Chapter 11

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Armen's POV:

Being the shortest isn't great when you need to carry a 6'10 faint brother. It's a slow walk to his house, so we're able to take in the view of sunset dancing over a small village that's full of life and joy. Grayson's slightly confused, claiming Uldun was abandoned. Just another thing that's changed. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain I instantly question Drake's choices considering his fear of waters along with how uneasy and broken the stairs are. Nevertheless, we get up there and bring him to his bed. Whether it's blood loss or tiredness, Drake falls asleep instantly, leaving the two of us. Looking around, it all seems familiar, so I have been here before but I... I can't put my finger on when it was, let alone why. I turn to head off, snooping won't hurt anyone, but the look in Grayson's eyes stops me. So, I stop and ask him what's wrong. 

"Well..." his eyes glance to Drake, I wait.

"I don't know if you remember but... Drake's headaches, his eye, he..." he trails off, eyes lingering on mine with his mouth ready to speak but unable to do so, "I... no... sorry it's nothing. I just need to... um, well, I'll see you tomorrow."

His words are jumbled when spoken through held breaths, as he heads off I don't get a chance to ask for my sleeping bag back, so I'm stuck with nothing. Great. That was overly suspicious, got to remember that for later... A chill rushes past me, finally making me realise the moon's rising, it's a nice view but not good for cover. I could go to Drake's room but I might disturb him and Grayson... I doubt he's going to be asleep and I'd like to sleep. Everywhere that I can see either has cracks, moss, creatures or water, nowhere to sleep. There might be somewhere to sleep elsewhere, walking around I get major déjà vu here and there I notice an open room with a magic circle written on the floor in a language I slightly recognise. The room has a lot of holes in the walls where I can see little green blobs moving around inside. I shrug it off as I move towards the entrance. The front seems to have taken the most damage, broken columns, uneven floors, pieces crumbling over the edge every second. Looks like a battle ground out here. Off to the side there seems to be a hidden area, heading over I see a little cave, it doesn't go very far in but it looks somewhat cosy. There is a small puddle on the floor next to a bunch of rocks. The wall is very shiny, you can almost see your reflection in it. Sitting down next to the rocks, I immediately jolt my hand up as I realise my palm is slightly bleeding through my glove. I look down to see a rock, the point has some blood trickling down it. Geez, I can't believe it made me bleed with one small prick. I sigh as I rub my palm. Scooting into a small area in the corner I start to drift off, it's been a long day... closing my eyes I fall asleep.


My eyes slowly adjust to the bright light shining down upon me. I'm surrounded by spruce trees swaying in the breeze. I slowly sit up and check around me. It's hard to see anything other than the lime green grass and the odd blood red petal from a lost flower. My attention is immediately drawn towards the sound of walking, looking over a young boy bounces along to the sound of wind, he's clutching a big leather book close to his chest. His attire is a light blue top with a tan brown sash reaching around him, a similar coloured belt is tight around his waist. His trousers are only three quarters long as they cut off to a pair of muddy black boots. His head is covered by a long blue hat. He seems familiar...

"Hey!" I say trying to get his attention only to find out my voice sounds a bit... hoarse.

The boy stops and turns around, showing the black hair and cyan eyes, glittering with hope. His face is muddy with a couple of scrapes on the cheek. I study him for a moment and then I realise, that's me! That's... me. Why am I so young?

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