Chapter 26

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Grayson's POV:

Eyes focused on the ground I kick a pebble, letting it's cold skips skim my ear. How long will he last? I'd like to hope it's a long time but I can't help but know it won't. Turning back the forest is thick and the countless amount of trees makes it seem like I ran a far distance, but if I wanted to I could just run back in a couple of seconds. I don't want to, but I still do. Closing my eyes I sigh, this is all nonsense, I should go back and apologise. Armen's been through a lot, more than me? Definitely, I willingly killed hundreds whilst he was forced to kill thousands. What was I thinking?  Glancing down at my hands I start to realise what just happened.

"So stupid..." I mutter, running my slightly shaking hand through my fringe.

Part of me still believes Armen deserved it but for the most part I know it was wrong. Standing underneath the partial sunlight I attempt to move, to head back but I won't . What if Drake can protect him? Armen's probably safer without me. I might be able to talk to Markus without them... then I remember the egg... 

You better hatch that egg for the both of us.

'for the both of us', great job Luke, why did you have to look so cool in your final moments... I promised Annabelle so I'll promise you this, I will hatch it and avenge both of you and if I am to do that then I'll need help... I'll apologise later, to both of them, hopefully... what if I can't get it out? What if I can't form the right words? What if he takes it the wrong way? What if-

A loud yet muffled scream jabs my ears, instantly recognising it as Armen I rush over, I knew I shouldn't have left them, what in the world convinced me to do that? As I head closer I can hear a panicked rustle. I'm not going to let that demon hurt my friend.

Turning the corner it feels like time froze. Drake's clearly possessed as his coloured eyes are dim and shine white whilst a wicked grin plagues his face. Armen's wrist is entrapped in his grasp and the pain shows brightly on Armen's face, his cyan eyes look at me in fear as time resumed. 

"Grayson!? What the hell is happening?!" he yells at me, struggling to remove himself from the demon's grasp.

'Drake' looks at me and I panic, acting before I could plan I run up to him and shove him to the ground, I take him down with me and keep myself on top. He's holding back. 

"Grayson! Don't hurt Drake-"

"This isn't Drake." I snap back at him, "I- we should've told you earlier."

"Tell me what?" 

I hesitate on my words as I stare down at the demon, who's smiling up at me and with a light chuckle he opens his mouth.

"Oh poor puppet, left out once again." his snarky tone in that bellowing voice sickens me. 

"Shut up." I spit.

"I could tell that boy everything he's forgotten and watch the life drain from his face again, and you would be powerless." lifting my fist I hear Armen shout my name before I bring it down, "See you later commander." with a single blow I nock him out. That's the worst I've ever seen it. 

Getting up I turn to Armen, I can't tell if his face is showing disgust or fear, probably both. His eyes are locked on the body and refuse to look at me, he says one thing; "Explain."

"Well... for a while now Drake's been... possessed by that demon... y'know... and it's been getting worse..."

"How? How did this happen?" his eyes have now aimed onto me, I gulp.

"I- he didn't tell me the full story but when he-" is this a good idea? Considering Armen's mental state I don't know, "He..." how else could I explain it? God damn it, I'll just tell the truth, "Drake tried to save you during those four years, it nearly worked but the spell messed up and part of that demon went onto him but for the most part he's in control and this is the first time that demon has taken full control like this-" I shut myself up, there's no need for a rant, not now.

"I- What!? Why didn't you tell me earlier-" he starts to shout, waving his arm he quickly clutches it and winces. Clutching it seems to hurt him as well. 

"Hey- let me see that-" I start, trying to approach him, but he flinches away.

"No no, it's fine. Just... hurts..." he mutters.


I wait... and he sighs, using his good hand he lifts his arm, I gentilly hold it and take a look at what's happened. 

"Grayson." I nod, continuing my diagnostics, "How long were you planning to keep this a secret from me?" he mutters.

"I- well that's why I wanted to talk to Drake earlier-"

"What did he say- Ow!" he cuts in

"I- well- we didn't get onto it..." apologise. Apologise to him now, do it now. Apologise! "Well, I can't quite make it out but it could be sprained, broken, twisted? Just in case, it'd be best to keep it in a sling for a while." why can't I do it? 

"I- thanks." he mutters, flinching as he rubs his wrist. 

The silence between us is deafening, the wind up above is howling and refuses to calm as clouds seem to move in. The cold breeze simply adds to the noise as it sends a chill down my spine and a sharp awakening to the endless time that ticks by as we wait. Armen's struggling to get his sash around his arm, I want to help, I want to apologise, I want to say sorry and that I'll promise to be better... but I can't. Every time I'm about to speak, my heart feels like it stops and it keeps a tight grasp on me until I give up my intentions. Maybe it'll go away, this feeling. It has to go away. 

I don't want to hurt my friends. 

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