Chapter 38

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Third Person POV:

"As long as that deal stands, you can't hurt Armen."

Then it's a good thing it's broken~


One more day, that's all Grayson wanted. Their conversation yesterday, at night, wasn't the what you'd call bargaining, both sides wanted different things but the argument lasted so long that Armen had to reluctantly agree. The blonde was never specific as to how long the day could be but if he had to stay for a while the raven haired boy didn't want to waist any of it. So as the sun rose once again, he sets off to the library hoping to find something useful.

Despite arriving early, there's a lot of people sat around with books and drinks. Cautiously, he opens the door; silence. They stare at him as he heads past, finding a lonely isle and picking any book from it's selection he can feel their eyes stare through the cases. From what he can see there's nothing of great interest: folk tales, myths, cook books, children's tales. Although he does enjoy a good folk tale, now's not the time. Picking up the a book he flicks through pages as his eyes scan the area, no one's left or scurried away like last time, they've carried on talking in secretive whispers that never dare to be audible. 

Closing the worthless book he turns to his left, the girl from the counter is standing there with a small book in hand, it's a purple tint with red laces woven along the edges. She holds it out, waiting for the boy to take it... and so he does. Holding the book, he's about to question it's meaning only for the girl to speak first.

"When you open it, it'll give you the spell you need and how to perform it." she whispers whilst Armen struggles to hear her, "You didn't get it from me." 

With that she turns away, ready to walk back to her lifeless job, but she hesitates... screw it she thinks, turning back to face him, "In the far corner, there's some hidden stairs, go up them to find the books you're looking for..." she points in the general direction, it's not that hidden but it blends in with the books. 

Ready to thank her Armen turns around only to find her walking back to the desk, hoping the others didn't hear her. Sighing, the raven haired boy returns his gaze to the stairs. He trust her word, even if she could be part of the cult, she's helping him... and her aura didn't seem 'bad', so he trusts her. Placing the small palm-sized book into his pockets, he heads up the stairs, appearing in an open area, small amounts of books are scattered in tattered shelves and barrels whilst a big opening in the middle looks down at the centre. Not wanting to be seen, he starts to search around. The majority are history books on different places, different people, different gods. Picking up some about the cult he continues to look around, the rest weren't as exciting nor important apart from a whole barrel of spell books. Flicking through those pages he starts to read over words he couldn't understand and rituals he'll never remember. Sitting at an old table he goes through page after page, hoping to find words he knew or a spell he could use. Without realising it, most of the morning had passed whilst he was reading away. 

Then, he hears shouting. Jumping out of his ridged concentration he peers out of the tainted window that looks down on the path. There were his friend, Grayson and Mia frantically looking around whilst Drake keeps staring off at the village, all have their backpacks on whilst the hybrid's keeping a tight grip on the boy's tattered bag. Without hesitation, Armen drops the books, unafraid of the noise as he runs down the stairs, fleeing past the girl as an elderly woman's angrily gestures at her. Locking eye contact his cyan eyes express sorrow as her corrupted green eyes look away in fear. His legs do not stop as he bolts out the door, getting the attention of all three before quickly halting in front of them.

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