Chapter 10

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Grayson's POV:

Sounds of rustling wakes me, making me slowly open my eyes. The blue sky hangs above me as the shaky trees slide in and out of view. Sitting up, I spot Armen taking the campfire apart. The sleeping bag is neatly folded to one side. Looking at where Drake and I talked last night, I notice he's still there. He's moving and his eyes look open, did he stay up all night? Armen finally notices me as I start folding my sleeping bag.

"Oh! You're awake!" He says.

"Uh... yeah? What are you doing?" I question.

"Packing up. It'd be best to head out earlier than later."

I offer to help, but he claims that he's nearly done. My gaze turns back to Drake who's sitting down next to the river with bits and bobs in front of him. My mind trails back to last night, I know he's forgetful, but this is way past casual forgetfulness. Something is stirring up in that mind of his and I don't think any of us want to be there when it explodes, especially with him involved. I also wonder if Armen knows... Drake hasn't told him but maybe he remembers? 
I snap out of thought as I feel someone poking my arm. I turn and I'm met with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"I know you're going blind but are you really going deaf as well?" He jokingly asks.

Wait, he said something?! "No! I was just... distant. What was it?" I quickly reply.

"Could you get Drake? We can get to his house by the end of the day if we start now." He explains.

"Ok... wait- you remember where his house is?"

"I don't think I've been there before, but I looked at the map and the label saying 'Drake's house'."

I awkwardly nod, did he go looking through my stuff? Doesn't matter. He gets back to demolishing the wood as I head over.
As I approach he barely clocks me in, this is going to be a problem if he doesn't sleep, sure he has nightmares and honestly I don't want him getting possessed and attack Armen... but if he doesn't sleep that'll happen anyway and he might not wake for a while... he'll pass out eventually... just got to hope it's not soon. Once next to him he looks up, blinks a couple of times before looking away. I shouldn't say much, I don't want my morning brain to make a fuss before we've even started. I don't feel that angry at him anymore but there's still something that's just making him seem... irritating... sighing I decide to speak. 

"Hey..." I start, head perking back at me, "We need to get going, grab your stuff and please... get some sleep when we next stop."

He rolls his eyes and starts to pack up the little objects. Is he angry at me? I wouldn't be surprised, but still, he could at least say so. Not wanting to bother him anymore I head back, everything's now packed and the fire is nothing but dust. Armen's staring off into the distance, cautiously looking around the trees. I snap him out of it with my footsteps. He gives a quick smile before taking another sly glance back into the distance. Now we wait for Drake... 

"So..." I start, trying to make conversation, "You feeling ok?"

He nods, "Yeah I'm fine."


I quietly sigh, I used to be great at quick conversation's, now I'm like a goldfish who's forgotten all the words. Armen doesn't seem to mind as he stares at Drake, walking towards us with bags draping under his eyes. What a great way to worry us. We give a final check of everything before heading back through the swamp. We avoid the little dips and uneven parts until we get to a cliff side with a stone staircase winding up the side. God it brings back memories to when we were coming out of the Catacombs. Heh, that was truly a weird experience with all those Nightcrawlers, weird talismans, and banners dotted around the place. Looking back at it, Mia was such a nerd whilst we were down there... I hope she's okay. I snap out of it as Drake mutters something. I look in the same direction he's staring at, spotting a empire camp. It's the same one from all that time ago but worn down and ripped to shreds. Drake and I hide behind some rocks and shrubs whilst Armen looks at us confused.

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