Chapter 61

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Armen's POV:

I feel something warm run down my cheek. No need for tears to run. Taking another look outside I realise I've got no plans. Where would I go? What would I do? I'm not trying to run away but I won't be of any help here.

"I'd beg to differ."

I turn around an look at the mage, they're still healing the kid, "Huh?"

"Don't doubt your abilities." They say, finally looking at me, "And I'll need your help in a second."

I sheepishly laugh, "I don't think you'd want that- also, did you read my mind?"

"Kinda. I'll explain after you help me." Their voice is oddly posh as they gesture for me to come over.

"I'm sure anyone else would be better for this-"

"One, don't sell yourself short. Two, I just want you to hold the wound open so I can get the arrow out, anyone can do that."

I look at them, then down at my useless arm, the back at them.

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot about that- don't worry it's a quick heal."


They give me a glare before getting up, taking me by the hand and forcing me to sit by the kid. Extending a hand he hovers it over my wrist and a green glow circles round it and disappears seconds later.
I take my arm out of my makeshift sling, it's stiff and tingles but the pain has mostly gone.

"Now, put one hand either side of the wound and when I say, stretch the wound and I'll remove the head with magic."

I don't ask questions as they guide my hands to the right spots, the blood that's still trickling out the wound start to seep into my gloves and painful memories start to surface in my mind. Ignore it.

They nod, and I open the wound. A more harsh green seems to emit from within as I see the arrow move up. Though, as it moves a loud ripping sound goes through me as more blood starts to escape. The doctor's focus is not broken as the tip of the arrow is finally visible. Some shards and small fragments float beside it with the same green tint circling it.

Nodding at me again I move my hands away. They're covered in blood, all visible surfaces are now tainted red as I feel it run on my skin. I close my eyes to escape the sight of it, but all I see is the fire and blood that amounted to more loss than I ever want to experience again.

A sudden clang of metal stops my thoughts, to the side of me the arrow is laying in a bowl with blood pooled around it. Calm down, calm down.

I look back at Markus, the wound is now closing up, the hole is now a scar with drying blood cracking around it. As soon as it's done, the mage stops and watches... not making a single sound they wait until a shallow gasping sound is heard, which they then sigh and turn towards me.

Outstretching their arm, they wait for my response, "I'm... fine? I don't- I... I'm sorry what's your name?"

"Xavier. Please may I have your arm?" They extend their arm further, and despite my hesitation I let them.

They start to heal my arm, that green glow I've seen so much now circles my arm. Xavier goes to remove my stained glove, out of instinct I hold it on. They give a calm glare as I let go... my hands are tainted with absorbed blood and small cuts that litter my palm. I look away. Surely they should conserve their mana for Grayson. My wounds aren't important.

"Mana isn't a problem, healing you now would be saving more time as I cannot leave the child until I'm a hundred percent certain he'll be fine." Once they're done with my arm they place their hands either side of my head, and I want to leave but I keep calm as I close my eyes.

"Could you stop reading my mind?" I mutter as a warm feeling on my face tingles the bridge of my nose as I feel their hands move away.

"I'm sorry about that, it's not something I can control as to me your thoughts occasionally sound like your speech. It's not all thoughts, it comes and goes." They explain. I open my eyes only to shut my left one again, "You're lucky you're not blind. Any more tears and your pupil could stop working, leaving you blind."

It's not like I meant to do it the second time... I look down at my arm, the blood is still there but the wounds are closed with the ghastly scars bigger than before. At least I can use my hand again. Rotating my arm and clenching my hand I shake it off before looking back at Xavier with a smile.


They smile, nodding before looking back at the kid, "He's been breathing for well over a couple minutes now, he's stable." They get up, dusting their trousers, "I'll be next door, yell if the kid stops breathing or starts convulsing."

Their nonchalant tone catches me off guard, I'm not qualified for this. I give them a thumbs up as they head to the door. Giving a couple knocks they wait as it creaks open. They converse for a bit, too quiet for me to hear. Xavier hand begins to glow before Mia stops it, giving them a glare  then a smile as they head into the room.

Mia gives a thumbs up probably to Grayson as the door closes. Then she turns to me. Almost out of instinct I turn away, "Sorry."

"I'm not the one you need to say that to." She says, sitting by me.

A silence lingers as all our delayed breathing sounds louder than anything, "Ever since I joined up with you guys all I've seen is arguing, disagreements, breakups, attempted makeups and I don't understand why. Both Drake and Grayson were different compared to our adventures before the Magical Library and I know so much has happened and I just want to know what it is."

Hearing those words I go to grab the emerald but I force myself against it. My breath starts to fasten and I turn my eyes to the floor. "I can't-"

"Surely there's something!" Mia nearly yells, tears nearly form before they're wiped away, "Look, I realise there's something going on, I realise I can't know everything... but damn it I just want to know something! I feel helpless as I watch your friendship dwindle as you have fights on and off. Please, can I at least know something?"

For the first time in a while, I get a good look at her. Her green eyes are tired and battered, although her injuries are just cuts and bruises there's a deeper cut lying underneath. None of us can be free from pain.

"This all stems from hell." I start, pausing to think through my accusations, "A sour mood was potent between Drake and Grayson, I'm not a hundred percent why but he has something to do with it. Then Grayson found... something- I can't say what, and that set off an even bigger chain of shit that had all three of us to blame in some way or another. After the... the Keep things started getting less straightforward especially at-"

A sudden feeling of bile rises up my throat as keeping it down reminds me to be careful, "Either way, things aren't simple between us. Don't get me wrong I want us to just be friends with no malice but... something deep inside me keep stopping that every time I try to get close to that reality..."

My eyes are set on the ceiling. I'm sure that's the truth, maybe a bit vague but still the truth.

"So... hopefully Grayson can explain what happened in hell- honestly when he was explaining the situation to me back then he skimmed over that bit. There's just one thing, is... is there a chance that he has-"

"No." I abruptly say, "At least I hope so. Either he's somehow connected to my mind only when I relive memories or my brain's just making a copy of his attributes to piss me off. I'm in control of my body, I can promise you that."

"Reliving memories? No- never mind." She mutters, "Thank you. The information may be incomplete but I'm content with that."

She gives me such a soft smile; soft and genuine. Then she jolts up, wobbling a bit she regains balance and give me a more excited grin.

"Now- I'm going to see if my place isn't overrun with cobwebs and hopefully there'll be some new clothes because all of our outfits are on the verge of death. I shouldn't take too long- I'll see if there's anything for the kid- but when we've all had a good long rest we'll start working on our next goal: fixing your broken friendship. Alright?" Her tone is so upbeat it takes me a few ticks to register all that's been said.

"Yeah..." I sadly smile, "That sounds perfect."

The Haunting: Destiny (FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora