Chapter 34: In Love

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The filming for God Forbidden Zone 3 finished before the end of the year, it would have to go through post-production editing before being released nation-wide in early April of next year.

From the early preparations to the completion of filming, the entire process of God Forbidden Zone 3 was a duration of one year and three months. Now that the shooting is finally over, Mo Zhen was finally relieved. As the main character of the God Forbidden Zone 3 series, he had put all of a year's effort and time into this film. The company was waiting for him to reprise yet again as the character of Dr. Gao Sen in future films of this series.

Originally in accordance with the company's arrangements, after finishing shooting the film, Mo Zhen was supposed to non-stop record his album, and then release his new album at the end of the year. The CEO of Kai Huang had personally picked an auspicious day for the release, December 25th, Christmas.

But this plan would eventually be disrupted by Mo Zhen's one sentence.

As a gold medal nanny, Tang Qiang used his three-inch tongue and all of his effort to persuade Kai Huang's CEO and finally after reaching a consensus, the album's release date was pushed to next year. He even provided the company with an auspicious date for the release, February 14th, Valentine's Day.

On the company's side, Mo Zhen had Tang Qiang to help him manage the higher-ups, but when it came to the fans, Mo Zhen could only rely on himself to explain.

At this time, the initiator of this incident was leisurely sitting on a big sofa in his living room, eating imported butter cookies as he went through Weibo.

The company had not yet announced the news of the album being postponed. Quoting the CEO's words, this animosity would have to be personally put on Mo Zhen's shoulders. After he stabilized everyone's animosity, the company would then issue an official statement confirming it.

Mo Zhen did not object to the company's decision, this incident would solely his own responsibility and fault. The problem was explaining it to the fans... It must be compiled with heart-wrenching and tear-jerking sentences in order for them to accept it.

"Zhen Zhen, Turkey's usually quite cold at this time of the year, do you need to bring your down jacket?" Ah Yao floated down from the second floor, a man's down jacket drifted in the air behind her as she approached Mo Zhen.

Mo Zhen's eyes could not help but widen as he pulled a floating down jacket from the air, looking quite impatient he said, "No, I checked, it'll be sunny all next week, the weather is supposed to be very good."

"Oh," said Ah Yao, nodding her head. She thought for a moment, "What kind of changes of clothes do you need to pack? Such as that thing..." Ah Yao said, shyly lowering her head.

(TN: there's supposed to be something suggestive and shameless here, but I'm probably too young and a single dog to catch it, apologies~)

Mo Zhen: "..."

What is that thing supposed to be?!

Patting the down jacket with much force, Mo Zhen worked hard to have a calm and patient tone: "Do not rummage through my wardrobe, I will pack my things myself."

"...Oh, okay." Ah Yao bitterly drifted to the sofa to lie down. Mo Zhen placed the down jacket on a table, glanced at Ah Yao laying on the sofa for a moment, and once again edited his Weibo post.

"I am very sorry, the original plan was to release my new album 'Lost Heaven' on December 25th, however, this will be delayed. This is mainly due to the theme song that I am personally writing myself, at this point I am not satisfied with the changes made to the song. Both the company and I have invested a lot of effort and time into this, and everyone has also been waiting so patiently, but I do not want to use a half-finished product to deceive everyone. Therefore, I made a final decision to travel abroad for a while, hoping to find new inspiration. I ask for everyone's understanding."

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