Ch. 14 - Arguments

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Alexandra POV

I walked out of my bedroom to find my sister and her husband. I found them in the kitchen still cleaning up. I slam the door shut causing them both to jump.

"Where the hell do you get off by scaring my child?!" I screamed at them and they both flinched.

Danielle walked over to me and tried to place a hand on my arm. I pulled it away and she chuckled while shaking her head.

"Why are you laughing?!" I demanded from her feeling frustrated over everything.

"Just that Savannah did the same exact thing to me that you just did when I was trying to calm her down." Danielle replied and I glared at her.

"You wouldn't have had to make her calm down if you didn't tell her that her father possibly murdered her mother!" I screamed at her causing her to flinch once more.

"Fair point. Listen I'm sorry sis. I didn't know she would react like that. When we were hanging out she was completely big, but I guess the stress caused her to slip and freak. Is she okay? She took a nasty fall off of the stool." Danielle told me causing me to look at her confused.

"I didn't know she fell off the stool. I'm guessing she's okay, but I'm sure Addie will figure it out if she isn't." I replied trying to calm myself down.

"Look, it's not Dani's fault. She didn't even know where I was going with my line of questioning. I get so worked up about my sister and I just really needed to know. God, everyone is going to be so happy when they find out Helena's daughter is still alive." Harry finished talking and I was about to snap.

"You are to tell no one about her in your family. Not yet at least. Are we clear?" I said through gritted teeth.

He looked shocked, "What are you talking about? My family has been in mourning for the both of them for years. Of course we are telling them!" Harry fought back.

"I am the Queen, you do not demand things from me. We will have a DNA test done by you and Savannah IF she chooses to do so. If the DNA comes back as a familial match, then and only then will we discuss you telling your family. BUT, if Savannah chooses she does not want to meet them then so be it. I will tell you another thing, if she chooses to meet them, I do not want them to even attempt taking her away from here. It's ultimately her choice if she does want to leave, but I will not have your family trying to take her away from me and Addie. Am I understood?" I all but yell at him.

"Yes Queen. You are understood." Harry said with a slight bow before excusing himself.

I then turned to my sister, "If I find out that your husband goes behind my back and tells his family before we decide to tell them, I will make both of your lives a living hell. Are we understood?" I ask her with a glare.

"Yes Al, I'll try to keep a reign on him. Also, 10/10 on your scary spiel. I don't think I would have ever been able to do it like you have." Dani complimented me causing me to finally break a smile out.

"If it was about one of your kids you definitely would have been able to. Savannah is Addie and I's baby. We are just trying to make sure she doesn't get hurt mentally or physically and attempting to make her life a little less traumatic. We want to still give her choices over her life and don't want to pressure her into doing things she isn't comfortable with. I know Harry and his family went through a lot with Helena's death and thinking her baby was gone as well, but they need to keep in mind that that baby is still a baby. However, she's a baby who has lived a hard life." I told Danielle honestly.

"I get it sis. Harry just gets so worked up. I know his family will too, so if it does go that way we need to have a plan so Savannah doesn't get worked up either. Also, whatever happened to Jefferson?" Dani told me and I nodded my head.

"He's dead. Can't tell you how, but know he has been dealt with," I told her with a shrug and she started laughing because she knew exactly what happened. We sat there in silence for awhile before I spoke up again.

"Do you think they'll try to take her away from me?" I asked my sister feeling the most vulnerable I have all night.

She let out a quiet sigh. "I hope they don't, but she's their biological family so I know they may think it's their right to have her with them." Dani said knowing it'll upset me.

I shook my head, "I don't want them even giving her the idea that she could live with them. If she wants to live with them, it has to be 100% her idea. We have plenty of vacant rooms in the castle. They can come stay here for certain lengths of time and they will be welcome to come see her anytime. She also has a phone now so she can facetime them if she wants to." I told Dani scared I would lose my baby.

"Trust me, just come up with a plan with Addie, tell me about it, and whenever it happens I'll run interference for you. I will always have your back sis." Dani said and I pulled her into a hug.

"I can't lose my baby. I just got her and I'm too attached to lose her." I said while my tears were threatening to fall.

Dani rubbed my back soothingly, "You aren't going to lose her. I'll make sure of it."

"Thank you, I love you Dani." I told her as we broke from our hug and she smiled at me.

"I love you too Al."

I left the kitchen and walked back up to my room. Quietly opening the door I peek in and see Savannah laying on top of Addie. I let out a quiet chuckle and make my way over to my dresser.

After dressing into my pajamas, I get in the other side of the bed and cuddle into my wife. Luckily Addie doesn't get overheated because she has a body on top of her and one practically glued to the side of her.

I feel her wrap her arm around me and I know she's awake. "I lost my cool on Harry."

She laughed quietly, "I bet you did. He deserved it though."

I nodded, "Did she hurt her hand?"

Addie nodded, "Yeah, apparently she fell off of a stool or something. So what are we going to do?"

I sighed not really having an answer, "If Savannah is feeling big tomorrow then we have a family discussion between us three before we bring in more people. If she isn't, then we will wait until she is."

"Okay babe, don't stress about it too much. Everything will work itself out." Addie responded.

I kissed her shoulder softly, "I love you Addie."

I could see her faintly smile in the dark, "I love you more Alex."

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