Chapter 37

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Leon's POV:

Colliding swords create an irritating yet comforting sound. Retracting, I head in for another swipe, sword swinging for his torso, it would've hit but he dodges. Placing his leg out I stumble over, landing face first onto the ground. Before I can react I feel his sword painlessly poking at my back. Another defeat. 

Sighing, I get up once again as Markus stands opposite me. His face looks blank, possibly bored, but he's wriggling his feet and looking all over the place. What is he worried about now? 


"Yeah?" that seemed to snap him back.

"What are you worried about?" 

"You're pushing yourself too hard. This is illogical and won't help you." blunt and straightforward like always. 

"It's fine. As 'illogical' as it is, it really helps." I hurt all over but a distraction is a distraction. 

"No, we're stopping." he returns his sword to his sheath and begins to walk away.

"Markus?" he doesn't respond, "Markus!" 

Stubborn little- I angrily grunt as I run up to him, using my sword I step in front of him and prevent him from leaving, "We're not done until I say so!" I raise my voice, he flinches. 

"Why? You've trained non-stop yet you're not going on the mission, you need a rest and deserve one, you shouldn't be pushing yourself." he comments, arms crossed. 

"I can't rest! I need to get stronger and this is the only way I can!" I yell. I know he hates me yelling and so do I but it's the easiest way to truly express my emotions. 

"Okay! Okay... but doing the same thing over and over again won't help, if you really want to get stronger, then find something you're good at and train on that." he suggests.

"Like sword fighting-"

"No no, I mean... your agility! Or your sharp shooting! If you hone in on those skills, you'll get stronger!" he is right, like my Dad, I'm good with a bow and quite quick on the obstacle course. 

"Okay... but, I'm already good at that, shouldn't I be focusing on making the bad things better?"

"You could do that, but being a jack of all trades isn't the best, you might be good at some aspect but when you're up against people who have solely trained in that area, you won't be strong... having one thing which you're amazing at, it'll make you stand out, it'll make you strong." Markus explains, yet again, he's the one talking sense. 

"I know... you're right... but how will sneaking around in the dark and distanced combat, help protect my Mum?" I can't loose both parents, I don't want to loose her as well. She means too much.

"I... I... if you appear dangerous and strong then they shouldn't bother you, and hasn't Ferox promised to keep her safe? Part of an agreement or something."

"I don't know... but I'll take your word into account... but could we please continue our duel? I... I just want a distraction..."

"How about playing a game? Going to the park? Having childish fun? Tag's fun!"

"We're soldiers. Our childhood was gone as soon as the military set eyes on us... when you've got the threat of war looming over you why waist time on childish behaviour?" I comment, not meaning every word. 

We're not even teenagers. We shouldn't be forced to fight the adult's war! This isn't fair... why do I need to push my abilities to the same level as skilled, wise adults who have had much longer to train! Why do I have to fear execution for simply being forced into this child labour that gives us little to no money... I want to act like a child, to play around and not fear the next step... but that can't happen, that life can no longer exist. I know Markus realises that too.

"I understand that, we need to take care of ourselves like no kid should. However, you can't run away from childhood. It'll catch you up sooner or later. We can act like nothings wrong, like the world isn't on fire, forget the truth or simply ignore it... the truth that keeps us safe... the truth that might not be the... truth..." his eyes linger on Luke's hat before blinking a couple of times, "Sorry, I forgot where I was going with that.. but, please, relax and take this mission off to have fun, not to train." I'm not the only one who needs a rest.

"I'll... think about it." I near whisper, getting a comforting smile in response. 

That's a lie. Whilst they're off on that attack, I'll be training, maybe not in swords but I'll become the best at shooting, at sneaking around, I might even beat Markus once he gets back. Two more days and then they'll be off. Two more days then I have more room to practice. I wonder how Dad trained... he never told me about it. 

"Alright. I'm heading home, do you want to come with me?" he offers. 

Shaking my head I reply, "Nah, I'll take your advice and have a rest!" I lie.

"You can still come with, your house is on the way." yet again, I shake my head.

"I need some time to myself first..." I murmur, Markus nods.

"Okay... see you around!" and with that he's off, his mind moves so fast that I fear I'll never understand it. Maybe that's for the best, he's interesting, a great person to talk to even if I fail to understand him. 

I cautiously watch as he walks away with a slight hop in his steps, once he heads down a steep path to the middle class housings I don't hesitate to pick up a bow. Straight back to training, shooting targets which won't stop me, won't tell me to rest, won't tell me off.

I will get stronger. 

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