Twenty Four

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-The Wisp Sings-

-let me sleep-

-i am tired of my grief-

Her father is in Azkaban.

Her father is in Azkaban.

Her father is in Azkaban.

Vena knows why. She saw it in the Daily Prophet, the very next day. It wasn't the greatest way to start off her morning.

She knows he was there trying to steal the prophecy about Harry, and how he threatened to kill all of them in order to acquire it. She knows he was there on behalf of the Dark Lord, and she knows that he did it willingly.She knows her Aunt Bellatrix was there, and that she was the one who killed Sirius. 

She read how the Prophet villianized her father, rightfully so. But the Lucius Malfoy that the whole world knows is drastically different from the Lucius Malfoy that Vena knows.

He loves his family. He may not express it in words or actions, but Vena knows. She knows it by the way he looks at her mother, and she knows by the way he cares for Vena and Draco.

While he pushes his children, it's because he wants them to be the best. He doesn't let anyone get away with insulting his family. He will defend his wife and children until the end of time.

He has let her friends stay over at his house for the whole summer, and even during breaks because their families are simply too much. There were times when Theo's dad and Blaise's mom were too busy drowning in alcohol to take care of their children, so her father did it for them.

He practically raised Theo, and sees him as apart of the family.

Her father may have twisted views, there's no denying it. She's certain that if Vena were to come home one day with a Muggle-born boyfriend, he would throw a fit. But he loves her, and he wants what's best for her.

And now he's not going to be there on the platform to pick Draco and Vena up, it will only be their mother. He won't be there at the head of the table, asking them what they did at school they couldn't express in a letter. He won't be there for her to tell him that she played Quidditch this year and that she won the house cup, and he won't be there to tell him about her exams.

He won't be there, because he's in Azkaban.

And so Vena stayed in the Slytherin dormitories. She snuck into the Gryffindor Tower at mealtimes to grab a couple things every now and then, until she had removed all of her stuff from her dormitory.

She couldn't face Harry and his friends. It's not their fault, she knows this. In their eyes, her father is a monster and he was a villain that needed to be taken down. A chip off their shoulder.

She didn't leave her brother's dormitory, and her and Draco had slept in the same bed like they did as children. Draco would lay in a starfish position while Vena would curl up into a ball at the foot of the bed, like a cat.

They always did this as kids, even if they tried to sleep beside each other. It was comforting to be like that with her brother again.

He wasn't the most affectionate person on the planet, and definitely wasn't a cuddler, but having sleepovers brought Vena back to her childhood. When everything was fine.

She knew that Draco was upset, but he tended to express his sadness as anger. He would snap at everyone, the only exception being Vena.

She knew that Draco knew that Vena was the one to knock all of the Slytherins out that stayed in Umbridge's office. Even though Vena had altered his memories, he somehow figured out that Vena was behind it.

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