Chapter 47

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Leon's POV:

Sat at the wooden table, I use a carving knife to smoothen out the splinters that keep pricking us. It's not the most efficient tool but it passes the time. Mum's at the sink rinsing out the vegetables, her eyes are focused on the water as we both linger in the silence.

I've offered to help, I offer every day but every time I get turned down, told to go have fun and not worry. If I could I would, but there's no time to have fun. I can see it in her eyes, when I have uniform on, her smile fades for a second. I don't know if I remind her of Dad or if it's because I'm part of the soldiers. Either way, I get changed before I come home.

Peering out the window I notice how dark it's getting, I can see ladders leaning against the posts, preparing to strike the candles. I wish the sun would stay out for longer...

"Do you know where Markus is?" Mum question, placing the now clean vegetables in a bowl.

"Um..." I try to think of something, "He's out training."

"Again?" She sighs in worry, "If he's not back when the sun falls, could you go find him?"

I nod as she returns to the food. I still haven't told her, about Markus and how he... I don't think I could tell her. She's been hiding it, but I can see she's devastated with Dad's death, she's been putting up such a brace front for us, I can't tell how she'd react to the truth... she'll find out some day, hopefully from me, maybe Markus, but it's most likely to be from someone else.

Sometimes when I'm missing him I blame Markus, sometimes. Then other days I blame the Emperor. Now? I blame that thief, if he kept in line, if he didn't steal the egg, if he didn't abandon Markus, maybe we would've grown up normally. He'd have both his parents, we'd be playing like kids and Dad would still be here...

A sudden creak on the door catches our attention. Markus shyly walks in, purposely looking at the ground. For once, it looks like he's been training but I doubt it's for the right reasons. He quietly says hello, sorry for being late, then he rushes up the stairs to his room. My Mum looks at me, face gesturing me to go talk to him. I nod and tuck in the chair. Heading up the creaky stairs I knock on our door before slowly opening it, we share a room and if anyone entered the room it'd be clear whose side is who. I look around and spot him leaning up against the wall, eyes focused on his hands whilst his face shows an expression I know all too well.

"What happened?" I ask, closing the door before sitting next to him.

He stays quiet, biting his cheek. He's contemplating something.

"What happened?" I firmly ask again, he sighs.

Waiting, his eyes finally move about as his fingers intertwine with each other. We share almost everything, worries, joy, anything. To hide something suggests it's extremely important.

"I've found out something." He whispers, still avoiding eye contact, "I still can't... believe it to be honest."

He suddenly gets up, closes the windows and double checks that Mum's downstairs before returning his gaze to me with worry and relief.

"The thief is apparently my dad." I feel my heart shatter, "I thought it was weird, I don't think I truly believed it to begin with, but it slowly made some sense; he avoided hurting me, he always looked at me with sorrow, hell- he knew my birthday. I'm so worried- I don't understand it- shouldn't I be happy? Is this normal?"

All his emotions flow out, as he struggles to keep his voice from wavering. Keeping myself strong, he stands there as his hands are locked with each other, only breaking to change their partner whilst his breath unsteady and frail.
He should be happy. To gain a parent back from the dead... even if it's for a couple seconds.

"Everyone's different, I doubt there's a normal reaction to this." I claim, voice nearly hoarse from my heart racing.

He looks at me with slight reassurance, he won't believe it but it's the truth. I get up, my world is quickly covered with static before it disappears, steadying myself against the wall I let my heart calm down before speaking.

"Does anyone know?" I ask.

He shakes his head and I feel a wave of relief wash over me only for a small fear to bounce back, he wouldn't know if anyone secretly found out, I can't ask around but knowing it's a possibility is horrible.

"Please, promise me this: don't tell anyone." I slightly whisper.

"I... not even Charlotte?"

"Yes, you can't tell Mum, you can't tell anyone." I'd suspect they already know.

I have no clue how many people now, I doubt it's even a secret, Dad probably knew too. It's not about keeping that secret, but rather keeping his knowledge of it a secret. If Ferox finds out...

"And... could you stop visiting them? If you get seen then- I..." I mention, trailing off as I struggle to explain.

He looks away, "I can't promise you that... but I won't tell anyone."

"Why not?"

"I know the risks, plus, I promised him something..." he whispers the last part.

I look at him and he keeps his eyes away.

"Be safe, and careful. Don't let anyone see you, okay?"

"I will... why shouldn't I know about him?" His words sound angry but his tone sounds confused and curious.

I keep my eyes on him in hesitation.

"You've just got to trust me." 

The wind outside quietly hums as the last bit of light disappears. I can see the disappointment in his face, but I can't risk it, I can't risk a single thing! I don't even know if she's already doomed.

A voice rings up the house as Mum calls for Markus. He avoids my gaze as he answers.

"I'll trust you, but I don't want to be left in the dark forever." He whispers, exiting the room.

I keep quiet as I listen to his feet wander down the hall, I wait as I hear him head down the creaky stairs before I finally let it out.

The tears start to roll down as I feel my throat go dry. Holding in vocal cries I try to keep my breath steady but it ultimately fails as I start to hiccup every time I wipe away the tears. Head leaning against the door I fail to think as I just keep crying. Numbly walking over to my bed, flump onto it, curling up.

I can't. 

I'm so fucking done.

I can't protect anyone.

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