Chapter 56

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Markus' POV:

Everything hurts. Every breath I take sends a stabbing pain up my spine and the slightest move has to be stopped as my wound yells at me to stop. I don't know how long I've been awake, I can't tell if I've been drifting in and out or if I've been conscious the whole time, I could open my eyes and see what's happening but I'm scared. What if I'm back at the Empire? The second I open my eyes I'd be condemning myself... but by now they would've forced me awake, either with water or fire plus there would be more noise, all I can hear is rain, wind and a singular voice. The decision to open my eyes is accompanied by an abrupt rush of coughing. I can feel something worm its way up my neck but nothing comes out as a hoarse and itchy sensation is left in my neck. With a pained exhale I can see a figure move. 

"Oh! You're awake- took you long enough." It's a soft voice, a gentle yet childish tone.

Blinking a couple times I adjust my sight to the dull surroundings. It's a small cave, the only light source coming from a fire to my left, the entrance seems to be there as a blue hue reflects off the walls as their surfaces seem to glisten. I try to move but my body shuts me down as whatever's lingering in my neck starts to rise again. 

"Ay ay ay! Slow down buckaroo- wouldn't want more blood to come out."

Footsteps echo around me as a figure crouches down to the right. I start to make out small features, bright cyan eyes stand out besides dark brown curly hair.

"Who... are you...?" I can speak, with just those words I feel out of breath, sluggish... maybe I should just go back to sleep.

"Hm? Oh yeah! I'm Freya, I was searching for someone when I stumbled across you." Quickly scrambling to the fire, she picks something up only to hop back to me, "I managed to clean up the wound and it's dried up for the most part, time to time quick spirts of blood comes out which is a bit worrying."

In her hand is a bloodied cloth which is damp from water, possibly an attempt to clean it. She folds it up and holds it to my side. Hissing from it's cold touch I look down, the arrow's stick is still poking out and the shirt around that area has been removed to show a hole with dried blood circled around it, a trickle of fresh blood is coming out the wound.

I move my hands to the stick, they're functional but shaking so much that when I grab the stick I can feel the vibrations through my body. I want it out, every breath I take it moves and lightly grazes my rib, I hate it.

"No! You can't remove it." She quickly interjects, removing my hands, "I've got no idea how deep it's in and unless you've got some amazing power to heal wounds you'll have to wait until we find a healer."

A instinctive sigh is cut short as pain once again rushes through my spine, ""

She nods, returning to the fire, "We're going back to my village, there are magi that can help with the wound." Picking up her bag she walks over to me, "It was the only things I could think of doing."

"But the empire..." I don't know where she's from, if her village is part of the Empire I'm dead, if they aren't, I don't want her to risk the safety of their homes, I don't want to be a burden.

"If those bastards come for us I'll stab them in the side so they run away in pain and agony." There's a small hint of mockery in the hateful statement she's expressed, "Is that where you came from? They shot you in the side?"

I painfully nod.

"Well then, all the more reason the get you all healed up! Once you're stronger you can get revenge on the arsehole who shot you!"

"No- I-"

"They didn't shoot you?"


"Then who shot you?!", I squint at her, she stops and sheepishly looks away, "Sorry- I tend to get riled up when it comes to them. Explain in your own time."

Sighing I clutch my side as I try to adjust into a more comfortable position, "Leon was... he was forced... I hope. Ferox was smiling and-" a sudden cough forces me to stop and gasp for air, "I don't know... it's hard to remember anything..."

"That makes sense, for two weeks you've lost roughly a liter and it's still going." her nonchalant tone almost made me miss the most important words.

"Two weeks?!" I shout instantly regretting as a sudden coughing fit finally forces the warm liquid out of my throat, I can barely see but it's red tint convinces me to avoid more shouting.

"Yeah, I was worried you wouldn't wake up." She chuckles, though her smile stays it turns into concern, "If you don't want to go after the one that hurt you then-"

"He didn't-" I interject, "He... honestly after all the... the things I did, he deserved to shoot me- hell, I wouldn't care if he killed me. I ruined his life..." I know what I did was wrong and I want to make things up to him, but now I see nothing can replace the dead.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder, like a calm punch but Freya's glaring at me and I bet if I wasn't injured that would've hurt a lot more, "Firstly, if you've done god awful things to someone, dying won't fix it and trust me when I say they wouldn't want that either. Secondly, this is a lot of deep and personal gripes I wasn't prepared to learn today, I understand you need to let shit out but save all the mopey sulking when you're able to talk with no raspy gasps in between sentences."

"Sorry." I quietly respond, would Leon really want me alive? I guess I won't know until I ask him... but I doubt I'll ever get to see him again.

Sighing, Freya continues, "Look kid I know life is shit, maybe - if you're still conscious by then - I can offer you some totally legit life counseling, I am not a professional but I have experience and that's all that matters." The sudden change to this friendly tone is weird, but it's nice. However-

"I'm not a kid!" That statement along drains the life from my throat, but I carry on, "I might be- but I'm probably older than you." Admittedly eleven isn't that old, but I'd say she looks around ten... maybe twelve... goddammit she's older than me.

"Well last I checked humans over fifty-six are a rare sight." I nearly choke in surprise, "What? I'm not a kid, I'm nearly sixty, I'll finally be able to get paid for all the loot a find."

Blinking a couple of times I try to clear my vision, "Wait- you're an elf?"

"Duh!" She laughs, "Have you never seen an elf before?"

"Actually, I saw one... I saw one recently." I wish it was possible to take out your throat, it'd make it possible to remove or hydrate these dry and irritating areas.

"You did?!" She gets way to close, and I try to move away, "Ah- sorry- what did they look like?"

"Uh... blonde...? She was... there? I know she's with my... with the thief and some mage?" Thinking back all I can see are black dots like someone burnt areas of a photo.

I can see the disappointment in her eyes, "It's all good." Smiling and chuckling to herself she suddenly stands up, "The rains cleared up."

I try to push myself forward, I can see outside. It's a grey blue with vines covering the entrance, Freya snuffs out the fire before coming over to me.

"Alright, this'll be easier as you're awake, but what I need you to do is hold your hands around my neck whilst I hold your knees, got it?" She explains.

"A... a piggyback?"

"Exactly!" She turns around and crouches down to my level. Painfully I wrap my hands around as my legs get hoisted up, "Ready?" I nod.

"Then off we go!"

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