Chapter 44

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Markus' POV:

"Who are you?" I say, trying to keep as quiet as I can, stopping the hand with the lantern in it from shaking.

What I'm thinking? Sneaking down here in the dead of night- if I'm caught I'll be done for! I might get hung like these two... maybe I should go-

"Markus... I..." the thief looks at me then the elf before returning his gaze, "I..."

I'm breathing lightly as I worry. What if I don't like the truth? Would it be better if it stays as rumours, but I'd just have to sit through it... I couldn't handle that, I need to know. What about Leon? Would this change how he looks at me? I don't want that... but... suck it up, you can handle this.

"Markus, I'm your father." 

I feel my heart stop as I simply stare at him.

Turning away, I let go of the breath I was holding. 


"I'll  go get that med kit." I whisper, cutting in.

As I walk away I hear him call my name, only for a splurry of coughs to follow. Tightly grasping the lantern I feel... distant? Like I'm not actually here but... I am. At the top of the stairs I stop, leaning against a wall in between windows that repeat down the hall. Is this how people react? I thought it'd be fine, like it wouldn't affect me... what is this feeling? I don't understand. I look down at my shaking hand as I feel my eyes start to dampen. Wiping it away I keep going.

Stopping at a supply door, I carefully open it, cringing at the squeaks... no one's there. Sneaking in I close the door and place the lantern down by a crate as I rummage through. Nothing. I checked another. Nothing. Another. Nothing. My breathing fastens as I clutch the wooden frame I close my eyes and count to ten. I can't get frustrated. Why do I care? I barely know him, he's the enemy. I shouldn't get attached he's going to die soon anyway... he's... he can't die. I need to know more. Why did Ferox lie to me? Could I halt the execution? I can't, that's treason! I- gripping tighter I suddenly let go as pain digs in, looking down I have a splinter in my right hand. Shit. I try to pick it out, but I can't see that well, it keeps slipping, hurting it more and more I stop and count to ten as I hold everything in.  

"Focus. There's another storage room down the hall." I reassure myself, "He survived, what, like eleven years out there, he can tolerate a bit of  blood loss." Eleven years... why not tell me earlier?

Picking up the lantern I place my right arm through the handle. Opening the door I check for people. No one. Carefully closing the door I head down the hall, eyes focused on the floor as I try to not step on the lines between the floorboards, if there's none there I'll take something from the medical room, though that'll be a bit risky considering it's constantly in use, then again what do they even need? I should've listened more... 

"Markus!?" I stop in my tracks as a chill runs down my spine, the whisper-shout came from the stairs leading up. I didn't think to check- I look up and feel a wave of relief wash over me as I spot Leon heading down the stairs.

"What the hell are you doing?" he whispers, now right next to me. 

"I-" wait... do I... but then if people find out he'll be in danger too, but he's my best friend...

"Tell me later, we need to get out of here." he grabs my right hand, causing me to flinch, he lets go.

"Oh- sorry- I forgot you didn't-"

"No no- it's not that- I just..." I turn my hand over, revealing the splinter.

Looking slightly pitiful he carries on, "I won't ask- we can take it out at home." home! I could get the kit from there... but- I'd be leaving, I won't make it back again tonight. What if I can't return again? I look up and Leon's up a couple steps up, peering down at me. Think about it later...

Heading after him we slowly make our way through the layers that are stuffed under the centrepiece of the empire, we continue up the stairs to the arches just outside the grand door. Exiting, a splash of fresh air finally reaches my lungs as I look over the high-street, it's pitch black, only the light of the moon and the organised street lamps light the quiet grounds that I've always seen with hundreds of people bustling by. Taking a deep breath in I start to feel better, the cold slightly scratches my throat but that quickly dies down... however my nervousness doesn't as I start to think more.


"What's wrong?"

I look towards Leon, I have to think for a second, what do I say? Lying won't work but telling the truth is... well, I don't know if it's the right thing to do... "I don't know, it's probably nothing."

He sighs, "Look, The thief and the elf are criminals. They'll lie, steal and manipulate if it suits them. Don't trust them." They don't seem like criminals.

Is it a lie? Why lie about something like that, something so... important. Every time I've encountered him he always seems, confused, hesitating when we captured him... If it's true why did the Emperor give me that task? Out of everyone, out of all the capable people, why me? My heart is still pounding and my gut feels like pins and needles. Every time I try to justify my questions my mind just drifts away. I can't focus on anything. Yet I can't seem to stop worrying...

"Let's get home. We don't want that to dig in further." Leon's voice snaps me out of though, peering at him, he weakly smiles and nods towards the splinter, before heading off. I wait and watch him head down the hill. 

Turning around I give the palace one last glace but my eyes go wide as I spot the Emperor standing by a window. His condescending look turns into a smile as he waves. Forcing a smile I wave back before turning around and trying to calmly walk after Leon. 

I shouldn't have asked anything.

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