Chapter 19

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Drake's POV:

I halt my movement as I look around, pondering what I'm doing. I seem to be in a forest, wandering on a grass path. The place seems familiar yet I can't wrap my head around it. I sigh as I carry on; my bare feet graze the soft ground. The air is cool as the pale moonlight shines down upon me. The surround is eerie, quiet. The trees sway in the gentile wind as I come across a worn down building. It's small and rustic with Ivy and vines crawling all over; cracks and splits are in the wood and timber. With one strong gust the whole building could collapse, I hesitate for a bit before heading in. Not the best decision but who cares? Inside there seems to be a small area to the left dressed up like a kitchen. To the right there are seats and a small coffee table.

There are two doors; opening one, it leads to a big bedroom. Instinctively gagging my eyes rest on the sight of blood corrupting the room. The bed is blood soaked and the original blue colour barely shows. The furniture and walls are embedded with scratches, claw marks and dents. Glass shattered and tainted with blood. Slamming the door behind me I hesitate to open the other looming door. Alas, I peek through and to my surprise there's no trace of blood and the whole place looks rather friendly, opening it wider I walk in, it's a childish room with light walls and soft toys littered around. There's a green bed sat in the corner, the covers are tucking in an object. It's not clear as to what it is so I creep over, letting my feet slide along the green carpet. I carefully lower the sheet to find a bouquet of green, lilac and sea blue flowers. There's a note attached to a ribbon saying, 'Sorry for your loss', the rest of the writing is faded, illegible. A table rests next to it, there's picture frame laying upside down alone on the surface. I reach out my hand as I slowly turn it up... on the frame I can see two boys standing together. One has a purple tint over their natural brown hair where as the other has a bright yellow mop, curls spiralling down, their faces are blacked out, making it hard to recognize them. I get a sudden wave of dizziness making me place the frame back down. I swear I know them but... I can't place my finger on it. Nevertheless, I need to get out.

I walk out, my heart pounding and with the world still spinning I continue to walk down the path, chest heavy, movement sluggish. I push through it as I appear before a tunnel heading through slanted hill; it's lit up with lanterns which shows the damaged walls and bloodied floors. The sight of it makes my headache worsen. Head back, there's nothing there... just head home... stupidly I shake off those logical thoughts as I head through, each step makes my sights grow more and more shaky, upon bashing my head on the exit, I gasp for air only making my uneasiness worse. Only seeing in blurs, I wobble onto a spruce bridge, grasping on the ledge in pain; peering down into the dark blue river I spot my reflection staring right back at me with a menacing smile, my body shakes as a sudden chill runs down my spine. It's horrible: The headache. The spinning. The pounding. That sickening feeling that keeps trying to pour out, scorching my throat. Burning my mouth...

"Drake..." I freeze in position, the shaking continues with sudden, overpowering, fear making it fasten. Gulping, I brace myself and I slowly turn around.

Those white eyes glare with pure evil. I stumble back only to trip and fall down to the deep blue prison. Waiting to touch the icy liquid with only the view of that smiling demon looking down at me, somehow disappointed, makes the ringing blasts through my ears like an explosion... everything gets consumed with ocean blue sadness. The coldness... it worsens the headache, making it ten times worse. My eyes feel heavy... maybe I could just close them, for a bit... a weight seems to be dragging me down, my body numbing to the surrounding. I let the air escape me as I close my eyes. A couple of words surround me as I head deeper...

"After all these years... you haven't changed one bit, Collin."

Armen's POV:

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