Fifty Two

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-Pretty Boy-

-even if my heart stops beating-

-you're the only thing i need-

Nobody noticed that Vena was gone the whole night. That morning when she had apparated, she had to promise to Draco she would not make any last minute excursions anymore.

She wondered if she would actually keep her promise though.

The Dark Lord was already making new plans to take control. He discussed strategy in meetings on how to overtake the Ministry, his next step to power.

He planned on killing the Minister of Magic, and then putting another person under the Imperious Curse to take over. The Dark Lord didn't want to actually use any of his Death Eaters or himself as the new Minister.

He believed that he and his followers should not have to be subjected to trivial things such as governmental affairs. Plus, he didn't want to draw attention that he had taken over, even though it would be painfully obvious.

It was supposed to be a discreet uprising while making is painfully clear who was in charge.

So, for the next week, every meeting was spent coming up with plans. Vena, Draco, and her parents just sat there, not giving any input.

Her father only responded when spoken to, like a loyal follower. Nothing like the man that spoke his mind confidently and without any hesitation.

It made Vena sad to see her father in such a state. He was nothing like the man he used to be, and Vena didn't know if he ever would.

And what's worse about it is that Vena knew he still agreed with everything the Dark Lord is doing. He still shares the same beliefs, he's just not confident enough to voice them aloud.

She was so upset that she tried to go inside her mind during the meetings. She hoped that she could kill some time and begin repairing it, but she could never do it.

All that showed up was that white room; not even the wooden door that showed up when she went to Snape had popped up. It was extremely concerning, and Vena had no idea what to do.

She didn't want to go ask Snape again. She's sure he would do it, even if he didn't want to. But she didn't want to ask him.

She was supposed to be a natural born Occlumens. A master of their mind. And Vena was nowhere near that title.

She laid in bed, unable to sleep. All of her thoughts and feelings were bouncing around her uncontrolled mind, keeping her awake.

She was restless, and craved to talk to someone, but she knew that Draco was already asleep.

She knew someone that would be awake at this time, but he was in the middle of the countryside, preparing to destroy the side that she's on.

Merlin, she missed Harry. She would give anything to see him again.

"Anything, huh?"

Vena widened her eyes. She wasn't lying in her bed anymore. She was in her mind, in that white room.

And standing in front of her, was Harry.

He was smirking at her, waiting for her to make any noise of acknowledgement.

"Merlin I'm going crazy," Vena said, unable to grasp the fact that she had created her own dream Harry.

"Maybe. But that's okay," he said innocently.

Forget-Me-Not {Harry Potter}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant