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-Flightless Bird, American Mouth-

-and called for you everywhere-

-have i found you-

"Why did you stay behind and not leave like i told you?" Draco interrogated quietly, as the two were walking down to the Great Hall.

Snape was walking briskly ahead of them, and the twins had to be conscious of their voice level.

"I stayed because I knew you were up to something. I was just curious," Vena said, irritated.

"Well next time I tell you to leave, do it."

"I'm four minutes older than you, Draco. I don't actually have to listen to anything you say. I'm not in the mood for your interrogations, anyway," Vena said rolling her eyes.

"You don't have to be a fucking bitch about it. I told you to leave," he muttered.

Vena glared at him, and slapped his stomach, causing him to flinch. Snape turned around, and glowered at them. The twins sobered up, and Snape slowly turned back around.

The twins did not continue their conversation after that.

Vena hoped that the sorting hat ceremony hadn't started yet. She doesn't think she can withstand the embarrassment at arriving late, with all of the professors and students turning their heads to see who had arrived so late. She hated being late to things, and when she would be late, she would mostly skip the class altogether.

She looked down at her outfit to make sure she had everything in place. She was no longer wore her many, many, black dresses, and instead was wearing her uniform, minus the tie. She never wears the tie.

Sending an internal prayer, Vena sucked in a breath as Snape opened the door. Just her luck, she opened the door to see all of the teachers and students turning their heads to see who had arrived so late.

Snape walked up the middle way to the Professor's table, undisturbed from the stares he received as his cloak billowed after him. The Sorting Hat was in the middle of placing the last couple first years, and Vena and Draco sent identical looks of sneers and glared to anyone who continued to stare.

They exchanged looks to each other before the pair broke off to their respective tables, with Vena seating a couple seats away from Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

Vena sunk into the bench, hoping it would swallow her whole. She hated being late to things for this exact reason. After years of students staring at her as if she were a horrible person, one would think that she was used to it. But she wasn't.

And Vena doesn't think any amount of Occluding could distract her from the looks of her peers.

She wondered to herself why Harry was hiding in the compartment. When did he get there? How much had he heard? How the fuck did Draco know that Harry was there and she didn't?

Did he know something? Did him and his Order know about Draco's task? She hoped he didn't, because he would never be friends with her if he were to find out.

Although their first meeting of the term wasn't like she expected, she felt a surge of joy rush through her when she saw Harry. She missed his smile, and the way he smelled like pine trees.

There were many times over the summer where she would dream that she was in the common room with him again. Sometimes, she would dream what it would be like if she had kissed him.

Vena regretted not doing that last year, despite having two chances to do so. She wished she kissed him, and in her most selfish thoughts, she wished she took him on his offer to hide with the Order.

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