Chapter 12

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Trigger Warning: Detailed Self harm. I'll put warnings at the start and end of it if you want to skip it. However there will be talks about it afterwards and mentions to it in the future. You've been warned

Third Person POV:

The young boy rushes off, leaving the two behind in anger and sadness. The only place he can think of going to is the little cave, he feels safe there. He didn't understand why he got all emotional and he hates how he just lashed out like that. Maybe it's just all been building up, bit by bit. He darts into his little hidey hole and halts to a stop. His breathing is shaky, shallow, hands uneasy as he tries to wipe away the tears. He looks at the shiny wall, his reflection is hard to see but the bits that he can see is distorted, demented. He hated it. His hand shakes as he lifts it to his left eye. The bright cyan colours within his eyes reflect off the walls, only for him to see white eyes shining back at him. He staggers back at the sight of it. Fear and anger clouding his mind. He hates it. That stupid eye. He lowers his hand, seeing the dry blood on the glove. Reminding him of that sharp rock. Glancing at it, it's in same place with a small trickle of dry blood stained. He stands there. Staring at it. Almost entranced by it. He picks it up, without thinking twice and holds it in his hand.

⚠️Trigger Warning Starts Here⚠️

I wonder if it's still sharp... maybe I should test it...

He holds up his left arm and stares at it blankly. With the rock aiming down he reaches over and quickly slices at his arm. He flinches back but doesn't make a sound. A wound quickly appears, dripping out blood. Flowing around and down. He just stares at it, ignoring the pain.

Maybe I should try it again...

He does it again. This time it goes in deeper but it's a shorter cut as he realises the pain, suddenly hesitant to go again...


Once more he gently moves the now bloodied rock across a previous cut, now the pains getting to him and he lowers his arm before be could do anymore.  

It doesn't feel right. Why do I still hate it? I just want to get rid of it... it? Oh.

He looks back to the shady reflection. It angers him, God he hates himself... no, that's not quite right, he hates what he's done, and how that's affected his friends. He holds the rock in both hands as he quickly brings it up, above his left eye to the left of it. He stops. The rock pierces the skin, making it bleed down the side of his face. Is this the right thing to do? He doesn't know. However, he wants to see that stupid eye fade out of existence, he doesn't want to look at it ever again. So, he takes a deep breath in and jabs the stone across his eye. He nearly screams but lets out a painful yelp instead. This one hurts, it hurts so much. This was a mistake. He repeatedly screams in his head as the blood leaks out like water. He hit the eye, it hurts, it hurts so much. He wants it to stop. As it seeps over the forever damaged eye, realisation hits him. People will notice. People will ask. Drake might shout at him. His pain turns into worry.

⚠️Trigger Warning Ends⚠️


Finally, once he calmed down, Grayson has a vague idea of what he'll say but firstly, he needs to find him. Armen won't know about the secret room, he also wont be by the teleportation room... realising he'd be near the front Grayson does a quick scan, allowing him to spot the cave that lingers to the side. A quiet yelp pushes his speculation aside as he rushes over, coming to a sudden stop at the sight of blood lingering beneath his friend's feet along whilst also staining a rock near his hand.

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