Chapter 4

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Grayson's POV:

The door behind me vanishes leaving me in a pitch black room, emotions racing, breathing unstable. Thankfully, I can see myself this time but I'm all alone... taking a sigh I start to walk around, seeing if there's anything I can do. It doesn't feel like I'm walking but I am, it's disorientating... sucking it up I continue walking until I see a strange light shining down at something. It looks like a person and as I head closer I get a better view of them. They're tall and have long blond hair with strands of grey tied in a ponytail which streams down their back. The clothes they're wearing are ripped and blood soaked. Their right hand is down by their side, blood slowly dripping down it, dropping into a a puddle of red. I start to slow down as I see this, what if they're dangerous...
Well, I've come this far in literal hell, so why not? I quietly sigh and walk towards the person. I get closer and closer and... I can hear something, they're saying... ' I'm Sorry.' what in the world? I reach out to it to see who it is but as soon as I touch their shoulder the world turns white with tints of grey.

Everything is blurry, as I get used to the sudden change, squinting my eyes it allows me to clearly take in my surrounding... It's all snow. In the distance there are some figures moving around, deciding to investigate I get closer. The surroundings that were previously hidden by piles of snow reveal a metal structure still obscured by the blinding light. The moving figures are clearer now, there are three people: a blonde, a brunette and one with a lovely lavender colour. A cloud passes over, covering the glaring sun just long enough for me to properly see the building behind them... wait a second-
It's the Artic base and the people... it's me, Luke and Collin... back before the snow storm started. It looks like the first time we played in the snow, making snowmen, having snow fights... it was our first week here after we chose to work at the place... I think. Eh, I don't quite remember how we got there but we did. Anyway, on that day we were having fun and we got to know Collin a bit. I shake off the nostalgia, deciding head closer I move forward but I start to get slower and slower, looking down I see myself sinking into the snow, the sinking doesn't stop until I'm a couple of inches underneath the snow.

Now there's loads of houses dotted along in a row, tall lanterns are strategically place making the street light up. At one house around twenty people dressed in armour surround the entrance with flames on sticks, whilst at the back there are two people. One of them is dressed in fancy clothing with a crown resting on his red hair whilst the second person, who's slightly taller than the first person, is at his side with a dark lavender hair resting over his eyes. Before I could get any closer to them the building that they're at sets alight, I can hear screaming from inside and a cackle of laughter from outside. I run closer but make a sudden stop when I clearly see who the two at the back are those arseholes. I look back at the house in fear and anger, inside there are three people trying to escape through the back. However, the soldiers get sent through the burning house just to get them, it's hard to see inside but soon as they come out, grasping two people: a girl with long brown hair and sea blue eyes and a baby who's only a few months old. Annabelle and Markus... my wife and son got captured whilst I was able to sneak away through the maze of the empire. It was horrible leaving them behind but before this we had made a deal, if we were ever caught I would leave and hatch the dragon egg. No matter what.
Behind me I can hear the two arseholes talking. I turn around only to see that Ferox, the corrupt emperor, handing Luke, a traitor, a bag of money. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I could see the look on Luke's face. Not sad. Not happy. Just the face of an assassin who's getting the job done. Then everything changes again.

It is the day of the execution. I remember it well, having to stand helplessly in the crowd and watch them get hanged in front of hundreds of people and then being chased back into the darkness, what a fun day... Now, I'm being forced to watch it all over again. The cheers of the crowd ring in my ears as I spot my wife with a rope around her neck and my child, so young and small that they hold him up, waiting for the signal.
A nod of the head is given to the one at the lever... then... I turn away as a sudden thud is made from the dropping of the trap door. That horrible noise echoes in my mind as I start to feel tears trickle down my cheeks. The two people I held close to my heart died and now I'm been forced to watch it again. I finally turn around and look at the two hopeless hanging bodies that are put on display. However, behind them down by the side I see two men in armour holding a crying baby, trying to shush it. Before I could take it in everything changes again.

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