms nursing while I cupped warm water and let it run down her backside. I heard the door open and on the other side was my wife who looked concerned until she saw the both of us.

"Is everything okay?" She asked still not seeming too convinced. I smiled and nodded her to come closer.

Savannah was in a whole other world as I talked to Addie. "Everything's fine babe. She wet her pull-up and it really upset her. I decided to put her in the bath to see if that'll calm her down, but she didn't until I was in here as well." Addie nodded a bit before smiling down at Savannah as she nursed.

"She's nursing with you too?" Addie asked happily.

"She is," I said with a smile, "But I think, only if you want to, that you should be the only one lactating. I don't have a problem with it, but you two did it together first and I think it should stay as a special bond between the two of you." Addie fell down to her knees and gave me a loving kiss on the lips.

"Thank you Al. That means so much. What do you think her headspace is?" Addie asked me and I rubbed Savannah's back some.

"Honestly, I think she will fall somewhere between 1-2 on normal days. I think she's on a spectrum like Peyton and Jason are. When she's with them she might fluctuate and be a little older, but when she's with us it may be a little younger." Addie nodded along, but seemed a little confused on the matter so I continued.

"When she's with Peyton and Jason she is playful to an extreme. So she fluctuates to match their ages and is capable of then playing with them easier. When she is with us, she'll still play, but she is typically wanting more love, cuddles, and comfort from us. However, I think she may regress to newborn or under 1." I said with a shrug, but Addie's eyebrows raised.

"Newborn? That's extremely young. Even Peyton and Jason haven't regressed that young. Are you okay with it?" Addie asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"I am. I believe she may be in that space right now. She hasn't said a single word this morning and she has been extremely emotional compared to our quiet baby. Are you okay with her having that young of a headspace?" I questioned Addie, mostly worried that she would be too nervous and would upset everyone including herself.

Addie had a crease in her forehead when I asked her that. "What? Of course I'm fine with it. She's our baby girl, I just never thought our little would be able to have such a young headspace. She'll want less independence at this age, you know how much I love to coddle her Al."

I chuckled at her, "That I do. Though we won't know for sure if this is a good headspace for her or not. She may just fall to this headspace when she is extremely stressed which isn't a good thing. Ideally, I'd like her to fall into whatever aged headspace simply because she enjoys it, not because she needs to for her to cope."

Addie nodded and agreed with me before saying we should get her out of the water. Addie had a warm towel ready and lifted her into her arms. She swayed her back and forth as I got out of the tub before we made our way back into the room. Addie dried off Savannah and dressed her into some comfy clothes while I dried myself off and dressed myself as well.

Addie had already gotten dressed for the day, so while they were waiting on me, Addie asked Savannah if she wanted any milkies and Savannah simply nodded her head. Addie undid her bra before guiding Savannah's lips to her nipple.

Savannah quietly and gently began feeding from Addie, relaxing in her arms as she had done mine earlier. It wasn't long before Addie sat Savannah up to burp her. We were going to have a long day ahead of us and it wasn't going to be easy to keep Savannah's family away from her for the day.

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