Fifty Seven

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-Bury A Friend-

-what do you want from me-

-why don't you run from me-

Neville wasn't the only one who received a punishment within the first three days of class. Several other students would be seen shaking, or walking funny due to the pain.

It seemed that the younger students and the Muggle-borns were specifically targeted. Younger students were seen crying in the common rooms, and the older ones had to comfort them.

Vena was not one of those older students.

She was the one that the older students told the younger ones to watch out for. She's a Death Eater, after all. She's dangerous.

It didn't help that the Carrows had forbidden Madam Promfrey from giving out healing potions, and she was only ever used for massive injuries.

Which meant that Madam Promfrey received no patients, as the Carrows believed no injury was too major for professional attention.

The punishments were brutal. And they didn't just use the Cruciatus Curse. Vena saw a group of second years in the hallway, with cuts and bruises all over their faces.

She had no idea what happened in the Carrow's classes with the other years, but it certainly wasn't good. And if they weren't going to receive any treatment from Madam Promfrey, that meant that it would scar horribly.

Vena had no idea what to do about it. She doesn't think that she can even do anything about it. She has to keep a low profile, and not draw too much attention on herself as a Blood-traitor.

She can't put Draco and her parents into her mess, just because she wants to be a good person all of a sudden. She didn't know what to do, and she was out of control. And it sucked.

Even though she was Head Girl, she doesn't feel like she has any power. She's the daughter of a Death Eater, and she has no power.

The Carrows are the real one in charge of the school, and everyone else is expected to listen to them.

And if Vena can't use her authority, then she isn't really useful at all. The only thing she is good at is making Potions.

Damn. Vena is so dumb.

Maybe being good at Potions is the only answer. Her chance to prove herself useful. If she could make potions, healing potions, then it would be a vast improvement for the students.

It was too bad that the Carrows are checking every mail, or else she could've bought ingredients. And if she still had Madam Rosmerta under the Imperius Curse, which she doesn't anymore, than she could've gotten her to buy the ingredients.

All Vena needs is a supplier. And luckily, she might be able to have one. If she could use the pity and and terrified card.

The following day, Vena had double Potions. It was the perfect time to ask Slughorn for a couple of ingredients for "extracurricular activities." She hoped that he would comply, as he was very cowardly and scared of her, so Vena had a feeling she would pull through.

When she entered the class, she was shocked to how few students were in the class. She had thought that all classes were compulsory, as Vena had a full schedule. But it seemed like it wasn't, only Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies being required.

The class size was considerably smaller, with Harry, Ron, and Hermione gone. The twelve person class was now reduced to nine, which made a vast difference in the class size.

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