Chapter 43

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Armen's POV:

Stuck in the dark, I'm resting against a stone wall as I face the bared entrance. After being thrown in here, I haven't had anything to do but sit with my thoughts... what in the world I'm going to do? I've got no clue where Drake is, if he's alive or... I believe Grayson and Mia are somewhere on this level, I can occasionally hear them but can't make out what they're saying. Though, it's been a while since I've heard anything...

Then I hear footsteps, searching for the source I spot a light gradually getting closer. Readying myself, I keep in the corner as the light shines into my cell, forcing me to close my eyes. Opening my right eye I try to focus on who's there. The rattling of keys catches my attention as the door swings open. The light slightly dims as I'm able to open my other eye.

"Keep quiet. I'm perfectly happy with killing you here and now if needed." A low voice quietly grumbles as a hand grabs onto me.

Hoisted up on my feet, my eyes finally concentrate and allow me to see a man in green and black clothing, tightly gripping my arm with a hand that has an emerald tattooed onto the wrist. Another guard in similar attire is holding the light, leading the way ahead of us. Walking down the corridor we pass a line of cells, in two of them I spot Grayson and Mia both fast asleep in the corner, good for them. Reaching another corner we go up the stairs and turn right, going down another corridor. Suddenly, I'm pushed into a room with the door locking behind me. Stumbling in the dark I immediately turn around to try the door, but it won't budge. Should I use magic?

Suddenly a flurry of light fills the room, shielding my eyes it hurts to look anywhere as I turn around. A table lies in the middle with a lantern and tools are scattered on it. At the back there's a person but the light is blocking them.

"Leaving so soon?" That voice!

I quickly turn back and yank at the door, hoping it'd somehow budge open... but it's firmly shut tight... begrudgingly looking back, the light is dimmer now and I can see it's that damn Emperor sitting smugly at the end on an oddly fancy chair, his ice cold eyes glare me down whilst his obnoxious hair spikes out. His precious nails tap on the table in a rhythmic pattern.

"Come on, sit down, I only want to chat." He claims in a suspiciously nice manner.

I glare at him and stay by the door. He glares back and brings out- my heart seems to stop as my breathing fastens. It's- a sudden, spikey chill runs down my back, leaving a light sting. Looking ahead, he's holding the diamond and lightly scraping it with his nail. How does this bastard have a sacred diamond? Why am I reacting to it?!

"So it does work. Guess he wasn't lying." He lets go and the stinging stops, "Sit down." He commands, I glare at him again until he scrapes the gem again. Reluctantly, I sit down on the wooden chair.

"I wouldn't normally mingle with your type but you've struck my interest. A renowned demon acting like a peasant!" His tone is snarky.

"I'm not a demon!" I snap back, he smiles.

"Oh how wonderful, you're not going to stay silent after all." He keeps an unnerving smile upon his face, "Well, if you're not a demon, what are you? Because I know that humans can't fly in the air and obliterate whole colonies in four years."

I close my eyes, I did that? No... no that wasn't me. Flashes of fire and ships sinking appear in my mind. That wasn't me. Please say that wasn't me! I feel my heart pounding as I open my eyes again, Ferox is still smiling at me, fiddling with the diamond like it's some toy.

"I didn't say you could go to sleep. Answer the question."

"It doesn't matter." As soon as I mutter those words, a sharp pain rings in my head and suddenly stops.

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