Chapter 51

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Markus' POV:

Your eyes are still red.

One minute you're fine, then the next minute your eyes are red and you act like it's fine, like nothing happened. You cry in silence only to put on a face when around others, and me.

Am I a bad friend?

I try not to stare at him as we wait in front of the towering door. Despite the length of my absence, Leon was still half way down the road, off to the side he was hidden besides a tree. When I had called out to him his whole demeanour changed, and he acted all happy and oblivious to my worry filled questions. Once I told him Ferox wanted to see us both, his face dropped along with his pretense.

Now we're here, waiting. It's not obvious any more but I can still tell Leon is on the verge of tears. If only I could help.

The doors creak open as we both stand alert, my heart pounds as I see Ferox standing halfway down the red carpet, book by his side whilst a menacing smile is plastered on his face.

Is that the book that demon- no, Armen was talking about? Is that why we've been called here or does he have a new job?

Closing the book and carelessly throwing it onto the throne I used to adore.

"I'm glad you could make time out of your oh-so-busy schedule. As you can tell, the prisoners have escaped, so I don't want to waste time." This is unsettling, his tone feels forced. What is he planning?

"Leon." He gestures for him to come closer.

Grasping his hands, Leon ridgedly moves towards him, his gentle footsteps make a sharp tap that consumes the noise outside. His chest moves at irregular intervals before he finally stops next to the Emperor. Leaning down next to him, Ferox whispers something. Leon doesn't move, he's almost like a statue, however, I can clearly see his breathing has increased and the quiet sound of sobbing echoes throughout.

Ferox turns to me.

"You see, Markus, you are the one who caused this. If you didn't exist, your friend wouldn't be crying. If you didn't exist, my best assassin would still be around. If you didn't exist, then that thief might've never stolen my egg."

I feel my throat go dry as I hold my breath, blinking excessively to not cry. That can't be true. Surely...

"If Luke wasn't so insistent on keeping you alive you would've been hanged with your traitorous mother."

Why is he saying this? My legs are frozen in place and I can't get my breathing under control, I look to Leon but he doesn't move. Arms down by his side and head locked in place, his back still faces me. The eyes of that lonely penguin hat stares me down with saddened haterid.

"You're... you're lying!" I manage to claim, and he scoffs.

"You've just realised that?"

He's joking. Why would anyone actually say that? Who would do that...

I start to back away, he quickly notices and clicks his fingers. A server walks out, cautiously carrying a couple arrows and a bow.

Leon brings his arm up, wiping his face he turns around, equally as confused as to what's going on.

Ferox extends his hand towards it, halting his fingers linger above it before he retracts, flicking his hand, refusing to touch the equipment. Ushering Leon closer he makes the servent carefully hands him the weapon. Utterly confused, he looks at me with sorrow I've never seen before.

"Seeing as I typically never make mistakes, the idea of never making the same mistake twice never really applied to me." Ferox starts, gaining back the attention he doesn't deserve, "However, it seems as if I did make one mistake, so, I'll fix that right now."

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