Chapter 34

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Third Person POV:

I- we freed him.

You condemned him.


Even though the morning is sunny; the mood of the travellers, mainly the two brothers, are as bad as a thunderstorm. The raven haired boy didn't sleep, and once dawn came he got up, hiding the cursed book before heading out to find answers. As far as he's aware the blonde is still sleeping... if only that's true.

Outside the day's just beginning, scanning the area the boy is unsure where to go, he's got to find out what happened last night, however, knowing the pond is a dead end he decides against it. There's two directions, one's crowded with people he's weary of and the other's empty. Heading right he avoids the crowd by heading along the muddy path he finds himself in front of  a massive building, looking through the glass it's a library filled with loads of books. Opening the door he's flooded with a musty, old smell and dust which flies out into the sky. Heading in his eyes slowly adjust to the dim lights that calmly light the room, 

To the right of him lies a grey cobble counter with a scared girl standing there, tightly grasping the cover of a tattered book she's reading, her outfit is formal with mainly monochrome colours, it blends well with her ash brown hair and the occasional bright hazel brown highlight. Her forest green eyes fail to figure out where to look as Armen approaches.

"Hello...? Is this a library?" Silly question but it's a start. She nods.

What could he read? He knows asking a book for cultist will be suspicious, so he decides to get another thing over and done with, "Are there any books on healing magic?" She looks at him in confusion, hesitating before nodding.

"Where are they?"

"I... why do you... want to know?" She questions, her tone is unsure and slightly worried.

He doesn't want to get into too much detail, if she's part of the cult he doesn't want to risk information leaking. He indicates to his arm, quickly realising he forgot his sash. The adrenaline of the morning comes to a halt as he cringes, grabbing his wrist out of instinct only to make it worse. The girl seems to catch on and relaxes her guard, the boy couldn't hurt her if he tried. 

"The middle bit has all the magic books." She points to an area which is surrounded with books whilst a table lays in the middle, "The books are colour coded: green for healing, blue for defence, red for attack." with these instructions the boy goes searching. 

The area has a couple of seats around a circular table whilst a candle lightly burns in the middle. The three different books are dotted around the shelves that look down on the boy. Picking out a couple of green books he starts to read wanting to take in as much information as possible. From the counter the inexperienced girl watches him, fiddling with a red necklace previously hidden in her shirt.

Time slowly passes as people occasionally walked by windows and stared inside at the lonely boy only to scurry away once eye contact was made. Closing another book he sighs, so far he's learnt about the types of healing magic; their pros and cons. Yet, there's no spells. There's water, ground and air healing. Air takes the least amount of time but can only heal small injuries. Ground can take days but can heal sometimes fatal wounds. Water is the in between, it can heal moderate wounds in a moderate time, that's the one he'd like to learn. After reading all the green books, he looks around for a spell book.. there's nothing there. Whilst up he looks around for other books, anything about the village or the cult... yet again, nothing.

"Excuse me?" his ears perk up only to quickly turn around, "Can I help you find something?" he hesitated for a moment, slightly shocked at her presence. 

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