Chapter 6

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Drake's POV:

The opening behind me slides down, making it impossible to turn back. The corridor isn't overly long, the walls are crimson red that fades into a maroon colour the higher it gets, looking up there doesn't seem to be an end as it's pitch black. The width is small, cramped but thankfully it allows me to hobble along using it as a support. It's quiet. All I can hear are my footsteps and my heartbeat as I walk along, I can see the end where a shine of light floods out from the right. I hope it's not another task, I just want to get out of here... I head towards it, turning the corner I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes open wide.

"Armen!" I yell, using up most of my energy just to get besides him.

He's on the floor with his back against the wall, hands and legs chained tightly, he seems to be unconscious. From what I can see his body bares bruises and cut that slightly bleed into his dirty clothes. Kneeling down I observe the chains, however I can't see any way of opening it. Unsure about what to do I gently shake Armen, slowly his eyes flicker open as he turns towards me. A smile appears on my face, I've found him, he's alive! This is the happiest I've been in a long time... but I need to get him out of here first, before anything happens to either of us.

"... Drake?" He mutters, sounding tired, I nod and tell him it's me.

"Wait... DRAKE!?" He suddenly yells, "What the-"

"Hey hey, it's okay. I'll get you out of these chains then we can leave." I reassure him.

Armen's expression consist of shock and confusion. He scans around nervously as his breathing starts to quicken. I grab the closest chain and start fiddling with it, seeing if there's a flaw or if there's an easy way of destroying it.

"Drake." Looking back at him he's staring right at me, "Why are you here? How are you here?" Armen asks, worry clear in his voice.

"I'm here to get you out!" I say.

"But how did you know I was here? How did you even get here? You couldn't have gotten here alone... is Grayson with you?"

I halt my movements. Fuck. Holding the chains in my hands I debate over what to say, hesitation has probably told him it's true but... he'll probably wonder why he's not here. Thinking about it I don't know if I'll ever see him again, he could be dead for all I know. What do I do?

"Drake...?" Armen asks cautiously which snaps me back into reality. I don't look at him as I continue to fiddle with the chains.

"Yes... but he... he... we got split up." I say, not looking at him.

He doesn't reply as I continue to aimlessly move the chains. I wonder what he's been through... it's been a month and a bit and he's just been here, I can't imagine what it'd be like... nor to I want him to stay in this hellhole. I hope things go smoothly.
I finally focus on the chains, I should've been paying more attention then I would've noticed there's no key hole. I look up as my eyes scan the area for any sharp objects to help create some form of a dent in it. My search is stopped as an audible sigh comes from Armen.

"There's no point. Only he can unlock them, they're magic and nothing you can do will unlock them. Also, you didn't answer my other questions, how did you know I was here?" He says, monotone lingering in his tone.

I release the chains from my grasp, despite wanting to carry on I just feel tired... I want to sleep... taking a deep breath I look at him in slight confusion. He should know what happened, "Well, you asked for help back at my house... then Grayson and I found our way into hell to get you." I say.

He looks at me with uncertainty and clearly doubts what I said, "Drake, what are you talking about?" He asks in a worried tone.

"Your spirit, your message, don't you remember sending it?" I ask. This isn't right.

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