Chapter 24

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Trigger warning. I don't really want it to disrupt the flow of it so if you want to skip the trigger please look out for this --> . It will show when it starts and when it'll end. I'll comment what the trigger is for those who want to know since it is a spoiler.

Armen's POV:

It's almost dawn as we trudge along the barren mountains filled with different coloured clay and destroyed structures. I can't look up for long as slight shine of the horizon blasts my eyes despite barely being visible; I'm never going to get used to this. Ever since we left the ancient home we've been walking nonstop, Grayson's up ahead refusing to slow down whilst snapping at us when we're too slow. I understand his worried for Luke, I want to help him too but what help could we be if we're tired? I don't think Grayson cares. I sigh, glancing behind me to see Drake lagging behind, he's shaking and his ear is twitching. His hand keeps resting against his head. When will they tell me his problem? Both of them are hiding this and frankly I'm tired of it, but I can keep going since I know it'll slip out sooner or later- a sudden thump sends a wave of rough air braze against my feet; Drake's on the floor... shaking.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask, going towards him.

He takes a while to answer, "I... yeah..." Lie, "Can you help me up?" 

I nod and look ahead, he didn't even glance back, "Grayson!"

It gets his attention as he spins around, glaring at us he speedily approaches. He grabs Drake by the arms and pulls him up, letting him gather his footing before letting go.

"Drake's in a bad shape, we should stop-" I whisper.

"No. We're nearly there, you can rest at the place." he snappily cuts in, green eyes furious and sad.

He gives me no room to negotiate as the unsteady silence quickly returns. It's true we're close, it's just over these mountains... I watch as he walks away, hopefully he doesn't stay like this.  


Before crossing the final bridge, we approach the Red Keep. Grayson stops, halting us as he peeks around the corner.

"There's no guards, but there's a crowd gathering off to the side." he claims.

I glance over there, there's a whole bunch of auras bunched together, too many to determine an exact amount. I look at Grayson; if we are really going in there we need to be careful. I don't care is he's being annoying I won't let any of us get caught.

"The entrance seems to be clear, everyone is away in a corner, we could run in and hide out of sight." I suggest.

"I will never get used to you having magic, but that's a good idea." we both turn towards Drake, he nods in agreement and we head in with quiet urgency. 

The gates are down and the walls are sturdy, all previous holes are now filled in with cement. The grass path is trampled whilst stone is carelessly placed along it. Once in, we spot the gathering; people filled an area littered with banners, stalls and toys. Flying sparks from sparklers dance around causing a small headache to form as I close my eye. Near the back there's a couple of guards chatting, not paying attention. Surrounding the crowd are stalls and behind them are houses, not a lot but there are a few clumped together. Quickly we scurry over to an alley, out of sight but still able to see the surroundings. 

Finally, we rest. Drake is the first to flump down, his legs give way as he rips his bottle from his bag and gulps it down; accidently choking on it stops him from eradicating the whole drink. Neither Grayson or I open our bags, I don't want to risk it. From my position I'm able to see what the crowd is gazing at. There's a small hand built structure in the middle of the market, wooden steps lead up to a long pole, at the end of it a long rope dangles from... it... shit.

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