Sixty Four

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-you've got a warm heart-

-you've got a beautiful brain-

Neville had not left the Room of Requirement for nearly two weeks. She could tell that he was restless, and was itching to do something. It took Stella, Ginny, Seamus, and Vena to calm him down from doing something stupid.

As of now, Neville isn't supposed to be in school. No one knew where he should be, as to the rest of the school he disappeared out of thin air. The DA decided that since Neville is essentially banned from school, he should stay in the room at all times.

That way, the older students no longer had to take shifts over staying in the room so it was available to students at all times. However, it wasn't much trouble anyway since many students don't sleep in their dormitory anyway.

The Room of Requirement had become a safe haven for the students. It wasn't only a place to be safe from danger, but it was a comfort to be with so many people.

It was comforting to know that they were all suffering, and they could get through the suffering together.

But with Neville not being able to leave the room at all, that meant that students would have to sneak food out of the Great Hall in order to give it to Neville.

The Room of Requirement was unable to conjure it's own food, and the entrance to the Kitchens were blocked off. Theo, Blaise, and Draco would do this the most, since the Slytherin table had the most food out of the other houses.

Vena assumed it was a form of compliance, as the Slytherins had the most supporters to the Dark Lord, and were therefore rewarded from their loyalty.

The plan had been going great for nearly two weeks, until Amycus came up to Theo asking why he was putting food in his bag.

Vena watched the incident from the Gryffindor table, hoping that nothing would go wrong.

"I'm saving it for later. You know how bears will save up and eat a lot of food to prepare for hibernation? I'm doing something like that," Theo said, not caring that no one talked back to the Carrows like that.

Carrow furrowed his brows in indignation. "Nott, stop putting food in your bag like an animal. I thought you had much more respect and dignity than that."

Vena hoped that Theo wouldn't say anything snarky. The DA didn't need another Neville situation. If Theo were to get in trouble that would also mean that his father would be alerted, and that wouldn't be good for anyone if Mr. Nott knew what happened.

Before Theo vould retort back, Carrow waved his wand and all of the food vanished from every table.

"Dinner's over," Carrow yelled to the whole hall, who was now watching the interaction with their breaths held. "You are all going to go to bed. No wandering."

The Slytherins minus Draco and Blaise all glared at Theo. The other houses all looked disappointed at another, as their table and considerably less food at this was the only time they could eat.

Originally, parents had been sending their children food, including Vena's mother, but all food has been confiscated since early November. The Carrows were a glutton for punishment, and the restriction of food only proved that statement further.

The students fled out of the hall sadly, knowing that it was going to be over twelve hours until breakfast.

Those that were in the DA made their way to the Room, not eager to tell Neville that they had no food to give him. The walked in with their heads hung low, as they knew that Neville was starving and refused to admit it.

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