Forty Three

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-i spent all the love I saved-

-we were always a losing game-

Apparently, the worst did happen. Ron was poisoned. Harry told her the next day in the library. Slughorn somehow had a poisoned mead that he was supposed to give to Dumbledore, but never did.

After Slughorn had given Ron the antidote, the three had opened an expensive wine that was originally supposed to be a gift for Dumbledore. And sure enough, that wine was the very one that was intended for Professor Dumbledore.

When Harry told her, Vena tried her hardest to look shocked, and not nervous at the thought of the poisoned mead.

It was because of her, that Ron was poisoned. She looked up the poison in the library, with Harry right next to her. She brewed the potion in between classes, as Draco muttered relentlessly at the cabinet.

The two snuck through Hogsmeade, and used their control over Madam Rosmerta to mix the poison with a nice wine.

This was all on Vena.

While Draco had suggested it, Vena was the one to do the research. She was the one to make it.

It was her fault, just like the curse on Katie Bell was her fault.

Her and Draco's attempts of not using the killing curse on Dumbledore were futile. Death seemed to escape the Headmaster, and the girl had lost all hope in killing Dumbledore indirectly. They couldn't keep doing this. More people were going to get hurt.

She ignored Harry the next few days, unable to look him in the eye. Not after she poisoned his best friend.

He always thought that she was a good person. Despite her family, and he previous views and the rumors about her, he always thought that she was good.

But how can you be a good person when you've spent the whole year attempting murder?

How can you be a good person when you are doing tasks in support of the Dark Lord?

Harry is supposed to be the Wizarding World's savior. He's the one to kill the Dark Lord. What type of person is Vena to do things that will sabotage Harry? What type of person is she to sabotage somebody she has deep feelings for?

She felt ridden with guilt. While Vena knew that this was all a part of the plan to kill Dumbledore, she knew that her and Draco couldn't keep having others be injured in the process. Draco would have to use the killing curse on Dumbledore. It was the only choice.

It's either Dumbledore, or Vena. And Vena wasn't quite sure she would be the one making it out alive.

She felt out of control. Nothing was going the way she wanted, and she needed to regain some control back into her life. She needed to be in control of her mind again.

Her mind was comforting, and it was one of the most sacred things to her. If she didn't have control of her own mind, Vena is positive she won't be strong enough for Draco.

And she has to be. She needs to be.

Now that she was aware of her not having access to her mind, she could feel the blockage in her mind get stronger and stronger. It's been about five days since she realized that she couldn't enter her mind. She needed to do something about it. She needed to go to Snape.

She briskly walked to his office. She couldn't wait. She needed this done today. When she made it to his new office, not the one in the Potions dungeons, she walked in, not bothering to knock.

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