5 Years Later

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-Turning Page-

-nothing prepared me for-

-of the privilege of being yours-

If there was one thing Vena hated it would be being late. She hated it when she would walk into a room and everyone would stare at her. The wave of anxiety she would get with the knowledge that she was going to be late. Knowing that everyone else knew she was late too.

It made Vena want to sink into the floor and die of embarrassment.

Which was why Vena wanted to kill Harry. He was going to be the reason why Vena was going to be late for their first day on the job, and she was going to kill him. He was no where to be found.

Vena sent a Patronus out with a very aggressive message, but no response back. She looked at the clock that Molly had gotten her and Harry for Christmas last year, one that replicated the Weasley clock that had the family members locations.

She glared at the clock when it said he was home. Vena was currently in her home at Grimauld Place and Harry was definitely not there, and Vena was going to kill him.

She sent Kreacher to find Harry, but he came back saying that Master had told him not to saying anything. She contacted Ron and Hermione, who had no idea where he was, even though she knew they were lying.

She tried pressing further, and promised Ron that she would poison him again just like she did in sixth year. Instead of being scared, he laughed. Vena hated it how he liked her. It made intimidation tactics much more difficult on him.

She was so desperate that she asked Draco and Stella, who had no clue either. Well, Draco said he had no clue while Stella attempted to keep her mouth shut because she was a horrible liar.

She was going to kill everyone. She had a plan on how she was going to kill everyone, and what order. It was all going to be with her favorite poisons, because yes, she did have a list.

She was going to kill Harry first, and drag it out to intimidate everyone else. Oh she so wanted to kill him with every passing minute she was going to be late.

Well, to be fair, she wasn't technically late. But she wanted to get to Hogwarts early so her and Harry could unpack everything before the Welcoming Feast.

Because today was September 1st, Vena and Harry's first day as the Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts Professors. She wanted to make sure that her classroom was in order, because who knows what strange knickknacks Slughorn had been keeping.

And Vena did not want to walk in late during the Welcoming Feast. She did that in sixth year, and she never wanted to do it again.

And if Harry made her do it again she was going to kill him. Slow and painful death. Vena was looking forward to it.

Poison sounded nice. Maybe she would try recipes she found in a book in the Malfoy family library, one that was in the drafts and had never finished.

Or perhaps the Moonshine Potion, the one she had used for the Oak Mead. Maybe she'll just it it in the Oak Mead and give it to him, just to be spiteful.

She was going to begin brewing whatever poison to her desire if he wasn't going to be home in the next five minutes. No. Make it three.

Vena was an impatient person. She hated waiting. She was a very punctual person with routines, and Harry had disrupted all of them. She was going to kill him.

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