Chapter 48

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Markus' POV:

The start of the new sun rises over the port as we head up the hill to the training ground. Charlotte was so kind this morning, I told her I didn't need anything for my birthday, either way she still gave me this wooden bracelet, it's neatly carved with winding patterns. Leon waits at the top of the hill smugly looking at me as I slowly reach him. To our right is the training ground, Leon wants to show me something, as to why it's in there I doubt I'll ever know. A small rise of chatter passes by, looking over I see a couple walking by the palace... my eyes linger on it before I involuntarily sigh and turn away.

Catching eyes with Leon I look away as I see the worried sadness on his face. He turns his head to the grounds then back to me, then up at the palace.

"Are we going to get going or wait here till the sun set?" I lightly joke, hoping he'd just move on.

He weakly smiles, looking at the training grounds once again. I feel like I can see his mind turning before he turns towards me. Putting his hands in this pockets he pulls them out again and checks his bag in a comical manner.

"Whoops, looks like I forgot something." He starts to walk home, "It'll probably take me fifteen minutes to get back." I fail to contain a small giggle, he isn't the best at being discrete. He looks up at the palace.

"Please don't make me regret this." He whispers.

I nod and Leon heads off out of sigh. Glaring at the palace entrance I take a deep breath. I won't screw this up.

Speedily walking up the steps, I'm surprised at the lack of people, glancing through one of many glass windows, I briefly spot The Emperor talking to no one, walking back and fourth. Thinking nothing of it, I get to the first floor which is a typical social spot, I can hear a surprising amount of voices from down the hall, is there a meeting? I shake my head, no time to worry about that.

Descending the second flite of stairs, I reach the middle floor, what feels like an endless hallway stretches in three directions, leading to multiple doors ranging from supplies to torture rooms, heading down the hallway to my left, I reach the final set of stairs.

Taking a deep breath, I carefully wander down. Making sure no one else is there I approach them, the elf gently shaking the thief. Should I still call him a thief?

I can see the new set of bandages are stained and ragged, but it's definitely more secure than the previous one. He props himself up against the wall before weakly smiling at me.

"Happy Birthday Markus." He says quietly, "What did you get this year?" His voice is so gentle, I can't tell if that's from a low amount of water or the blood loss.

Is it meant to be this awkward? I don't think so but... none of it feels right, it seems wrong, kinda sad, I might just go.

"I... uh-" I lift up my wrist to show the bracelet, "Leon's Mum gave me this."

"That's wonderful! She was always a great wood carver." He mutters.

Then there's silence. The elf glances at Grayson as he struggles to stay awake. The elf looks at me.

"What have you got planned for today?" She asks, voice clearly forced to sound slightly happy.

I cross my arms, "This isn't okay." I state, both of them look at me, "Why are you acting like this? You're both going to die, yet you're acting like it's fine. It's just a  birthday, it's just another day. The world doesn't stop to celebrate. It doesn't lower the current threat, so why are you both so calm?!" I have to force myself not to shout.

"Everyone deserves a day to have fun, a day to focus on the good things." Grayson coughs out, "You shouldn't have to worry about this, not today."

"I..." his voice is so weak, "I can't just ignore it. To think you're related to me, yet you've just given up so quickly! Where's that fight to survive we were all warned about? I can't stand here, knowing I'm risking something that's causing Leon a world of worry, and all you want to do is make small talk. I hope you live, I want you to live to show me who you actually are and to tell me the whole truth." I feel my heart racing as I fail to keep my voice down, "Why did I have to meet you on that hill?" 

My voice feels hoarse as I realise I've just waisted my time. Someone probably hear me, and I don't want to get caught... 

As I turn to leave I hear his voice again.

"I'm not giving up." He says, slightly louder than before, "I'm not a coward and I am going to live. I promise you..."

He's so confident in his words. They better be true.

A sudden rush of footsteps pound above us, quickly descending. My heart skips a beat as I freeze in place. The quiet yelling from the cells beg me to hide, darting round the corner away from the cells, I rush down, far enough to turn another corner but close enough to hear what's going on.

Waiting. My chest is pounding as my eyes frantically spot a boy lying in an isolated cell. His breathing is shallow, around his eyes are painfully visible bags and red marks. His clothes are dirty and his raven hair is ragged. Is that-

"Finally come to take us away?" I hear Grayson claims smugly as the footsteps stop, I didn't even notice they were approaching.

A low growl escape someone, "I wish, but surprisingly it's your little friend I'm after." Ferox!? Shit-

"Oh give him a break!" The elf shouts.

"The day he gets a break is the day he dies." He quickly threatens. Then the footsteps continue.

Barely thinking, I dash around the next corner. Holding my breath as the steps come to a definite stop. The cell opens up as the sound of commanded dragging suddenly starts. Forgetting to breath, the two prisoners start to yap at Ferox before everything goes quiet... releasing a hollow sigh of relief I peek around the corner. It's empty. Slowly, I creep up and check the main line of cells, no one but the prisoners.

"They're still at the entrance." Grayson whispers.

Looking down, you can slightly see their shadows. Oh no no no no, this can't be happening. I can't get caught. If I do I- what'll happen to Leon? What'll happen to me? I can't believe this, this was all a mistake. I should've never come. I feel my heart pound as the guards suddenly speak.

"This is boring!" One moans, "What are they going to do, escape?" 

"Who cares, at least we're out of the way for whatever is about to happen up there."

"But that's the fun part!" they huff and it goes quiet again.

My eyes fail to remove their gaze from the stairs.

Leon's going to kill me.

~~ Author's Note 

Happy New Year! Can't wait for another year of writing this lovely angst :D 

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