Forty Four

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-Only Angel-

-when it turns out that she's a devil-

-in between the sheets-

Vena was riddled with secrets and guilt, and Harry had no idea. He had no idea, because she took away his memories. It was hard to see Harry look at her so innocent and happy, unaware that she will die at the end of the year.

Vena knew it was the right decision though. Harry was too impulsive and acted on his emotions. Harry isn't the type of person to sit on the sidelines. He always had to do something.

It was difficult, pretending that everything was fine. She had to smile and laugh with Harry as if she were not the person who was behind poisoning Ron. She had to pretend as if she didn't take her... something's memories away.

A week after she had taken Harry's memory away, it was the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff game. It would've been fine, if Ron wasn't in the hospital anymore.

Instead, Mclaggen was the substitute, and Vena was going to rip her hair out. She had little patience to begin with, and she was at her wits end with Mclaggen.

The practices leading up to the game was stressful for Vena. Not because she was nervous or anything, but because she had to spend three hours with McLaggen, who thought he was going to be the next Viktor Krum. It was nauseating.

To make matters worse, Harry was nowhere to be found ten minutes before the match started. The rest of the team was there, and they had to listen to McLaggen's speech.

She hated him so much that she would rather of listened to Angelina's speeches from last year. And she hated Angelina's speeches.

"Tricky conditions!"McLaggen said to the team. "Peakes, Malfoy, you'll want to fly out of the sun, so they don't see you coming-"

"Please shut the fuck up," Vena snapped at him.

"Now now, Malfoy, Potter isn't here so I thought it would be good to step up-"

"I'm the Captain, McLaggen, shut up giving them instructions," said Harry angrily. "Just get up by the goal posts!"

Once McLaggen walked over to the goal posts, Harry turned to Justin and Vena. "Make sure you do fly out of the sun," he mumbled.

"Yep," she said, trying to make her voice sound like she wasn't in much of a pissed off mood than she felt. McLaggen really got on her nerves.

Vena and Justin walked to their spots as Harry spoke to the Chasers. Once they got to their spots, Harry shook hands with the Hufflepuff Captain, Zacharias Smith, and at Madam Hooch's whistle, the players flew in the air.

She kept on the lookout for Bludgers, hitting them in the direction of Hufflepuffs.

"And that's Smith with the Quaffle," a dreamy voice echoed.

Vena looked over at the stands.

No way.

"He did the commentary last time, of course, and Ginny Weasley flew into him, I think probably on purpose, it looked like it. Smith was being quite rude about Gryffindor, I expect he regrets playing them..." Luna said, the newly appointed commentator.

This was perfect. Vena hoped that McGonagall would never replace her.

She was pulled away from her amusement of the new Quidditch commentator, as a Bludger had nearly taken her out.

The Bludger circled back towards her, and she hit it in the perfect arc, making Smith lose the Quaffle. She smirked. Bloody fucker.

As she circled around the pitch, guiding the Bludgers the way she wanted them to, Luna's commentary was still heard in the background.

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