Chapter 33

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Armen's POV:

My eyes scan the items once again, hoping the darkness is simply deceiving my eyes... no, it's really gone and the only one who would do that is Grayson... why now? Out of all the places to do it why in a village? It doesn't make sense but I need to get it back before things get worse. Carelessly, I slot the items back into the bag, quickly getting up and out in the corridor. It's pitch black with the only light emitting from two windows at either end. I can hear the same footsteps downstairs; quietly tip-toeing I peer around the corner just to spot Grayson heading outside... should I follow? Should I stay put? Why is he up this late?

The window.

Perking up I spin around, no one's there... the window? I head over to the tinted glass, it's musty and dotted with stains. Painfully gazing down, I see an area with a clear blue pond and countless bushes circling it, the weeping willow besides the path blocks it view. I'm about to chase after him when I spot him walking up to the water, book locked in his grasp. As much as I wanted to run down there and snatch it from him, I stay put, watching and waiting.

He stands still, looking down at the cover. He opens it, flicking through blank pages. A small sting in my head starts to pump, grasping it with my right hand I continue to spy. Without stopping on any pages he closes it and lifts it above his head, eyes locked on the water. 

Stop him.

Turning around, no one's there. Why would I stop him? There's no reason for me to intervein. Turning back he's still hesitating, arms slightly shaking.

Teleport down there.

"Hey, who ever is there, stop it." I whisper, flipping around once again I gaze into the darkness. No one's there.

Save. Me. 

"I said stop!" I quietly yell. Trying to ignore it I shut my eyes, though that only makes it worse as this mysterious voice keeps repeating the same phrases over and over again. I grab both my ears only to cringe as my wrist throbs once again. Clasping my wrist I glare at no one, "Alright, you want me to teleport? Fine. But it won't work." 

The words stop and I'm able to concentrate, picturing the area I try to think of moving there. I've never teleported properly before... keeping my eyes closed I think I've outwitted this creep but with a sudden rustle and a cool breeze I snap my eyes open, I'm outside? Why now of all times did I teleport?! Peeking through the bushes I spot Grayson looking at me with wide worried eyes before returning his attention to the pond. Before anything could process, he raises his arms once more, pulling them back before sweeping down. 

"Stop." a man bellows from the willow, for some reason Grayson does so, unable to throw the book he turns around to face the voice.

 Out comes five maybe seven people, cloaks with a crimson red tint hides their clothes from view, only slightly showing a uniform of dark red and black. Holding their cloaks together is a small pin that slightly glimmers in the light; I'm too far away to see what it is.

"No, you stop! I know what you are and I will drop this book if you come any closer." Grayson yells, holding the book over the water.

"Then do it." the leader responds, prompting a flinch, "You can't. You're the first to try this but you know it won't work." 

His arm shakes as he brings the book to his side, "Look, I don't know why I... why I brought us here but we sure as hell won't stick around in this damn cult village." 

A small chuckle spreads around the group as they start to approach again, "Oh Grayson, if only it was that easy." 

Book in hand, Grayson gets defensive as they continue to approach, he tries to back up only to barely avoid falling into the water. Behind him are hills, steep ones at that, and the only exit is blocked by the cultists. Taking a breath he looks over to me and flings the book my way- panicking I defend myself, blocking with my arms it bounces off them and lands next to me, a loud shout and scurry of feet ensue as my wrist throbs, picking up the book I know I'm about to be spotted... close my eyes. Count to ten. Imagine the corridor. Then all noise stops. Frantically opening my eyes I give a sigh of relief that I'm away before quickly dropping the book and looking outside the window. 

A couple of people are fighting off Grayson as he's unwillingly dragged whilst the rest search the bushes, scanning the area I duck out of sight. What do I do now? My wrist is killing me and now I have this damned book, and we're in a cult town! I don't know if they saw me, I don't know if they'll come after me, what will happen to Grayson!? Resting my head in my hand I don't move as I try to think of an answer. 

Hide the book. 

I gaze around once again, "Alright, whoever's there, show yourself." I demand, still making sure not to speak too loud. 

You can hear me? That's a first. 

A response! "Where are you?" 

Besides you, where I've always been. 

Wait- looking down to my side there's only the book, how can a book be sentient? That's impossible! "You're the book? Really? Who are you and why are you in a book?" I question

All are dumbfounded yet you sound unimpressed... I am one of three; the youngest and the most cunning. My existence is present and the past is wrapped up so that only the deserved find it. 

"Okay... what have you done to Grayson?" time to get straight to the point.

Ah, the blonde. He's been tricky, an unrestful mind filled with guilt yet hold a strong will against those who oppose. I've simply let fate take hold, a destiny I didn't chose yet the destiny that was chosen. What will happen next? I cannot say, for that is out of my reach. 

"I... that doesn't explain anything! Why are his emotions so jumbled? Why is he so confusing?" I'm annoyed, first Grayson gets captured now a book's talking to me. Great. 

ᓵ⚍∷ᓭᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒲ╎リ↸ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᓵ⚍∷ᓭᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ⍑ᒷᔑ∷ℸ ̣. Invade one to reach the other. Truth, lies, cons and promises. Up, down, left, right, everything is clouded yet everything is so clear. One means two and two means one. What can he trust if he can't trust on his own? 

I tighten my grasp on the book only for a strike of pain to dash through my head. What the hell? What's this topsy-turvy mumbo-jumbo? "You're not making any sense. Look, where did he find you? Why are you speaking to me? You never spoke before." 

A house where ashes lay, what a frightful day. Of all the humans to come across I was happy it was you. A hybrid of madness, a commander of grief, a puppet with no past and an elf with a secret. What an interesting group. 

"Interesting?! You can't just say that after what you've caused!" I yell, piping down as I hope to have not woken anyone. Without any noise I wait for an answer... there's nothing. Speaking again he doesn't respond. Shaking the damned thing I get dizzy, prompting me to stop.

All is done and the night is low. Best be asleep before they catch you peeping.

My eyes go wide as I hear footsteps approach, quickly getting up I quietly close my door, insert all my thrown items once again. Despite the pain I re-insert myself into the bed, not wanting to risk it being in my bag. I keep the book with me, sliding it underneath the pillow as my heart races, overpowering any headaches as the deafening creeping approaches the room. 


I hold my breath as I feel a chill slowly run down my spine. There's silence.

"What a fool, you better do something useful in the morning." someone says, only to walk away, mumbling something in an angered tone. 

I have to stop myself from shaking. Are they the people from before? Why would they be here? Did someone thing I was behind it? I better be careful where I hide it... I wait.... there's silence. Are they gone? I didn't hear the door. Who'd stand there for so long? They have to be gone. I quietly sigh as I relax. I've got to get us out of here tomorrow, maybe they'll listen to me. With struggle, I look over at the door, expecting meet nothing. I hold back a gasp as there in the doorway stands Grayson. Silent. Still. Staring at me with an angered blank expression. Who was talking to him? What happened?

He refuses to smile as he grabs the door handle, slowly closing it. The slight creaking lasts a lifetime before stopping. With the door slightly ajar he takes one last look with fret irritation before speaking in a confused tone...

"Goodnight Armen."

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