Fifty Nine

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-O Children-

-maybe that train will wait for me-

-i once was blind but now i see-

Vena's rush of adrenaline came rushing down as soon as she hit her bed

. She dreamed of Harry, in a field of forget-me-nots. Thankfully, Vena knew that this was a dream and not in her mind. She was still weirded out with the fact that she had a made up version of Harry in her mind.

The two laid in the flowerbeds together, staring up at the stars. Or at least, Harry was looking at the stars. Vena was looking at him.

He looked happy, and his eyes weren't plagued with the pressure of the whole Wizarding World.

He turned his head, looking back at her. "What is it, Vi?"

Vena smiled. She liked hearing him call her Vi. It's only happened a few times in real life, but she never minded hearing him say it. "Nothing, just admiring the view."

"The view is in the sky. We're supposed to be looking at the constellations," Harry said.

"I know. But the view I'm looking at is much better," Vena grinned cheekily.

Harry smiled, that special smile just for her. He had that look in his eyes. The one that he had since fifth year. The one that showed how much he loved her.

"You're pretty okay to look at too."

"Just okay?" Vena said, acting offended.

Harry laughed. His beautiful laugh. Vena would never get sick of hearing it. "Yeah, just okay."

Vena turned her head, looking at the sky. She saw the Ursa Major family of constellations. It had Draco and Canes Venaciti.

She liked having the stars her and her brother were named after looking down at her, with Harry right next to her. It was comforting.

"I hate you," she said jokingly.

"I love you too," Harry replied.

Vena turned her head back at him. "I hate it when you do that."

Harry pretended to look shocked. "Do what?"

"When you say that. You know that I'm waiting to tell you in person."

Harry caressed her cheek. "Just because you can't say it doesn't mean that I can't. I love you, so I'm going to tell you that."

Harry leaned in to kiss her forehead. Vena relished the feel of his lips on her skin, and smiled when he kissed the tip of her nose.

He was leaning in closer to reach her lips until she was pulled out of her dream.

She woke up thrashing in bed, her head pounding. She had no idea what was wrong, besides the fact that her arm was in an indescribable pain.

She screamed in pain at the abruptness of it all, and felt tears forming in her eyes. She wiped her tears away, but it seemed to only get wetter. And whatever was on her hand didn't feel like tears.

She blinked the tears away, looking at her fingers, and saw black blood. She widened her eyes in horror, and looked further down her arm to see it caked in black.

Her vision started to adjust to the light, and she saw that her bedsheets were soaked in her black blood. It was still pooling from her arm, and it looked like it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

Forget-Me-Not {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now