Chapter 35

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Armen's POV:

What is he doing? He looks tired, conflicted and confused. Hell, he looks more tired than Drake and that's saying something. We're outside an abandoned church, it's falling to pieces whilst overgrown vines are killing it. The church is on a small hill that overlooks the village and the inn. make a wrong move and we'll end up with this rubble on top of us. Is this really the place where we're talking? I'm sure the inside was once beautiful, you can still make out slight remains of a red carpet and a few chairs. It's in the shape of a short T whilst what I'd assume to previously be windows are lined up all along the walls. The doors lead to a short corridor and halfway down to the right there is a small square area, presumably where the priests and vicars would give their speeches. Heading in we stand side by side, taking in the area. 

"Sometimes I wonder as to how these places get destroyed, wouldn't the villagers mend it upon seeing even the slightest bit of decay?" He questions.

I wait for a second, seeing if he'll say anything else before responding, "You and I both know that entire towns can be turned to rubble in one night. I doubt they were there to fix it once it was destroyed."

"That's true, a lot can happen in one night, even if you don't recall it."

"I... I guess so?"

He holds his breath before turning to me, "What happened last night?" 

My eyes lock on his. He doesn't remember, "Nothing. We were all asleep."

"No, I saw you outside. The pond and I... where's the book, I tossed you the book, right?" he can't seem to get a grasp on his words. 

"I don't know, it should still be in my bag." 

"Don't lie. Where is it?" his tone's changed. 

"Why should I tell you? You'd just give it to those damned cultist!" 

"Cultists!? What are you talking about? They're..." he grasps his head as he closes his eyes, is he trying to remember?

"I'm not working with them! As if I'd ever just follow along with those twisted demons!" 

"Then why do you want the book?" 

"I... look, what happened last night? After you got the book, what happened?" Changing the topic? 

"I don't know, you were taken away... surely you remember something?" 

"No... look, I'm not with the cultist! I'd never work with them, so you can tell me where the book is-" 

"Why are you so obsessed with that damned thing!? Why do you want it?"

"It'll help bring Luke back! It must... it has something to help..." oh no... 

"Grayson..." I start calmly, "Luke's dead, you... nothing can bring him back." 

"Liar! It can! It has to!" 

"It can't! I don't know what you're thinking but you can't bring back the dead!" 

"You're alive! You're here! But noo! He has to stay dead because you said so,  what was I thinking? Of course you want him dead, you murdered him after all-"

"I didn't murder him! I don't know why I'm alive but that was different circumstances. You can't, you shouldn't be allowed to bargain for death." 

I see fury light up in his eyes as he shoves me forward, getting me to land next to a sharp rock I look up to see he's got something in his hand, with his foot on my chest I'm unable to move as he places this thing around my neck. Only to immediately back away as I force my way up. 

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