Chapter 39

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Leon's POV:

"It'll be fine. I promise."

That marks eighteen. For the past hour the troupe has been preparing to head out, the journey shouldn't take more than a day, but the longest part would be the fighting. It could take days, weeks, maybe a month! Anyone could get hurt and families are prepared for the worst.
Everyone is in the market centre, family and friends are with people in our military uniform: blackened light chainmail undergarments, stiff black cargos and the best boots you'll find in this country. On top, there's a light green padded chest plates and leggings with weird empiric symbols. Even Markus is wearing it...
Apparently, I've got to stay, it's a mixture of official and personal reasons... Markus is still going on this trip, surely he deserves this rest period, Dad's death had to affect him in some way... it has to...

"Leon." I look at him, "Please, don't do any more bow training whilst I'm gone."

"I- what?"

"Your arm and fingers, they've got marks from the string." I look down and sure enough, there's a slight red patch, damn short sleeves.

"I can't promise you anything." He looks annoyed but we've had this conversation too many times, so he doesn't press... "I will try to rest though-" his face lights up, "I'll try."

His smile still remains as his feet and eyes are distracted by our surroundings, people walk by and little kids yell in excitement. Then, his smile slowly drops without him noticing, his eyes finally focus on a small area of concrete for a couple of seconds before the noise around him breaks it, his smile remains down until his eyes lock on mine. I don't smile back.

"What's wrong?" I question.

He looks at me with confusion, "Nothing, why?"

"There's definitely something."

He pauses, looking behind at the carriage, "Maybe, but there's not enough time."

"We have plenty of time."

"But we're about to-"

"We have time."

"Well..." he looks around, "Why aren't you mad at me, I know what you said but still, I'm mad at me yet you aren't. It doesn't make sense." He blurts out quietly.

"We've been over this-"

"I know, I know- I just, still don't understand..."

I sigh, "I don't understand either. I can't tell you how my feelings work, or why I'm not mad you. I know it's not the logical reaction but it's a reaction." Honestly, I want to hate him, to be angry, he took away my Dad and he's just carrying on. I just... can't...

We remain in silence as more people rush past and gradually jump into the cart that's raring to go. We look at each other, awkwardly smiling, as we say our goodbyes. I keep waving 'til he's gone from my sight. Sighing in reluctance I turn around, ready to get on with my day however, I'm immediately stopped by another person who towers above me with scruffy hair and an emerald burn on his upper arm.

"Leon. The Emperor requests your audience immediately." He says with a demanding tone.

What now? I nod, starting to follow him we walk through the crowds that are loitering around the market, with the majority of them laying on the fountain, tossing coins in with an attached wish that'll never come true.
The road that leads to the 'palace' is bland with boring lights either side of the walkway. To the left there's three rows of houses, reserved for those high in power or with enough money to keep the Emperor happy. To the right there's the training ground, a large, ridged structure that stores bland weapons, targets and occasionally a first-aid kit.
At the end of the road is a cross-path. To the left you'll pass the only natural and lively area left; a big garden filled with as many trees as the Emperor could imagine, which is four, and everyone visits it regularly as it's the only calm place here. Further down the road is the docking bay and more market stalls ran by humans and Paginum, it's a very fishy place. To the right, the road leads down to an abomination of houses, everyone else lives down there, ranging from semi-decent houses to shacks that fall apart with the slightest breeze. The people there are... a mixture, that's were Markus and I live, apparently it's 'safer'.

Heading up the stairs we pass fake greenery until we reach an overpowering door. Three knocks ring out before they open, revealing a long room with pillars shakily holding it up, down the red carpet is a grand throne which is highlighted by the green and blue tainted glass that shines the eastern sun into the condemned room. I'm still amazed by it's grandness, but that's quickly diminished upon seeing the Emperor.
He's lying on his throne, fire-red hair stiff as a stick as his manicured hands impatiently tap the golden sides. His icy eyes narrow at my presence.

"Go, leave us alone." He bellows at the guard. Bowing, he exits, closing the doors behind us.

A sudden tap of feet prance around as the Emperor starts to walk, "Leon! So nice to finally see you, it's been a while hasn't it? Come here, I want to talk to you."

I nod and approach, windows either side of the room flash in my eyes as I get partly close to him.

"I'm so very sorry about your father. He was such a great man, sad he betrayed us." He says with no remorse, "But I see you're training extra hard! Good on you, glad you're living up to your use." His eyes remain on the hat around my neck, "I've got a proposition for you, it's been o-so lovely seeing you and Markus get along. Shame what happened to his parents- his father is similar to yours, once great man in power, yet he betrayed us for a simple egg..."

My eyes go wide. His smile remains, no longer concentrated on me he paces around the room, "Such useful talents, it's a shame it was rotten on him... but Markus is perfect as long as he doesn't realise the truth... that's where my idea comes into play." He sharply turns towards me, unable to return to my proper stance, "Upon his return, keep an eye on him. Keep him distracted, busy- I don't care how, you'll just do it. If he ever gets too close, push him away so far he'll be discouraged from adventuring there again..."

He pauses, facing out of the tainted window view. What can I say? What can I do? That thief is his father!? He still has a dad... countless thoughts rush through as emotions start to fester, "Oh, yes! I was so sorry for your Mother, must be hard for her, so we gave her a little present to cheer her up, maybe a marque or two to keep her warm for the upcoming Winter, I'm sure she'll tell you all about it when you return to her."

Turning towards me his eyes narrow on my hat once again, "Don't fail me like he did."

Strutting down the corridor I simply stand there, mind shaking and hands unable to move. My heart doesn't slow down as I lean against the pillar, hand on chest and other on my mouth. My eyes start to water as the tears don't stop.

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